Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"That looks great," Rachel said as she and Autumn helped me pick out clothes for my date, since they have been on dates before, they knew what the hell to wear and gave me tips on, what not to do.

"Are you sure?" I mumbled looking down at myself, I was wearing dark blue tight pants with a snakeskin faux belt, black spaghetti strap shirt and a light blue leather jacket that said High Voltage, Hollywood on the back with a skull, which is what our tattoo shop is called.

"It looks good, rocker chick meets sexy something," Autumn said then looked at Rachel. "What's the sexy something; it's like, sexy stripper or something."

"I look like a stripper?" I asked wide eyed, I looked back down and ran over to the nearest mirror, which was on the back of my door.

"You don't look like a stripper," Rachel said sighing as she narrowed her eyes at Autumn, who shrugged and started playing with her shirt hem. "You look great, you have thirty minutes."

"We need to go down to the shop then," I said as Rachel walked after me, see Rachel, Autumn and I live above the tattoo shop; mom and dad live not even a mile away.

"Yeah, we have to get down there so you can get you're swerve on!" Autumn said doing a weird little dance.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't see that, to keep me from being tormented mentally," I said pointing at her; she stopped and nodded solemnly before walking after me.

We walked down the steps talking about Rachel's first date, laughing about how messed up it was, when I seen the front door open, Jimmy walked in, looking really, really handsome, or sexy as some call it. "Well I'll be damned, he cleans up nice," Autumn commented, nudging me forward.

I turned around and gave a sharp, narrow eyed look to her, before I walked over to him; he smiled and looked me up and down. "Sorry I'm early, I figured I'd come by and see what you were up too," he said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"It's okay, I just got done getting ready, we can hang around here or go, it doesn't matter to me," I said smiling as I stuck my hands in my jacket pocket.

"I don't mind either," he said smiling, I went to say something, just when something in the shop dropped and shattered.

"I didn't do it!" Rachel and Autumn yelled at the same time, I turned around and glanced at them both standing opposite from one another holding their hands up in defense as they stared at the glass around their feet.

"Let's go," I said pulling Jimmy's hand, walking out the door.

"Bye Kayci!" they yelled as I closed the door, I waved through the glass and walked down the sideway with Jimmy, silent but not awkward.

He broke the silence by chuckling softly; I looked up to see him staring at me. "Like you're jacket," he commented, I smiled and softly thanked him before it went silent once again. "I thought we'd go to this amazing Italian restaurant up here, it's called Mama's," he explained smiling

"I love Italian, I think I've heard of it," I said as we reached his car, it was a black mustang, 1967 model I believe.

"I love you're car," I said smiling as he opened the door and let me in, I blushed and thanked him before he walked over to his side and got in.

"Thanks," he said smiling over at me, he started the car and the engine purred, making Jimmy grin and put it in drive. "Ready?"

"Yeah," I said smiling as he took off, making the engine rev, no pun intended, well maybe just a little.

We reached the restaurant in no time, Jimmy parked down the third isle and got out, walking over to my side and opened the door, holding out his hand for help, I reached up and grabbed his hand and pulled myself out. "This place is so homey looking," I said smiling as I glanced around the room with interested eyes.

"I love this place, all the people here are really nice," he said smiling "It's like home."

The hostess walked over holding two menus and showed us to a two seat table, the light was dim and it looked like Italy at night, I should know, I visited Italy on a family vacation for two days; the table was set with two wine glasses, two plates, silverware, and a red tablecloth. "Here are your menus," the hostess, who Jimmy called, Franny.

"Thank you," Jimmy and I said; smiling politely at her, she smiled before nodding and walking away.

"I know her from school," he explained randomly, I looked up and smiled. "Her family owns the restaurant; they are true Italians so it's really amazing here."

"I don't think I've ever ate real Italian," I said smiling thoughtfully.

"Well now you will, and you can thank me for that," he said laughing as he closed his menu.

"Well of course," I said laughing as I looked back down at the menu, only one thing stuck out to me and I know I would be obviously dirty after eating spaghetti. "What should I get?"

"I suggest the raviolis they are great," he said smiling

"I'll have that then," I said closing my menu; he smiled and looked up at Franny as she walked back over holding a notepad and pen.

"What can I get you two?" she asked smiling

"Two raviolis please," Jimmy ordered "Anything else?"

"Do you have Fanta?" I asked

"Grape and Apple," she said nodding

"Can I get grape Fanta?" I asked smiling

"Of course, alright so two raviolis, a grape Fanta and the usual Jimmy?" she asked

"Yeah, diet coke?" he said smiling

"Alright, it'll be done shortly," she said smiling as she walked away.

"She's nice," I said smiling, looking back at Jimmy he nodded staring at me. "I have to much make up on don't I? I told Rachel that she pu-"

"No, no you look gorgeous," he said laughing "That's why I'm staring, I'm sorry."

"Oh," I said blushing as I looked down at my hands "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said laughing as he reached over the table and touched my face, making me look up. "Don't hide you're face, its way to beautiful to do that."

"You need to stop complimenting me, I'm red as a tomato right now I guess," I said laughing

"I'm not going to lie, you are pretty red in the face, but it's cute," he said retracting his hand, putting it beside him in his lap. "So, how old are you?" Jimmy asked smiling

"I'm twenty one, how old are you?" I asked as I grabbed the napkin beside me and placed it in my lap.

"I'm twenty six, now I feel old," he said laughing as I grinned and blushed, older men, what is it? I'm attracted to older men!
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