Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

The date ended around eleven, after eating, talking forever, driving to the park, talking more, that's where we were right now. "Yeah I was dating someone, it was very serious, but we broke up, kind of mutual, she wanted someone there all the time, I wanted someone who realized I couldn't be there all the time, I loved her though," Jimmy explained

"I'm sorry," I said softly "I know that must have been hard."

"It was, but everything's fine now, she's dating someone now and we talk whenever we see one another, it's not that awkward to tell you the truth," he said shrugging

"Well that's good, at least you can speak peacefully, my sisters ex and her hate each other, it was kind of funny; Rachel, Autumn and I were walking down the sidewalk and they saw each other, needless to say I had to bail Rachel out of jail for assault," I said laughing

"Oh God," he said laughing "I would have paid to have seen that."

"I was fortunate, poor Autumn got punched in the face by accident, Rachel went to punch Eric her ex and he ducked when Autumn went to get Rachel away, and she right hooked her in the eye," I said laughing "I stood back and watched."

"You're so bad, you could have helped," he laughed

"Could, but didn't, he needed his ass beat," I said laughing

"You're parents get pissed?" he asked pulling me sideways into his jacket, it was getting chilly as we set on the hill watching the stars.

"No, they threw her a party, literally," I said nodding

"You're kidding me? They threw her a party for going to jail?" he asked laughing "You're parents are awesome!"

"Well he deserved it and my mom is one of those moms that congratulate you when you probably shouldn't be congratulated," I said laughing "but we love her nonetheless."

"So, she congratulates at wrong times?" he asked

"Kind of, she congratulated my aunt for her pregnancy at their friends funeral and went all apeshit when she found out," I said laughing at my mothers antics.

"Wow, now I love your mom," he said laughing; he leaned up and looked down at me. "Should I take you back or wait?"

"I like this, if you don't mind, I'd like to wait," I said blushing, hopefully the darkness covered that, he looked down at me and moved his left hand to the back of my head, he pulled me forward slowly and kissed my lips tenderly.

I pulled away and blushed once again. "Sorry," he said smiling

"No, no, I'm sorry," I said giggling at myself, I lifted my head back up and gave him a short, gentle kiss before I stood up. "We can go now."

"You were waiting for that weren't you?" he asked smirking; he stood up and brushed the back of his pants off as he held out his hand for me to take.

"Possibly," I said grinning, he chuckled and ran for the car, I laughed and ran after him, and after all he was pulling me along.

Right as he parked in front of the shop, I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Would you like to go out again?" he asked smiling

"I'd love too, you got my number, call me," I said smirking as I opened the door to get out.

"Wait!" he said grabbing my hand as he leaned across the seats, I looked back and he smiled pulling me into him for a kiss, he let go and I smiled, shutting the door, I walked slowly to the door and opened it to see Rachel laying on the couch, Autumn laying on the desk and mom sitting at her station.

"Oh!" Autumn said seeing me; she fell off the desk that she balanced herself on and stood up, running over to me. "How'd it go?"

"Oh Kayci's back!" Rachel yelled jumping up, running over to me, mom looked up and walked over in a fast pace.

"Spill child," mom said walking me over to the couch, she sat me down and kneeled in front of me with interested eyes.

"Where's dad?" I asked looking at the shop.

"Made him go home early, now tell us what happened!" Mom said frantically

"I had my first kiss," I said blushing

"Oh you so abandoned the first date rule!" Autumn yelled laughing

"No, well yeah I did, but it felt right, he's so sweet, and relaxed it was amazing, he took me to an Italian restaurant then the park where we watched the stars and talked to each other about our past, it was special," I gushed, making them all sigh dreamily, Rachel was seated to my right beside me, mom was now leaned against my legs, her arms folded on my lap as she watched me talk, Autumn was on my left watching carefully.

"He sounds so sweet, what did he say about his past?" Mom asked

"He told me he used to be in love with a girl, but they broke up, but they still talk to each other when they see one another on the street, she's dating someone and they all still talk, he also told me about his band and the guys I met, and just random things, he loves you mom because you are weird," I said laughing

"He loves me?" she asked shocked

"Because you congratulate at the wrong time and he thinks that's awesome," I said laughing

"That boy has officially won my heart," she said putting her hand over her heart. "You're seeing him again right?"

"I don't know, he's supposed to call me," I said shrugging

"Well let us hope right?" Rachel said smiling as they all hugged me.

"Kayci got her first kiss, Kayci got her first kiss," Autumn sang as we locked up the shop.

"I'm staying in the spare bedroom," Mom exclaimed randomly "I don't feel like driving home."

"Okay mommy," Rachel said bouncing up the stairs, Autumn on her heels; mom walked up to me and swung her arm around my shoulders, while smiling.

"My baby girl is growing up," she said happily "How old is this boy by the way?"

"Twenty six," I said walking up the stairs with her.

"Not very much older, but you know what I always said, age is just a number," she said shrugging.

"That's the way," I said nodding as we reached the top step; I closed the door to the stairs and locked it before mom went to her bedroom, but not before kissing all of our heads.

"Night Kace," Rachel and Autumn said as they fought over the remote control, guess they were staying up.
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