Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"James?" Kassie said walking into the shop, I put the tattoo gun down and explained to the customer that I would be right back, before I walked over to her.

"What?" I asked leaning against the counter, she smiled and handed me a paper. "What's this?"

"A guy named Perry handed it to me and said hand it to the hot chick over there," she said pointing to my station.

"Oh," I said looking down at the paper. "I'm kind of, seeing someone, well, I think."

"That guy Autumn told me about? Um…Jimmy something," Kassie said leaning against the counter as well.

"Yeah," I said blushing "He hasn't called yet though, but we just went out last night."

"He'll call if what Autumn said went on, he will definitely call," Kassie said nodding "But I have to go sweets, dad wants me to see the new design and tell him what he thinks."

"Alright, love ya," I said hugging her, she waved to Rachel and Autumn before leaving the shop, I turned around and walked over to Rachel, who was about to pierce some guys nipple, why someone would cause some much pain to themselves makes no sense to me.

"Hey," she said as I sat down beside her.

"Some guy gave me this," I said tossing her the paper; she read it as she pulled on her gloves.

"What does he look like?" she asked popping her glove; I shrugged and grabbed the paper back.

"I don't know, Kassie gave it to me, said that some guy outside told her to do it," I said shrugging

"Could be a psycho killer, don't call him."

"I don't think I would anyway, I want to go out with Jimmy again," I whispered so only she could hear, she giggled and shook her head as she walked to the man.

"I think you should go out with him again, he's sweet," she said smiling

"How would you know, you didn't even meet him?" I said raising my left eyebrow.

"Well, one he's at the door holding roses and two you went out with him so he's got to be sweet," she said pointing at the door, I turned around and smiled as I seen Jimmy at the door, talking to Autumn.

I stood up and walked over to the counter and leaned against it. "What are you two talking about?" I asked grinning, they both looked up and smiled, although Autumn was more of a playful You're boyfriend's talking to me look.

"Just how I was going to ask you out again tonight if you didn't have anything to do," he said smiling as he lifted the roses and handed them to me. "These are for you."

"Aw thank you, I've never had roses unless I was sick and that's usually from family members," I gushed smelling them, I looked back up and smiled "Thank you Jimmy."

"You're welcome, so how about that date?" he asked grinning

"I would love too, only one problem, I have to stay until nine because the singer of Escape the fate is coming in for another tattoo," I said sympathetically

"I can wait," he said smiling as he leaned over the counter and kissed my lips swiftly before he pulled away and smiled, seeing me blush he laughed. "I like it when I make you blush."

"I can tell, you see me blush quite often," I said laughing as Autumn giggled and walked away in a fast pace towards Rachel, possibly to giggle and tell her about me and Jimmy.

"It's cute," Jimmy said shrugging as he walked around the counter desk to beside me. "I know we just went on one date, but I like you a lot, could you consider being my girlfriend?"

"That was so seventh grade," I said giggling, but I nodded nonetheless.

"I know, I'm not very graceful when it comes to talking to girls or anything," he said shrugging; he grinned and kissed my forehead. "I'll be over here reading stuff."

"You can come and talk to me while I tattoo people," I said grabbing his arms before he walked off.


"Well, he's not ridiculously handsome, but he's not completely fugly either," Rachel explained as we, meaning Rachel, Autumn, mom and I laid on the couches in the tattoo shop, talking about Jimmy.

"Well, I think he's handsome," I explained as they all shrugged.

"If it floats you're boat," Mom said shrugging at her comment "Just make sure it doesn't sink it either."

"I don't ever get you're analogies mom, seriously you make no sense!" Autumn said flailing around like a chicken with its head cut off.

"I don't either but, I usually just nod and smile," Rachel said looking up at the ceiling as she lay out on her back.

"I agree," I said laughing as mom stood up and laid beside me, she laid her head on my shoulder and whined.

"All my children have grown up, I feel so old," she mumbled burying her face in my hair.

"You're not old mommy," Autumn said standing up, she walked over and laid on my legs, putting her head on my knees, Rachel nodded and laid at my and mom's head.

"I think time is just taking its toll," Rachel explained as she began playing with mom's hair. "We're losing time and all we have to do is tattoo and sleep."

"I have a boyfriend now, I have one more thing on the agenda," I explained as I raised my hand in the air, that's when the door was knocked on. "Speak of said boyfriend."

"Is he here?" Rachel asked turning over

"Yeah, but I can't get up, go let him in," I whined as mom rolled over and laid on top of me, her back on my chest, Autumn rolled on my legs and that didn't feel good, both of them laying on me like I was the couch.

"Okay, Kayci is being squished by her mother and sister, nothing new huh?" Jimmy asked Rachel.

"Not really, excuse me," Rachel said walking over and sat on Autumn's legs so now there was more weight.

"Oh, I'm dying," I whined, Jimmy walked over and grabbed my hands, pulling me from underneath them, they all fell to the couch and pouted. "Thank you babe."

"No problem, but you may have to save me, they look rabid," Jimmy said hiding behind me, which was kind of hard considering how tall he is, and how short I am.

"They won't hurt you," I said nodding, did I mention that we've been dating two weeks, he comes in every day and sees me and the family, my dad actually really likes him, which is strange because he hated all my sisters boyfriends.

"Okay, wait ask them," he said pushing me in front of him, using my hips to guide me over to them, they still were laid out on the couch, staring at us soundlessly.

"Are you going to hurt Jimmy? Becausehe I would like to know," I asked sweetly, they shook their heads and stood up, grabbed his hands and pushed him on the couch before they jumped on him. "Dog pile I'm guessing."
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