skys story

chapter 2


Sky went back to her room. She shut the door behind her so as not to be disturbed by penny. Sky caught sight of herself in the mirror she had next to the doorway. She studied herself in the reflection. Her hair was once cut short, but she had not been able to afford a haircut for a while so it had grown long and out of shape. He hair was dyed black, and it did not suite her. But she did not want to look pretty, She wanted to look tough and carefree. As if to hide the pain and turmoil she was feeling inside. She noted with exasperation he acne was getting worse. He eyes were the only thing that hinted that under the messy hair and pimply face that there was a pretty young woman waiting to burst free. She worked her way through the messy room and flopped on the bed. She lay there for a while staring at the wall before sitting up and grabbing her sketch book. She rolled on to her stomach and started flipping through the pages till she found a blank one. Sky would often immerse herself for hours on end drawing. She reached over to her bed side table and grabbed one of many led pencils that sat there waiting for her to use. She started drawing

It was the simple things in her life that made her smile. Most girls her age would giggle about boys or jump around excitedly about some consent they had tickets to. But not sky. Simply siting in the cool shade of a tree was like entering another world to her, a more peaceful one, one where she didn't have to worry about judgement or anything else of the sorts. Sky always enjoyed trying to take in every little detail of the natural world that she encountered even tho it was almost impossible. Most every day people look at a dead tree and see exactly that, a dead tree. But when sky saw a dead tree she considered it a work of art. Nothing gave her more pleasure than simply sitting in the suns warmth and watching the little hopping birds search for their next meal. Stoping to admire natures wonders would help change sky's perspective on whatever was getting her down at the time. There were many times when sky had lived at her family's place of residence that her and her mother would get in to an argument and sky would run out of the house tears streaming down her cheeks and climb up a tree. It was her way of escaping the conflict. It wasn't until after she had sorted her head out would she get down and attempt to fix the point of conflict, which generally meant taking the blame for whatever had happened her fault or not. It was the only way to bring peace in the house, take the blame and whatever punishment followed suite.

An hour later there was a loud bang on her door, it was penny. "Dinners ready" she called. "ok be there in a second" sky called back quickly so as not to give penny a reason to open the door and yell at her for letting her room get so messy. Sky slowly worked her way to the kitchen dragging her feet. She wasn't hungry but she knew if she didn't make an attempt to eat something penny would get on her back about her depression, and that's the last thing she needed. Sky walked into the old farm style kitchen. She glanced at what was on the table before moving over to stand in fount of the wood fire combustion heater. Sky cringed the meal penny had prepared it was the same meal she prepares every night. Shepherd's pie. And not even a nice tasting shepherd's pie. It was bland tasteless and rather hard to stomach in sky's opinion. After a few minutes everyone entered the kitchen and took a seat. Sky sat across from the other tenant. An 18 year old lesbian, a butch bitch. Piercings everywhere constantly talking about tattoos and heavy metal bands. Quite frankly the girl scared the hell out of her. Sky kept her head down during the meal and pushed her food around the plate trying to hide the fact that she didn't eat all that much. As soon as someone had finished there plate she got up and started clearing away the finished dishes. It took her about half an hour to clear all the plates and stack the dishwasher. She did this in silence occasionally stoping to answer a text message from Jeffery or another person she had never met in real life but was close to all the same. The others sat around the table watching the tiny TV screen at the end of the kitchen. Sam, penny's husband snorted at some stupid ad on TV then got up from the old wooden chair, "Good night everyone" there was a chorus of "good night" in reply. Sky said "I'm going to go to bed to see you all tomorrow" there was no reply and sky snuck out the room quickly.

Sky was woken by the most ungodly nose, her alarm clock. "awh fuk off you pice of fuking shit." Shed mumble in first thing in the morning voice. "gimme five ok? Il promise I'll get up then" she would groan as if in pain as she would extend her arm out and slap the alarm clock on to snooze. This would occur five or six times until she would realise she had five minutes till her school bus was due to arrive. Then sky would sit up as fast as a lightning bolt rush around like a headless chicken grabbing her gear for school brushing her teeth and shoving on her uniform. "fuk fuk fukim gonna be late!" she would screech as she power walked down to the bus stop at the end of the street. Sky never once missed the bus. No matter how fine she cut it.

Once down the bus stop sky would plonk her ass down on the bench and rip out a cigarette and take as many puffs as she could before the bus arrived. On she'd trot on to the bus on to her usual seat three rows from the front. It was an 8 minuet bus ride to and from her school and sky would always take full advantage of the precise 8 minutes to continue that broken yet somehow deeply satisfying sleep. Sky woke with a start for what seemed like the billionth time when all the other school kids were rushing past her to get off the bus. "Why the hurry? I mean its school for god sakes" she would mumble to herself as she let everyone pass. "cheerz Joe" shed call to Joe the bus driver as she flung herself off the bus and headed to the school's library. Walking through the sea of kids in blue made her feel annoyed, she didn't like feeling like just another school kid. Sky flicked up her collar roughed up her hair and slandered over to the bag racks next to the library door. "Sky!" a familiar voice called. "Caddapilla!" sky called back. This was her usual greeting with the crooked teeth best mate Tray. Tray had acquired the nick name caddapilla due to the big bushy mono brow sprouting across his forehead. Others had called him this before but it never really stuck until sky hardly knowing tray found out it was his birthday at a street fair and ran up to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss in front of his family and yelled happy "birthday caddapilla! Remember adventure before dememture!" they had been mates ever since. "Ready for school?" Caddapilla quizzed at sky. Sky threw a gear of daggers in return. "Take that as a no" caddapilla replied. They both cracked up laughing the way only best friends could. A shrill scream was heard all over the school and a sea of blue bodies started to split in all different directions. Year 8s upstairs year 9s towards the back of the school year 10s towards the art blocks year 11s in the computer rooms and year 12s in the open space units. Sky and tray head of to there respected home groups. They were in the same direction. Tray mumbled "princess bitch face alert" and Sky's jaw locked instantly.