Status: Going to be working hard on it.

She Doesn't Get It

Chapter 2

We stopped at Mc donalds to get some food for the long drive. I was too excited to eat, so I just got a large Dr.Pepper and a small fry. This long drive was not helping my excitement at all. Every few minutes I had the urge to just jump out of the car, but we were going 80mph. I think it would hurt if I jumped out of the car.

We were staying at a hotel after the show because my mom would be to tired to drive back. I didn't care so much about the hotel now. This show wouldn't get off of my mind. The only way I could get it off my mind was too sleep. Headphones in, sunglasses on. See you in four hours Buffalo.

I woke up as soon as we got to the hotel. Perfect timing. This hotel had a pool, I'm usually fond of pools at hotels but for some reason I didn't care so much this time. After checking in I headed up toward the room while my mom went back out to the car to get her stuff. Once I reached the room, I put the keycard in and opened the door. Ah... I felt the cold air from the air conditioner.

I put my stuff down on my bed, than wen't into the bathroom to fix my makeup. The door opened and it was my mom. "Can we just leave now please mom. We have to be there early before any fans." "Lace, let me just put my stuff down and than we can head out." I wanted to leave now, I walked over to my bags, grabbed the piece of paper with the songs on it. One last look, It was either Amy or She Doesn't Get It. "You ready now Lacey?" "Yuup!"

I darted out into the lobby, and ran as fast I as I could to the car. My dream was happening now. The hotel wasn't to far from the venue, maybe like 5 minutes not even. Before I knew it we were driving into the parking lot of the venue. "Is this really happening right now?"

Quickly, I got out of the car and my mom went to go talk with a few people working the venue. Before I knew it one of the guys was walking over to me. "Your Lacey right?" "Yes I am."
"Zach has been waiting awhile now for you." I looked over at my mom, "See mom I told you."
"So basically, you get to stay backstage most of the night and get side stage for the rest of the show." "Really? That would be awesome." "Are you sure you will be okay by yourself?"
"Mom, I'm fine, and I'm not going to be alone, I'm going to be with Zach most of the night so don't worry about it." Just text me if you need me." "Okay Lacey, I don't know about this." I turned around and yelled back. "I'm fine mom. I love you." "Love you Lace." she yelled back.

I was ready for this. The moment I had been waiting for was finally here. I was ascorted backstage. The halls were dark, damp, and had a wierd smell to them. Definitely a way to work your nerves up. The guy opened a door and there was Zach, sitting down. Brightest. blue eyes, perfect hair, cutest smile. What do I say, what do I say? I couldn't speak, the love of my life was right in front of me. I had all this stuff planned out that I was going to say but now it just went away. My throat instantly went dry.