Status: working on it give me a break

What is a Guardian Angel?

Starting over

It had been best for me to leave that town. Wasn't hard, my father owned an oil company down south so he had money. But when i was four he cheated on my mom and took off. He still loved me so whenever i wanted to move to a new place i just gave dear old dad a call and tell him some stupid reason for wanting to move.

As for my mom who knew where she was. After things went bad she ended up getting into drugs. Most of my childhood was spent at my grandmother's place. My mom would pop in and out. She would show up clean and last for a few weeks then start up again and vanish.

The day i turned sixteen i asked my dad for an apartment far away from my god loving grandmother who once a week drug me to church and froce me "confess my sins". Yup she was highly against my belief in wicca. Ah i can still hear her voice yelling about how i was doing the devils work and i was going to hell just like my damned mother. Nice family right?

Its whatever tomorrow i would start 11th grade in a new town. I'd stick to the shadows so to say and keep my head down. If there was a coven in this town i'd find them in good time. But the important thing was to avoid asking questions. Questions meant drawing attention to myself and whatever coven there maybe here. If they arent an open coven its most likely for a good reason.

I walked over to the window and looked out. Outside over looked a park and on the other side of that park? town hall and the police department. Yup my idiot dad got me a place dead center of this town. I really needed to have a chat with him about what secluded meant.

Oh well it didnt matter after all i might not stay here long at all. The important thing for tonight is to do a little studying, pray to the goddess, and get some sleep that way im ready for whatever I have to face tomorrow