I've Loved You Since the Very First Day

When You Wish Upon A Star...

Elle looked out the window at the road sign, "30...kilometers!?" she half exclaimed to her best friend, "man this country messes me up."
Morgan laughed, "me too, but I think the game will be worth it!"
"Me too, I'm so excited," Elle sighed.
"I know, you've only been going on about it since we bout the tickets," Morgan laughed.
Elle sat back i her seat, she still couldn't believe she was finally going to see the Pittsburgh Penguins. She had been a fan for as long as she could remember, going to see them play was one of many things she wanted to complete before she turned twenty, and it looked like it was coming true.
"So it's what, noon righ now?" Morgan interrupted her thoughts.
Elle glanced down at her phone, " yeah, about noon."
" So, I'm thinking we should stop when we get into the city and get some lunch, I'm starving."
Elle felt her stomach grumble with hunger, "sounds perfect to me."
"Great! Then to the hotel to check in and get ready for the game, right?"
"That would be correct."
Within an hour the two girls were in Winnipeg, eating at a nearby Subway resteraunt.
"So, Elle, do you know where we're going?" Morgan laughed, as they got back into the car.
"Well, we have GPS, so I'm not entirely worried?" Elle half questioned.
"You know that a GPS isn't really that helpful most of the time."
"Yeah, I know, but I'm a girl, I'm not afraid to ask for directions!"
Forty-five minutes, five wrong turns, and a few helpful locals later the girls were walking into their hotel room.
"Nice work Elle," Morgan complimented.
"What can I say? I probably should be a travel agent instead of a Music Teacher!"
"Somehow I don't think you'd enjoy that job as much."
"Somehow I think you're probably right."
"I'm going to go take a shower, what are you wearing for the game?"
"Jeans, my Crosby jersey, and my sparkly gold flats. What about you?" Elle smiled.
"Jeans, black flats, and oh did you remember that shirt for me to wear?"
"I sure did! I'll go get it out for you while you take a shower. How are you doing my hair?"
Morgan thought for a second, " I think I'm just going to straighten it, you should curl yours though!"
"Only if you help."
"Well, since you were so kind as to bring me a shirt, I suppose I can!" Morgan laughed.
By five o'clock the two girls were both showered, dressed, and ready for a hockey game.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, new story. Sorry it's so short! I promise it will be longer next time. Which shall be soon!
Much love!