Dreams Only Last for a Night

Part 1 of 2.

There is a very short list of things that Jack Barakat genuinely cares for in life and the wellbeing of his dick comes very high on this list. This is why the sudden, impromptu and downright rude exit of the faceless band whore that had been grinding against him to the beat of some stupid, repetitive pop song just moments ago was clearly a very pressing issue that needed to be addressed and hopefully resolved immediately.

Unfortunately, when you have consumed the volume of alcohol that Jack already had, the term “immediately” starts to fade and lose all meaning and quickly turns into “as soon as I can be bothered” which, in Jacks case, wasn’t very soon at all. He tried to remember the girls name without result, he could just about remember it began with a L or a K or possibly a B, but taking into consideration just how intoxicated he is at this point in time, he decided to give himself a mental pat on the back anyway purely for effort and also for being generally awesome which one should never underestimate, especially if one happens to be Jack Bassam Barakat.

Giving up on trying to remember the girls name and instead making his way over to the coach in the lounge area which was currently occupied by way too many wasted people was no easy task, but being the infinitely fucking awesome guy that Jack is, he managed to get there in one piece and slumped himself down into a lying position whilst cradling a bottle of Jaeger he had been guarding all night. He mentally awarded himself 10 cool points, just because he could, and smiled smugly to himself before taking in the chaotic scene around him.

He wasn’t sure how so many people were managing to fit into such a small space, and he wasn’t sure when they all got here but while taking a long swig from the bottle in his hand and feeling the all-too-familiar burning sensation going down his throat, he decided that a fuck was not something that he was prepared to give. However, something he did give a fuck about was of course his manhood and he mentally agreed with himself that a good use of his effort would be to focus on finding somebody to fix the not-so-little (if he didn’t say so himself)”problem” currently residing in his pants because although it would be awfully rude to start jerking off in a room full of people, it was something he would be prepared to do if he felt he had to.

Scoping the room he chucked to himself when he saw a very drunk Caleb Turman and a very very drunk Zack both hitting on the same bleach blonde slut who was clearly enjoying the attention especially as Calebs’ hand began to slide against her thigh and up the bottom of her dress. Jack mentally decided that he could spare 10 of his precious cool points to the ginger boy for that move, but instead decided on 5 points due to the fact the girl in question was so wasted she probably wouldn’t notice if Caleb stuck his whole head up there, which was probably his plan for the night anyway.

To the left of them, cuddled together on the floor in the corner whispering together and sharing little kisses, was the current reigning “worlds cutest couple” Kyle Burns and Mindy White. They’d been doing this for pretty much 48 hours straight since Mindy flew in to visit Kyle on tour, and any other couple would have the shit ripped out of them if they acted in this cutesy way but there was something about those two which was just too adorable, also the fact Mindy kept baking cookies and other baked goods for everybody helped considerably. Mindy was probably one of the few girls that Jack could actually stand to be around for more than a few minutes at a go and if he and Kyle hadn’t been together since forever he would probably be trying to jump her bones right now. Even though he was of course Jack fucking Barakat and did what the fuck he wanted, he couldn’t help but think it might be slightly awkward to explain to Kyle why he was banging the love of his life and it might put a slight strain on their friendship, so he decided not.

Just as he was about to take another long swig from the bottle he was still guarding, two hands were placed over his eyes and he heard somebody trying to stifle a feminine giggle. If he couldn’t tell by the hands that it was definitely a guy, he would have thought by the laugh that it was a girl. Being the pro investigator he was, he knew that heavily calloused man fingers and a girly giggle meant one thing... Alex motherfucking Gaskarth.
“Gerroff,” He mumbled, feigning annoyance and when the older boy complied he happily lifted the bottle back to his lips and drained the rest of its contents before carelessly shoving it down the back of the couch cushion for some other sucker to clean up.
“Hey, you could have shared.” Whined Alex before moving into Jacks vision and kneeling between the younger boys gracefully wide-open legs. “The beer tastes like somebody already drank it and peed it back out or something.” He added, wrinkling his nose at the plastic cup in his hand before looking back at Jack and pouting.
“Well,” started Jack before reaching forward and pinching the older boys protruding bottom lip, “the only way you’re getting any of that Jaeger now is if I do the same.” He chuckled at his own joke and after a few moments of looking vaguely grossed out, Alex joined in with the laughter.

“C’mere.” Mumbled Jack, making grabby hands at his best friend with a content smile on his face.
Alex complied, taking the younger boys outstretched hands in his own and tangling their fingers together before leaning forward and snuggling into him, his nose nuzzling into Jacks neck, inhaling his familiar scent.
“Ky and Mind are cute.” Alex noted, looking up at Jack
“You’re cute.” Jack shot back quickly. Knowing that it was probably just the alcohol talking and this was typical “drunk Jack talk” didn’t stop the blush that washed across Alexs’ cheeks as he tried to hide his face by hooking his chin over Jacks shoulder.
Jack laughed at the older boys’ reaction before reaching down and using his index finger to lift up Alexs chin so they were at eye level.
“Don’t hide your face,” he mumbled, barely a whisper, “I like to look at it.”
Alex blushed again before poking the younger boy in the ribs and saying “You know that’s a little weird,” with a laugh before seeing the serious look on Jacks face.
Before he even fully registered what was happening, he was leaning forward and bringing their mouths together, just a slight brush of lips before Jack responded with force, crashing their lips together and beginning the fight for dominance by pushing his tongue into the older boys mouth taking in the taste of beer and Alex, his best friend and favourite person in the world creating the perfect taste.

He hears Alex groan into the kiss as he slips his hands up the hem of his shirt, hands resting on his hips gently massaging his hip bones. Breaking away from air, Alex smiles at the younger boy connecting their foreheads together both looking deep into each others eyes both content and happy. “I want you.” Jack mumbles, breaking the silence. Alex’s didn’t respond vocally and instead reconnected their mouths this time with more force than the last, with no particular rhythm but with practiced ease. Breaking apart again and both gasping for air, Alex finally responded while Jack was moving his lips down his cheek and began to nip and lick at the older boys neck determined to leave a mark, “shall we, um...” he trailed off groaning while lifting his head to give Jack more access and moving his eyes quickly in the direction of the bunks so the younger boy understood. Jack nodded and watched as Alex stood up off him, swaying slightly on his feet before reaching out a hand to help his best friend up.
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This is pretty long, sorry if it's too long.
This was gonna be a oneshot but I've made it a two part story instead.
I'll upload part two in a few days at the most.
Comments would be appreciated, as would subscriptions of course.
Feel free to also check out my other chaptered Jalex story "Running From Lions"
Thanks for reading!