My Dysfunctional Family


~3rd person~
On this warm summer day, the ran was pounding on the roof of this old church, everyone in it had a tear-stained face, wearing all black. The person that was the most distraught was Rose, a girl around 16, with her blonde hair in a tangled bunch, and her hazel eyes were dull. She got up, and went to the casket, taking one last look at her mother, her compadre, and her best friend of all time.
As she said her last goodbye, she does not notice the family of five staring at her. The father of this family that looked around 45 who was of medium build, with hazel eyes exactly like Rose's, with his brown hair gelled back. He held his head low so no one can see him cry with his chest stuck out with pride. His son to the left of him had his head high and his chest stuck out with pride. He was around 20 with a medium build, his jet black hair spiked up a little in the front, and his baby green eyes filled with curiosity for Rose. To the right of the father was two twin boys that looked around 17, with a medium build, their eyes filled with excitement and sadness as they both looked at Rose. With their light brown hair in their hazel eyes much like Rose's. Next to these twins was some one that can truly not be defined nicely. Her black hair look crumpled with much distaste, her dress was big, gaudy, and something you wear to try and get attention.
On the opposite side of the church staring at Rose with as much enthusiasm yet the same sadness was an old couple. The older lady was almost as distraught as Rose, with her small body shaking from sadness. Her white hair pinned up in a black veil, and her baby blue eyes looking like she was dead. Her husband had his head up in pride, but his still big strong body numb. His gray-blue eyes covered with his silver gray hair.These people look at Rose and decide that she needs help, and a stable place.
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Okay guys this is a filler for the story so you know what is going on, I hope you guys like this story. Oh, and please message me is you can i would love to know what you think.