Status: I'll be able to update whenever I want.

The Empty Season

The Empty Season: Chapter 5

Kaien put his head in his hands. "No, Chizaki. You don't realize what I just tried to do."

"Yes, I do." Chizaki really had no idea. Was he actually trying to kill her?

Kaien looked up, his face hard. "I tried to turn you, Chizaki. I don't want you telling anyone about this! Do you hear me?"

All Chizaki could do was nod. Her voice was gone. She became still after the way he'd talked to her. She never heard him...actually use a tone of voice like that. All those things everyone keeps saying swirled in her brain. He's weird. He's alone all the time. He never eats. He could be abusive, Chizaki thought.
Suddenly, she found herself to be tired and laid on the ground, curled up in a ball, holding her knees. Kaien knelt next to her, touching her soft hair, playing with it until she fell into a deep sleep.

. . .

The birds awoke Chizaki, making her feel reality again. She opened her eyes slowly, looking at the dirt that covered her hair. She was dirty. She felt dirty. Sitting up, she seen Kaien sitting at the picnic table, sharpening his weapons.

"Kaien?" Chizaki sat up straight, noticing the sun and how brightly it had shone. "What time is it? Why aren't we in school?"

"Well, you slept to long. I tried to wake you, but you would only turn over, ignoring me."

"Why didn't you shake me awake?!"

"Because that would be rude." He said stubbornly.

Chizaki sighed and laid back down. "I guess one day of school won't hurt."

"Won't your parents be worried? I had no way to contact them."

All of the sudden, Chizaki's eyes filled with water. Mother... father... I'm sorry, she thought. She busted out crying, her moans filled with sadness.
"Mother! Father! I'm so... sorry!" She clutched her hands to her chest.

Kaien immediately picked her up and put her against him, holding her.

"Kaien, my mother and..father- they died.. two years ago.." She sniffled, choking on her tears.

"I'm sorry, Chizaki." He soothed her, brushing her hair back out of her face.

She wept in his shoulder, wiping her tears from her cheeks every now and again. She had never done this. Confessed her emotions to anyone, not even herself. She was losing it and it was all because of Kaien. He was so.. fascinating. So intoxicating. This was something to be careful about.

Kaien kissed the top of her head. "It'll be okay. Their in a better place now, Chizaki. Their fine."

"Yeah.." Chizaki hiccuped. "But, I'm.. not."

"Yes you are. I'm here for you." Kaien held her tightly, promising never to let go.

There in the scene something was wrong. Chizaki had promised herself to him. She'd asked for happiness, and he was giving her anything but that. She let him go, stealing one last kiss from him and got up.

"I'm going home, Kaien." She said, wiping her tears away once more.

He nodded. "I understand. Go."

Chizaki moved the white branches from her way and continued down through the cemetery. She walked slowly, holding herself in a half hug. Everyone she passed stared, but she was to absorbed in thinking to care. Finally, she found home. Rushing in, she shut the door and locked it.
What just happened back there? First, an attack. Then a emotional outburst.
This seems like a drama.

Chizaki trudged through her house, getting a drink from her kitchen and walking up to her room. She sat on her bed, thinking deeply. The world was tricking her. Tricking her into thinking he was the most irresistible, loving, caring person on the planet when he was a straight up monster.