There Was No Living Creature as Foul as I

Intensity In Ten Cities, Rhys

Gavin looked terrified. We were sitting in my car and I was driving to Mam's, and Gavin was sitting in his seat stiff as a board. I'm not sure if he was even shaking, that's how nervous the poor man was, "It's just my mam!" I laughed at him, "It's no big deal!"

I couldn't even provoke a response out of him. By the time we were a block from Mam's I was sure that I wouldn't even be able to get him out of the car to chat with her. I'd have to tell her that my boyfriend was too petrified to get out of the car. That would be embarrassing!

"Mam's got no problems with gays Gav, my sister's in to girls and her brother's a transsexual." Still no response. That's awful! Even telling him about Mam's transie brother didn't pull him out of catatonia! "Well, sweetheart. We're here." I grabbed onto his hand, hoping to get him to look at me. He didn't.

He was taking this meeting like hell! It wasn't like she was going to reject him! She was bound to love him! If she loved that Marta girl that Jenn had brought home? Yeah, Gavin was a shoe in.

I got out of my car and walked around to his side. I opened his door and grabbed his hands dragging him towards the door, "Please just meet my mam!" I was close to tears, that he couldn't do this with me, "Fine! Stay in the goddamn car! See if I care when you freeze!" I yelled before turning on my heel and walking up to Mam's front door.

"I want to come." I heard Gavin's weak voice from behind me before he slipped his arms around my waist, "I'm scared that she'll hate me."

I had no chance to say anything reassuring before Mam opened the front door, "Rhys!" She squealed, clearly excited to see me, "And who have you brought! He's adorable." Gavin was obviously blushing, I didn't even need to look to see, and his face was slowly burying itself into my neck.

"This is my boyfriend." I smiled, having no problem telling Mam knowing that either way his arms were going to stay around my waist. I'd still have his love, I'd still have him. And that was all I needed to stay alive. Alive On Love.

Mam smiled at me and ruffled my hair, "You picked a good one. Your father will be proud. But enough talk, you two are probably starving! I've made Stroganoff. Yes Rhys there's enough for you to eat your heart out." She laughed and added something to the effect of, "How does that boy stay so skinny?" into Gavin's ear.

He blushed and I'm sure he said, "I keep him busy." Mam giggled back. I told him that she'd love him, "Your son is quite the athlete." It was my turn to blush. That's not something you say to someone's Mam!

"I don't want to talk about that!" I called out defensively, "Mam doesn't need to know!"

"She certainly doesn't sound like the lady that was yelling at you over the phone!" Gavin laughed.

"She wasn't exactly yelling she was more accusing me…of stuff that was actually happening." He added the last part as a whisper, obviously hoping that his mother wouldn't hear it.

"You're so cute!" Mam squealed, seeing how close our faces were to each other, "Now, Rhys, when were you planning on telling me you liked guys?"

"Uhm, once we told the band?" Gavin told her, "And once I worked up the courage to come talk to you." It was so cute how he was so close to not even leaving the car and then there we were standing not even in the house and he and Mam loved each other. I knew that I'd picked a good one.
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I'm starting work so updates wont be as often
and i'm gonna wait until i have like five or so comments to update.
i'm in a stengy mood