Stranger in the Dark

Chapter 1 "The Horrible Truth"

There is a truth that the world has hidden from us, an evil truth that not many have realized. There is a world that is connected to us by the shadows. A world in which we cannot see, except for those who are born from death and brought back to the world of the living. These people are rare and are called "Children of Death". Now since explanations are done let us begin with the Story, Shall we?

On October 12th, 1915 there were a series of unexplained death and disappearances, in which children and adults were found with there eyes torn from there sockets and there heart ripped from their chest, These mysteries were never solved. 50 years later, a young girl named Anna Grace was born, under rare circumstances in which she was born dead and brought back to this world. As a young girl she was able to see what other did not, her mother told her is was just her imagination. As Anna grew older she stopped seeing the shadows and became ignorant to her ability. Anna now is 17 years old, its close to her 18th.

October 11th, 1982 , "Anna?.... Anna!?" A voice from downstairs had called, "Wake up or your going to be late for school! Don't make me come up there!". "Uuhh.. Fine, Fine! I'm getting up....!" Anna had screamed, "God.. How I hate the mornings..." She groaned as she got up from her bed. She got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast, "Morning mama, Morning Papa!" she said as she got out the milk, "Good morn...." Suddenly the kitchen disappeared, and everything went dark.

Her heart racing, she starts seeing something in the darkness. "YOU! ..... YOU! .... must die..." It says, Anna screams at the top of her lungs and falls to her knees as it comes closer, finally it grabs her dragging her into the shadows, "SOMEONE SAVE ME! PLEASE HELP ME! I DON'T WANNA DIE!" she screams as the tears fall. All of a sudden she is back in her home on the ground, she gets up and looks around and finds that it is late at night. "Where was I?" She turns around and finds her parents staring at her in fright. Her father comes running up to her and hugging her, "Anna..." He says crying "Anna Where were you?!" She stares at him and says "Daddy I don't know.."