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Frumos Dezordine (Beautiful Disarray)


“Demani! I’m taking lunch.” I said as I stuck my head into his office. He looked up, confused. “Ok?”

“I’m telling you so that you know that if I’m not back in 30 minutes then my brothers have decided to take me home.” He raised an eyebrow. “you’re going to take lunch with your brothers?”

“I’m being forced to.” He grinned, and I lowered my eyes a moment, before meeting his gaze again. His eyes widened.

“So, see you later.” I said, grinning before leaving.

I took the elevator down to the main floor, where Morsiette was waiting with Hemi. I looped my arm through Morsiettes.

“Ready to go brothers of mine?” I asked. Hemi grinned, but Morsiette rolled his eyes, ruffling my already messy hair. “Sure sis. Is your boss coming, too?” I frowned. “No. Should he be?” Hemi chuckled a deep laugh that I loved. “No. But Morsiette wanted to drill him.”

“And you didn’t.” I teased as we got into Hemi’s limo. He always rented one when he was visiting me. He winked. “Of course not. It’s your life, not mine. Though I wish you’d actually do some modeling, it’s you’re choice.” I grinned, leaning back into the seat as they sat on either side of me.

“So how did you get the job?” Morsiette asked.

“I had to cover someone’s shift at Demetri’s place. I had to wait on his table with all his models. I started to talk to one, and they asked him to offer me a modeling job. I declined. Demetri drove me home, and Demani had had less then two beers but didn’t want to get in trouble, so Demetri took him home, too. Demetri brought up that I had worked as an Accountant and a personal assistant too. He offered me a job. I declined until he told me that he’d pay me 30,000 a month.” Morsiette whistled lowly. Hemi frowned. “ I pay my personal assistant 47,000 a month. Why so low?”

“because he’s not as well known as you, Hem. He only pays his models 38,000 a month.” Morsiette grinned at me suddenly.

“ I figured out wich college I’m going to go to, by the way. Pen. State all the way!” I groaned. Of course, he picked the one that went completely against what Hemi said. Hemi noticed, too.

“I told you that that college doesn’t-“

“It fits my standards, Hemi. Don’t argue with me. I want to go here, and So I am.” We where quiet a moment.

“So what are you doing for supper?” I grimaced. “ I already have plans, guys. Sorry.”

“With Demani?” I hesitated, then nodded.

“Yeah. He asked for one date. I doubt I give him more then that.” They exchanged frowns. “Why?”

“Because he has openly admitted to being a player, guys. And he keeps hinting that at the end of the date he wants a tumble.” No need to tell them that he already had that tumble. It confused me that he had asked me out, and made me sad, too. Because I knew all he was going to want was to get me so attached, and then break it off.

“So where are we going, anyway?” I asked, wanting to be distracted. Mor touched my cheek gently. “Your eyes are grey, Sis. What’s got you so sad?” I grimaced. “Nothing you can solve.” He studied me a moment before sighing. “ I want to visit Demetri, actually. So were going over there. Is that ok?”

“Of course. I haven’t talked to him in two days.” I grinned.

“So, do you like what you’re doing?” Hemi asked. I nodded hesitantly before taking a bite of my hamburger so that I wouldn’t have to voice an answer. He rolled his eyes. “Ok. I see how it is. Is Demani treating you right in the office?” I frowned. “Of course. We are adults, Hemi. Even if I’m only 21.”

“He’s 26 right?” I nodded. “Something like that. You’re the one good with ages, not me.” I gave Hemi an annoyed look as I said it, and he laughed. “Well, it is true.” He admitted. We ate in silence for a long time before Morsiette said “You’re sleeping with him, aren’t you?” I choked on the food I was eating.

“Wh-what?” I asked, surprised. He studied my eyes. “I thought so. How long?” I grimaced. “Just last night.” I murmured. He frowned.

“Before or after I called?” I studied him a moment, the way his hair reflected the sun, and the way his eyes where now a deep emerald green. He was concerned.

“Right after.” I said softly. He groaned. “Did I-“

“No! no, you didn’t do anything. I promise.”

“How long have you known him?” I grimaced, covering my ears before I answered. “2 days, counting today 3.”

“WHAT!?” I cringed, glad I’d covered my ears. Both of them had shouted. Demetri walked over, concerned. “Is everything ok guys?” Hemi gave him an evil look before he took a deep breath.

“Yes. Fine. Sorry. We got a little surprised.” He said evenly. Demetri gave me a look as I lowered my hands, but left. Both of my brothers glowered at me. “ good God, how dumb are you? You’ve known him for two days and you sleep with him?” I ducked my head. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Was he your first?” Morsiette asked suddenly. I grimaced.

“Yes.” My aching body could attest to that.

“You really are stupid. Are you still on the pill, or did you stop taking it as soon as you where out of moms clutches?” I sighed. When I was fifteen, one of my best friends right down the street was home alone and a robber broke into the house and raped her. She ended up having a kid. Ever since then, mom had me taking birth control. I continued taking it once I moved to the city.

“I still take it, thank you.” Both of them sighed a sigh of relief. I guess they didn’t want to be uncles just yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter is exactly 1,124 words long!