Famous Last Words: A Dramione Story

Chapter 1

"Oh, Ron," Draco heard the voice of Hermione and stopped. "Ron, it's beautiful!" Draco peaked through the door. The small room was lit only by the large window Ron and Hermione were sitting by. Hermione was holding a necklace, with a tiny charm in the shape of an owl.

"Thank you, Ronald. This is the best birthday gift a girl could ask for," Hermione smiled, and hugged Ron. Draco sighed, walking away. The hallways of Hogwarts never seemed so long, so dark, as Draco made his way outside.

"Malfoy?" Harry called, as he walked towards him.

"What, Potter?" he replied, trying to get away. Draco hadn't told anyone about his fondness of Hermione, but Harry had his suspicions. Draco also knew Harry was the worst person to tell, being their best friend.

"Have you seen Hermione and Ron?"

"They..they're in there," Draco replied, hiding his face. Harry looked at Draco suspiciously.

"You know, they're not dating or anything..you still have a chance." Harry said, studying Draco.

"You...know?" Draco asked.

"Draco, we may have always hated each other, bloody hell I still don't know why we all of the sudden stopped, but...yeah I've always known."

"You say anything," Draco said, pulling out his wand, "to ANYONE, and you're dead Potter."

"I wont say anything. Oh, by the way...Ron kind of knows too..not that I said anything. Well, come on, we're throwing a surprise party for her."

It took Malfoy a second to understand. "Wait a second, Ron knows too!"

Harry ignored Malfoy, and walked towards the room to get Hermione, and Draco followed.

"Hermione," Harry said, "We should probably get something to eat."

"Good idea..Hey Draco!" Hermione smiled.

"Well, hello."

"Did YOU get Hermione anything for her birthday, Malfoy?" Ron said. What Harry said echoed in his mind.

'Ron kind of knows too...'

"No, I didn't. I don't buy gifts for someone I hate." Malfoy stopped and thought of what he just said, as Hermione's smile faded.

"Excuse me, Draco? You HATE me now?"

"No, I didn't mean...I mean I....I kind of..."

"Forget it. Let's go," Hermione grabbed Harry and Ron and walked away. Draco made his way outside and sat on a rough bench. Head in hands, Draco couldn't resist screaming.


It started to rain steadily, and Draco made his way back into the castle. As he passed by the great hall he heard the sound of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs scream surprise. The paintings read his face like a book, all asking what was wrong, but Draco didn't want to talk. He just wanted to fix things. He made his way through the Great Hall, to the stage where The Whomping Willows were playing their hit song, Like A Horcrux.

Draco grabbed the mic.

"Hey!" Alex Willow, the lead singer yelled "Get off the stage."

"Hermione Granger. I..I have something to tell you. I don't hate you. I'm in love with you. Hermione, please forgive me."

The whole hall went silent, and Hermione looked up at Malfoy.

"You complete ASS, Draco. You said you hated me, and now you think saying you're in love with me will fix things?"

Alex pushed Malfoy off the stage and continued to sing.

Draco left, watching as Ron and Hermione danced.