Status: Still in progress! I hope you're enjoying reading this FanFiction! Let me know what you think! I love feedback!(:

The Last Goodbye

Chapter 10 - My Saturday Plans Are Revealed

Chapter 10 – Bella’s POV

I walked into History and sat down on a desk. I felt someone staring at me. I looked around and saw Jack looking at me. He smiled. I smiled back and focused on the teacher as class began.

I was too tired, today, to focus on History. Halfway through class, I zoned out and started drawing and thinking about Jack. He’s been smiling and winking to me a lot lately. What’s up with that? Does he like me?

The bell finally rang and I got up quickly. It was a miracle I hadn’t fell asleep during History. I walked to my locker and saw Stella at her locker. My locker and her locker were right next to each others. I opened my locker and exchanged my books for next class and put the ones I didn’t need back into my locker. Lunch was next. Yes!

“Hey Bella!”

I turned around to see Jack right behind me.

“Hey Jack.” I smiled.

“So you know how I told you I saw great things in your future in Spanish?”
I nodded.

“Well, do you want to now what it is?"

I smiled. “Yes!”

Jack smiled. “Well, I see a guy named Jack Sullivan who’s going to take you on a dinner date on Saturday.” He smiled and winked at me.

Wait, was he asking me out?

“Really?” Jack nodded.

“So, I guess, I should be getting ready on Saturday for a dinner date with this Jack guy?” I asked.

Jack smirked and nodded.

“Do you see me meeting up with him at the dinner place or him picking me up?” I asked with a smile.

“Let me check the visions.” He put his hands on each side of his head, closed his eyes, and pretended he was seeing a vision.

“According to my visions, Jack will pick you up.”

I smiled. “He doesn’t know where I live.”

“I was just about to tell you where he was going to pick you up!”

I laughed. “Alright where will he pick me up?”

“Near the park around Maple Street!”

“Got it! Thanks for letting me know about this Jack guy.”

Jack smiled. “Anytime.” He winked. I gave him a huge smile.

Wait, so Jack just asked me out, right? I looked at Stella who was paying attention the whole time. She gave me an annoyed look. I smiled at her. She rolled her eyes.

I walked with her to lunch. “Did you hear that?”

She nodded. “Yuup.” We entered the cafeteria and sat down at our regular table. We already had our lunches so we didn't have to go to the lunch line.

“So, he was asking me out, right?”

“Yes! He was! And I can’t believe you said yes!”

I sighed and sat down at the lunch table. “But I’ve wanted him to ask me out for what 2 years now!”

Stella gave me her annoyed look.

“I know you don’t like Jack but can’t you just be supportive and feel happy for me? I mean you’ve been supportive about me liking guys who you hate before. So why are you being like this now?”

“Because I want you and Cameron together! Only because you both have feelings for each other. I know you do ,Bella. And I want you to be with someone who’ll treat you right. Cameron always has. He cares so much about you!"

I stayed silent. “I know he has and that’s why he’s my best friend. I love him as a friend for caring so much about me! But, I don’t know my feelings for Cameron yet. But I do know that I like Jack. A lot. So I just want to live in the moment and go out to dinner with him on Saturday. If things go wrong, so be it.”

“Alright, promise me one thing,” said Stella.


“If you do start to fall for Cameron, and you actually discover your feelings for him, promise me you’ll do the right thing. That you’ll actually decide whether to be with Cameron or Jack based on who you have more feelings for and not who you’ve liked more in the past or who you’ve wanted to be with since 10th grade?”

I nodded. “I promise.”

“And promise that you won’t be your stubborn self and stick with the guy who you’ve liked since forever. And that you’ll actually pick who you want to be with right now. In the present.”

“I promise.”

Stella smiled. “Alright. Fine, I’ll support your relationship with Jack then.”

“Eeeeep!” I hugged her tightly. She laughed.

“Now let me eat!” She said.

I laughed. Then Cameron, Nathan, Zach, and Michael came over and sat down on our table with their lunches.

“Hey girls!” said Michael.

“Hiiyooo!” I said.

“Hey!” Stella said.

“Hey Cameron.” I said with a smile.

He smiled back and said, “Hey.”

“What no ones going to say hey to me or Zach? We feel loved guys,” Nathan said. We all laughed and Stella and me said hey to him.

Everyone started talking about random things. But I was too busy eating my sandwich. I looked at Cameron. He was really quiet today. He seemed sad.I wonder if he found out already about me and Jack. I hope it wasn't because of me and Jack that was making Cameron sad. He just looked so down. I felt my heart breaking. I took a big bite of my sandwich. Then I noticed Jack looking at me from his table. I put my sandwich down immediately. How embarrassing. He smirked and winked and went back to talking to Evan.

I smiled. Then I noticed that Cameron was looking at me and Jack. God, did he see that? Cameron looked away and said nothing.

“So, anything new going on?” Michael asked everyone.

Everyone shrugged or shook they’re head. I was still eating my sandwich and did neither of those movements.

“What about you Bella?” Nathan asked.

I shrugged. “Nothing, really.”

“I heard you have a date with Jack this Saturday,” says Cameron.

Everyone at the table looked at me. Crap. How did he find out?

“Yeah, he asked me out at my locker. How did you know?”

“I heard him telling Evan when I was in the lunch line.”


Everything was silent in the table suddenly. I noticed that Michael, Nathan, and Zach were all confused and looking at Cameron as if asking him something in their minds. Cameron ignored them.

“Well, I’m happy for you. He finally asked you out! He likes you, Bella,” said Cameron and then smiled. He was sweet enough to say that even though he liked me. Well, I didn’t know if he did, but Stella said he did. And she knows when boys like you or not so I took that as a yes.
I smiled and nodded. “I know! I’m so excited. It’s about time he asked me out or I would’ve shoved ice down his back and make him ask me.”

Cameron laughed and so did everyone else. The atmosphere changed. Everyone seemed relaxed now.

“Oh, I know you would’ve!” Cameron said. He smiled and stared at me with his eyes twinkling. I smiled back at him and couldn’t help stare back into them. We stared at each other for like 10 more seconds until Michael coughed, loudly. Cameron and I both looked away. We just had another moment, didn’t we?

God, help me. If we kept having moments I was going to fall for him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, poor Cameron :( I was picturing him in the lunch scene and it's so heartbreaking!

Anyways, what do you think will happen with Jack and Bella's relationship? Will it last? What do you think will happen with Cameron? Subscribe/Comment and let me know!
BTW i'll upload another chapter today! So be on the look out ;]

I love reading what you guys have to say! And some of your guesses are really good!:D