Status: Still in progress! I hope you're enjoying reading this FanFiction! Let me know what you think! I love feedback!(:

The Last Goodbye

Chapter 12- Mr. Wonderful

Bella’s POV

Today’s been going great! Absolutely great. Jack and I had been together ever since lunch. He walked me to all my classes, and sat next to me in the classes I had with him. He was so sweet.

Then when we went to 7th period, which was Science, a tad late, there were only two seats available. One next to Stella and once next to Evan. I sat down next to Stella and Jack sat down next to Evan. He was sitting two rows behind me.

The bell rang to start class. Everyone quieted down and Mr. Figueroa started talking.
“Today, class, we’re going to do something fun!” Everyone waited for him to go on. Whenever he said “fun” it was the total opposite. Everyone knew that.

“We’re gonna have a pop-quiz!” Everyone groaned including me. Then I remembered Jack telling me that we were going to have a pop quiz today.

I turned around to look at him with a questioning look. He just smirked. Either Jack had found out about the pop-quiz some other way, or he really was a psychic.

After the class had finished, Jack and I walked out together.

“How did you know about the pop-quiz?” I asked him.

“I’m a psychic! Duh!”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m being serious!”

Jack laughed. “You’re cute when you’re all demanding! You know Ryan Flannigan, right?”

I nodded. “He overheard Mr. Figueroa talking about it yesterday to another teacher. He basically told everyone after he heard it.”

“Oh. Okay, I’m caught up now!”

Jack laughed and he walked me to Art class.

“I’ll see you later, okay?”

I nodded. He smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead and ran to his class. I wouldn’t blame him. He had like a minute left.

I walked into Art class and saw Cameron looking at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. But his smile wasn’t the happy smile that he always gave me. It seemed more like a sad smile. ‘Cameron stop making me feel guilty,’ I thought. I went over to go sit next to him. It was the least I could do. He probably hated me so much right now for going out with Jack.

“Hey Cameron!”

“Hey Bella.”

“What’s up?”

“Talking to you.”

I laughed. “Duh!”

“How’s your day with Mr. Wonderful?” I gave him a confused look.



“Oh! Um, it’s been good.” I smiled at him. This is probably the first time in my life where I haven’t spilled everything that’s going on in my mind right now to Cameron.

“Good? For 2 years you’ve wanted to go out with him and now that you are, you describe it as good?” Cameron laughed.

“Oh shut up!” I punched him in the muscles hard. Bad move. I ended up hurting myself.

“You okay?” Cameron asked. He took the hand that I hit him with into his and gently rubbed it.

“Does it still hurt?”

“Somewhat. But dude, stop working out! Or soon my hand will sprain or something.”

Cameron laughed. “Hey, it’s your fault for punching me!”

I laughed. Then the bell rang and class started. Mrs. De Paule started talking. I noticed that Cameron still was holding on to my hand under the table. I didn’t seem to mind. Was that wrong? Cameron squeezed it and put his fingers through mine. I looked at him ad he looked back at me. I smiled and squeezed his hand back. Then I turned my attention to the teacher before she noticed anything. I noticed Cameron was smiling from the corner of my eyes. God, he’s such a dork. Not that it was a bad thing. It was a great thing. He was a really cute and sweet dork who just happened to be my best friend.

Cameron’s POV

Art suddenly is my favorite class. Why? Bella and me were holding hands under the table and she didn’t even seem to mind at all. But we had to stop holding hands because we had to start drawing. But it was still a great 5 minutes of holding hands.

I sneaked looks at Bella sometimes while she was drawing. She barely talks when she draws. She gets so into it and it’s like she’s in her own little world. She’s always like this during Art Class or whenever she’s drawing, sketching, or painting, and I love staring at her sometimes. Now, I know you might think that’s creepy but I don’t look at her like stare at her for 10 minutes straight. No, I look at her for 5 seconds and look away.

I wonder if she ever notices that I stare at her sometimes. Probably not, because she’s so focused in her artwork.

Art class eventually ended and I saw Jack already waiting for Bella by the door. How did he get there so fast? I saw them hug and he kissed her on the forehead and lead her to last period.
I walked to my last period class, History, wishing I had told Bella how I felt about her a long time. But would it have made a difference? Would she still go out with Jack if he asked her out after I told her?
♠ ♠ ♠
Did you get the Chapter Title? :] "Don't go running off with Mr.Wonderful." Well yeah, in this case, Bella's going out with Mr.Wonderful aka Jack. :P And Cameron is like the one saying it.

Anyways, this is the latest that i've written! So i wont be able to upload until i write chapter 13! So be patient :]

But what do you guys think will happen to Bella and Cameron's friendship?
Subscribe/Comment and let me know!(:

BTW thanks for all the comments, subscribers, and readers<333