Status: Still in progress! I hope you're enjoying reading this FanFiction! Let me know what you think! I love feedback!(:

The Last Goodbye

Chapter 18 - Story Time

Cameron’s POV

Today was Sunday, I realized as I rolled out of bed. That meant I had school tomorrow. I groaned. Great. I bet that school is going to be buzzing about Jack and Bella.

I wonder how Jack’s and Bella’s date went last night. Did they kiss? Are they an official couple now? So many thoughts ran through my mind as I pictured Jack kissing my Bella. That should’ve been me. Not him.

I went into the bathroom, did my business, brushed my teeth and rummaged through my closet looking for something to wear. That’s when Anna, my sister, decided to poke into my room.

“Why are you always so loud in the morning!? You woke me up!”

“Sorry Ms. Grouchy pants.” I said with a teasing smile. Anna wasn’t amused though. She grabbed the shirt that was sitting on my chair, rolled it up and threw it at me. I ducked and caught it.

“Hey, thanks! You just helped me pick out a shirt!” Anna rolled her eyes and went back to her room. I smirked and put on some jeans.

I looked at the clock. It was 10 in the morning. Was it too early to call Stella? I wanted to know what happened at Bella’s date. Surely, Bella would have told her everything. I would ask Bella, but it would be kind of awkward for her to talk to me about Jack since she knows I like her. But Stella would understand and probably fill me in on what happened. I dialed Stella’s number and waited for her to pick up.

“Hello?” She didn’t sound sleepy.

“Hey Stella, it’s Cameron.”

“Hey Cameron! Sup?”

“Are you busy?”

“Nope. Why?”

“Could you tell me about what happened with Bella’s date with Jack? I would ask her but you know things would get awkward..”

“Hmm, why do you want to know?”

“Because I’d like to know if he got his hands all over her so that I could kick his ass and Bella would come running to me.”

Stella laughed. Except I was completely serious about what I had said. “Alright, Cameron. You win. I’ll tell you what happened. She woke me up at midnight and pretty much told me everything. Of course I don’t know whether I heard everything since I was half asleep. I’m at the Starbucks down your street. Wanna come meet me and I’ll tell you everything?”

“Sure! I’ll be there in 5!”

“Kay, see you then!” We hung up and I went to the kitchen where I saw my mom and dad.
“Morning Cameron.” My dad said.

“Hey dad! I’m going to Starbucks to meet up with Stella.”

“You don’t want breakfast?” My mom asked. I shook my head.

“That’s alright. I’ll grab something at Starbucks.” I kissed her on the cheek, waved bye to my dad and walked out of the door and walked to the Starbucks. It didn’t that long walking there. Probably five minutes.

I walked in and saw Stella sitting at a table, reading a magazine, and stirring her coffee. She saw me and waved. I waved back.

Then I quickly got some coffee, paid for it and went to the table Stella was sitting in.

“Spill.” I said.

Stella raised her eyebrows then laughed. “Hello to you, too, Cameron.”

I sighed. “Hello Stella. How are you this fine morning? Did you sleep well? I slept like a baby! No wait that’s a lie. But what about you? What did you eat for breakfast? Isn’t sunshine beautiful?”

Stella rolled her eyes. “Less sarcasm, please.”

“Alright, was that good enough for you? Now can you please tell me about Bella?”

“Nope not yet. I still haven’t answered all those questions I asked.”

I groaned as Stella went on. “I am doing great this morning, thank you for asking. I slept very well like a baby! In fact, I actually slept through my dad cutting down a stupid branch that was leaning against my window. I ate an omelet for breakfast and had some orange juice and also bacon! Sunshine is indeed beautiful! Look how it makes the grass shine!”

“Alright, now that you answered the questions, tell me what happened?”

Stella laughed. “I’ve never seen you like this! So anxious! You really must be crushing hard on Bella.”

“Yeah I am. I think we all know that by now.”

“Yeah, well anyway, here’s what I know about their date. Jack took her to this restaurant but she said it wasn’t that fancy but she preferred it that way.”

I nodded. I knew that Bella didn’t like places that were too fancy. She felt out of place at some fancy place.

Stella continued. “Their conversations went very well. Mostly, it was pretty random going from Jack talking about his favorite food to Bella telling him about her favorite kind of toothpaste.”

I laughed. “Toothpaste?”

Stella nodded. “Jack asked her what was her favorite type.”

“That’s pretty random.”

“Yeah, Bella said he asked that to see how she acted like when he blurted out things that caught her off guard.”


“Okay, so, after dinner they walked around a park near the restaurant under the moonlight. Pretty romantic, actually.”

Dang, Jack actually knows how to be romantic. And he’s good at it.

“So they talked for a long time at the park just walking around. Then Jack told her how he can be himself around her and how he doesn’t have to pretend to be someone he’s not.”

“Woah, what? What’s that supposed to mean?”

Stella sighed. “Apparently, Jack isn’t who he seems to be. He hates being popular. He hates pretending like he’s this guy that the popular group want him to be.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Nope. He also wrote a poem about all this. And in the poem it says how he really feels. It’s in the school Literary Magazine. It’s called “Just Me” except it doesn’t say that he wrote it. He stayed anonymous.”

“Hmm, I’ll go home and read it then.”

“Yeah, I read it. I’m gonna be honest and say it was pretty intense and sad. I actually feel sorry for him.”

“Well what happened next? Their date.”

“Oh, right so after he said all that, they kissed. After that they talked more and walked around the park.”

“Oh, so they’re an official couple?”

Stella nodded. “Sorry, man.”

I shrugged and said nothing. “Did Bella tell you what the kiss felt like?”

I heard that a kiss can tell you whether or not the relationship is special or not. If it felt like nothing, just plain, the relationship wasn’t that special. I can’t believe I actually know this. Jeez, how do I know this?

“Um, yeah, but why does that matter?”

“Um, I heard that a kiss can describe how, uh, special the relationship is or something.”

Stella raised her eyebrows. “Where exactly did you hear that from?”

“Uh, not sure…” I honestly had no idea where I remember this from. But for some reason it was stuck in my brain. Where did it come from? Who said it to me?

“Not sure?”

I nodded. “I swear! For some reason, I don’t exactly remember how I know this. It’s just there in my brain.”

“Hmm, well, I was about to predict that you read some relationship magazine or something.”
I threw my hands in the air and said, “Nooo. That is in no way me or what I do.”

Stella narrowed her eyes at me. “Sure..”

“I swear I don’t!”

“Alright, but if I ever find you with some kind of magazine that talks about relationship, you’re busted, mister.”

“Trust me you never will.”

“We shall see.”

Note to self: Never read any kind of magazine around Stella. Not that I read relationship magazines or anything, but sometimes I find myself looking at some gorgeous model wondering what it would be like to have her as my girlfriend. Go ahead, call me desperate, but I’ve always wanted a girlfriend. Never in my life have I had one. And I would just love to have this relationship with a girl that I really like. Someone I can talk to about anything. Someone I can wrap my hands around and kiss. Someone I can love.

I wanted that girlfriend to be Bella. Because I already could talk to her about anything. I already wrap my hands around her and kiss her, except on the cheek. I already love her, so imagine how much of a great couple we’ll be when we are a couple.

“Well, anyway, Bella did say that the kiss wasn’t what she expected,” Stella said.

I raised an eyebrow. “Really? What exactly did she expect?”

“She said she wanted it to feel special but she said it felt nothing like that. Just a plain kiss.”

Maybe, their relationship won’t last. Maybe I still had a chance to be with Bella.


Just then I got a text from Zach. It said, “Going to hang out with Mikey & Nate at In-N-Out. Wanna hang?”

I quickly texted back, “See you there.”

“Hey, Stella, thanks for telling me everything! Mind if I go hang out with Mikey, Zach, and Nate?”

“You’re such a gentlemen for asking if I mind. What would you say if I said that do?”

“Um, then I’ll probably stay and bore you to death until you let me go.”

“Alright, I don’t want to be bored to death. Have fun! I think I’ll hit the mall or something with Bella.”

“Don’t tell her about our meeting, okay?”

“Sure, wouldn’t want you to sound desperate now.”


Stella laughed and waved goodbye as she got up and left the place. I got up and also left to go meet up with the guys.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this chapter isn't that much but there will be great action going on soon, probably in 2 or 3 chapters that's coming up :] So if you want to find out what's happening, stay tunes! :D

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