Status: Still in progress! I hope you're enjoying reading this FanFiction! Let me know what you think! I love feedback!(:

The Last Goodbye

Chapter 24- Ferris Wheel Ride

Bella's POV

The ticket guy started checking people’s ticket and let them in. When it was our turn, we showed him our bracelets and he let us in. We picked a seat and I put my gigantic teddy bear to the side next to me.

“I hope your teddy bear doesn’t fall off,” Cameron said.

I laughed. “Yeah, if Mr. Snuggly Huggly fell, it would be a tragedy.”

“Mr. Snuggly Huggly?”

“Yes. Would you like to meet him?”


“Cameron, meet Mr. Snuggly Huggly, and Mr. Snuggly Huggly meet Cameron.” Then I grabbed my teddy bear’s hand and waved it at Cameron. He waved back, laughing.

Then he looked at me and smirked. “And you call me a dork.”

I laughed. “Guess we’re both dorks then.”

“Guess that’s why you’re my best friend.”

“Dorky best friends for the win!” Cameron laughed. Then he fake coughed and said “Dork.” I smacked him lightly on the arm because I had learned my lesson. DO NOT HIT CAMERON HARD ON HIS ARM. You will end up hurt. Been there, done that. Twice.

Just then the ride started and I held onto the metal handlebar in front of us. I wasn’t a big fan of heights but the only reason loved riding Ferris Wheels was because of the view you could see from the top.

“Don’t worry. I won’t let you fall. Just avoid looking down and instead, look up at the sunset,” Cameron said.

I nodded, holding my breath as we went up even higher. I did as he said and looked up at the sky. I hadn’t noticed the sunset in front of us until Cameron mentioned it. It looked so beautiful. There was pink, orange, yellow, magenta, purple, and a little bit of blue. It was better than the sunsets I saw at the beach. It looked like a sunset rainbow...if that makes sense. First, it started with the yellow sun, then surrounding it, a light orange color. Then dark orange. Then pink to magenta to purple to blue. It looked incredible.

“Wow,” I said.

“I know, huh?”

“Have you seen anything else more beautiful than this?”

“Yes.” He said this in such a strong, certain voice that it made me really curious to find out what it was.

“Really, what is it?”

Cameron looked at me, opened his mouth, but nothing came out. We stared at each other for a minute until he finally cleared his throat and said, “Maybe, one day, you’ll find out.”

“You won’t tell me?”

“Nope. Not now anyway.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s not the right time.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll know one day. Hopefully.”

“Can you at least describe how beautiful whatever you’re talking about is?”

Cameron smiled. “Where do I begin… Okay, well, sometimes I watch it so intently wishing I could just grab it and hold on to it forever. Sometimes I wonder how something so beautiful can exist and then I get frustrated because I know I can never have it, and it sucks.”

“You’re not exactly describing it, but more like saying how you feel about it.”

“Oh , sorry.”

“No, don’t be. I like what you said. Maybe one day, I’ll get a chance to see it?”

Cameron snorted, in a nice, friendly-joking, way and smirked. “You have no idea how close you are to it.”

“You mean I’ve seen it before?”

“Millions of times.”

“The sky?”


“Um, hint?”

“Nope. Not hinting. Sorry.”

“I hate you.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

Cameron chuckled. Suddenly, the ride stopped at the top of the Ferris Wheel and our seat rocked back and forth. I gasped and griped Cameron’s arm. He took my hand into his and rubbed it to comfort me. This is the part of the ride I hate. Where it stops, suddenly, and then the seat rocks back and forth. I look down and my stomach drops.

“Holy crap, we’re really high,” I said, trying to remember how to breathe.

“Relax. Forget about how high we are.” He kept on rubbing my knuckles with his right hand and put his left hand around my waist.

“I can’t.”

“Look at the view. Look at all the trees surrounding the houses and look at the lake over there and look at the sun setting. Isn’t it all beautiful?”

I relaxed and exhaled lightly. “Yeah, it is.” And it really was. So beautiful and suddenly I wanted to look at the view forever. Something about it was so relaxing.

But I could still see all the people below me from the corner of my eyes. I tensed up again. Cameron noticed and said, “Don’t focus on the people below me. Talk to me. I’ll start. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I just need a serious break from school.” I nodded in agreement.

“I wish summer could come faster.”

“Yes! I need summer right now.”

“Well, it’s almost here! Just about 3 more months to go…”

“Can’t wait.”

“Me either.” I felt relaxed now. I looked at Cameron and smiled. He knew how to make any situation better.

“Oh! I almost forgot about your other present!” He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out another small box. Another charm?

“Here, hope you like it.” He smiled, his genuine, sweet smile that I loved.
I took the box and opened it. No, it wasn’t another charm. It was a necklace with a yellowish-golden pendant that was the same as the golden charm with the palm tree and the two dolphins. I smiled.

“I know the pendant is like the same as the charm I gave you but it looked as if that day watching the dolphins was special to you. Maybe I’m wrong. But I wanted to give you a necklace. All I give you are charms for bracelets and also because that day was special to me, too. It felt great to share a special moment with you that day.” I smiled even wider as he said all this.

“I know it’s probably lame to give the same exact locket similar to the charm bu—“

“It’s in no way lame,” I said, interrupting him. “You’re right. That day was special to me, not because of the dolphin thing, even though that was great, but because I found out that even though sometimes I can get discouraged by others. I still have that one person who will always be there for me. You. And Stella of course. But it’s harder to trust guys because eventually they let you down. But you’re different. I know I can trust and count on you. And it means the world to me to have a friend like you.”

Cameron smiled so wide that I think his face will explode. Then he took out the necklace out of the box, unhooked it and put it around my neck. I smiled and looked down at the necklace. It was now the best necklace that I owned. He looked at it around my neck, with his face beaming, and smiled at me. “It looks beautiful on you.”

I smiled, widely, looking right into his eyes. I couldn’t help but look down at the necklace again. I really loved it and in a way, it was the most special thing that I owned. The charm bracelet came next in line.

Then I felt Cameron gently lift my chin up, and we both looked at each other. His fingers still lingering on my chin. He was looking right into my eyes. His eyes looked intense. His whole face was intense and serious. It looked like he was thinking about something because he burrowed his eyebrows. I didn’t get what was happening, except for the fact that he was slightly leaning in with his eyes still open.

Bella's Outfit And Charm Bracelet----> Here
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Sorry that i didn't post during the afternoon :/ I went shopping, then my mom made me do some of my last minute summer hw..(Im a huge procrastinator..) BUT HERE'S ANOTHER CHAPTER! Short but its still a chapter! :P Ill post another chapter tomorrow AND a chapter from the new FanFic ;) Still don't know what I'm going to call it, I'll think of something...
If you care to know what outfit Bella was wearing to the fair, just click on here all the way at the bottom of the page :) It also shows the charm bracelet that Cameron gave to Bella! Although, one of the charms doesn't look like a horse when its supposed to but oh well.

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