Status: Still in progress! I hope you're enjoying reading this FanFiction! Let me know what you think! I love feedback!(:

The Last Goodbye

Chapter 27 - A Special Kind of Friendship

Cameron's POV

I sighed out loud after I had left Bella the voice mail. God, what was going to happen if she doesn’t wear the necklace or the bracelet? I guess it means that our whole friendship is ruined; because of me. I sighed again into my palms and ran my fingers through my hair. I got out of my car, that I had parked in my house driveway and walked to my door and opened it with my key.

Right as I entered my sister, Anna, came up to me with a huge grin on her face. “How’d the fair go with Bella?”

“Fantastic.” I said with a sarcastic voice. I headed straight for my room. But Anna followed me there.

“Wait, what happened?”


“Tell me Cameron!”

I turned around and looked at her. “Wait, why do you want to know?”

“I want to know if anything happened between you guys!”

“Why would anything happen between us?”

“Because Zach, Nathan, and Michael said that you liked her and that you were going to make a move on her today!”

I shook my head and sighed.

“So, what happened?”

“Let’s see. I kissed her. She kissed me back. Then she got mad at me for kissing her. Then I got mad at her for going out with Jack when she knew that I liked her. Well, there was some yelling involved. Then crying…and I’m guessing our friendship is ruined. Like I said, everything turned out fantastic.” I took off my jacket and threw it into the chair across the room.

“Oh. Cameron… I’m sorry. I… I didn’t think that would happen..”

“I should’ve known better though. Of course she was going to freak! She had a boyfriend she really liked.”

“Then …why did you make a move on her?”

“I guess I was hoping that once I kissed her, she’d realize that she loves me. But that didn’t quite work out.”

Anna sat down next to me and put her head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry. But I’m sure that your friendship isn’t ruined. I mean it might be awkward at first but I bet it’ll go away. You may not have won her over but at least you have her friendship.”

“That’s the thing Anna. What if she hates me now? What if she doesn’t want to be my friend? What if she completely avoids me at school? I won’t be able to handle that.”

“I’ve hung out with Bella a lot. And I know she cares about you. You don’t need to be Einstein to figure that out. So I’m sure she won’t throw away your guys’ friendship just because of one kiss.”

“You think?”

Anna nodded. “Definitely.”

“Well, I’ll find out at school tomorrow. I left her a voice mail and told her to wear the charm bracelet I gave her or the necklace if we were still friends.”

“How much do you want to bet that she will?”

“You just want to bet because you’re broke.”

Anna smiled innocently. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I laughed. “Okay, I’m tired. I’m going to go to bed now. Night Anna.”

“Night Cameron!”

Anna left the room and I changed into some pajamas and a shirt. I turned of the light and got into bed. Was Anna right? Does Bella care enough about me to not let the kiss ruin our friendship? I hope so. I would miss her too damn much. Well, I guess, I’ll find out tomorrow at school.

The next morning, I was honestly really nervous. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I just hoped that she was still my friend.

I went to my locker and stuffed my backpack in and got a few books for my next two classes. I closed the locker and went down the packed hallway to History. What a fun way to start my morning.

I take a left and walk another hallway which happens to be the Foreign language part of the building. As I walked by the rushing students, I saw Bella at Jack’s locker and they were talking and smiling at each other. I looked at her left wrist but couldn’t find a bracelet on it. Maybe it was on her other hand; or maybe she was wearing the necklace instead.
Evan, Jack’s best friend, walked up to them and started talking to them. Then he said something to Jack and Jack was intently replying back to him.

Bella looked around the hallway and finally, our eyes met. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Then she raised her right hand and waved at me. That’s when I noticed the bracelet. I smiled even wider. Thank god. We were still friends. I mean, yeah, it’s going to be really awkward and all, but the best friendships last through things like that. And I’m convinced she and I had a special kind of friendship.

I grinned at her and then saw that Jack was now looking in my direction. I smiled and nodded at him. He stared, or should I say glared, for a few seconds and finally gave a small, brief smile. Woah, wait. What was up with that? It was like he was angry at me or something. Wait. Did Bella already tell Jack about last night?

Jack turned around back to Bella, who had been watching us, and he slid his hand around Bella’s waist, kissed her forehead, and then together they started walking to Spanish, which they both had together. Bella looked back at me, and smiled. I waved and smiled back at her.

Even though I should be somewhat over this, I got really annoyed and mad at the sight of them together like that. I stalked off to history.

The good thing that happened so far was that Bella and I were still friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, i know, i know. I suck. You guys have by now probably learned that I am the worst procrastinator in this world. Not something I'm proud of.

BUT, to make it yup to you guys, i wrote another chapter that will also be posted tonight!
this chapter wasn't much, just a filler chapter. But the next one will be good :) Just sayin.