Status: Still in progress! I hope you're enjoying reading this FanFiction! Let me know what you think! I love feedback!(:

The Last Goodbye

Chapter 2- Temptation

Cameron’s POV – Chapter 2

I loved the fact that Bella and me were walking together with my arms wrapped around her waist and she didn’t even seem to mind. It seemed as if we were a real couple. I liked that. I have a huge crush on Bella. Well, more like I love her. She’s amazing. She’s all I think about. But whenever I see her talking about Jack or the way she looks at him, my heart tears apart. I’ve known Bella my whole life and I love her. But she only sees me as a friend and I wish we were more than that. I want to be with her. So badly. But she likes Jack and I’m okay with it; at least on the outside.

On the inside I hate Jack because of the fact that he has a one of a kind girl like Bella crushing on him. But I’m here to support Bella and that’s what I will do. Until she realized how much I love her and how much she means to me, I will do whatever it takes to make her happy; even if it means setting her up with Jack.

We went on the line to order our food. I ordered a spicy California burrito with some French fires and coke. Then I ordered Bella the same thing except I ordered her two burritos instead of one and also some chicken nuggets.

She looked at me as if I was insane. “Are you trying to make me explode food out of my body?”
“Nope. Just simply get rid of your hunger.” I grinned at her.

“Ok, so I’m hungry, but I can’t eat all that! It’s too much!”

“No, it’s not! Zach and Michael could probably finish it in 10 minutes!”

“Yeah, but they’re Zach and Michael. They can eat anything and eat it fast! Plus they’re boys!”

I sighed. “Bella, Kierra from our school could probably eat all that.”

Well to be fair, Kierra was pretty much a Tomboy. She even burps out loud which makes Bella laugh.

She groaned. “You’re trying to kill me, Cameron.”

“No, Bella, you’re killing yourself,” I said automatically. Then I realized what I just said. It sounded pretty harsh. Bella’s face went to shock.

“Wait, I didn’t mean it like that. I just,” I sighed, “Bella, I’m just really worried about you. I don’t want anything to happen to you. You’re my best friend. I know you’re not anorexic anymore, but I know you’re not eating on purpose to lose weight. But that’s not a good thing. Starvation affects your organs a lot and can mess them up.”

“I know you’re worried. But honestly, I’m fine! I love you for caring so much, but really I’m okay.” She managed a smile. Then she said quietly, “Anyway, I’m not starving myself. I actually eat food.”

“You eat only from time to time, but not all the time. Am I right?”

She stayed silent, which meant yes. “You seriously sound more like a parent or a counselor than my best friend right now.” She gave me a teasing smile.

I laughed a bit. “Guess I do.”
Our order was finally done, and it was handed to us. Once I sat it down on the table, Bella gaped at it. There were two California burritos in front of her, french fries, chicken nuggets, and a large size coke. She gave me a look like I really am trying to kill her. I simply smiled, winked, and laughed. She smiled a bit and we both started eating.

We ate and talked until Bella said, “Okay, I’m seriously full. I can’t eat anymore! Want some chicken nuggets?” I nodded and took a couple. I think she really was full. She had eaten a whole spicy California burrito, half of the other burrito, all the French fries, and half of the chicken nuggets. Plus coke. She sipped some of the coke and then suddenly let out a loud burp. The people behind us and next to us looked at her.

I laughed out loud. This was probably one of the rare times I’d ever hear her do that. She blushed and looked embarrassed. “Woops, excuse me.”

“That was great! I think it beat out Kierra’s burp she did last Friday!” I said. Kierra was this girl at our school who was pretty random and kind of like a Tomboy. She burps out loud all the time.
She laughed and said, “Oh shut up.” I laughed again.

“You ready to go?” She nodded. We went to throw away our trash. Bella almost threw out the half eaten burrito but I stopped her.

“But I don’t want it!” She said.

“But I do! Why let food go to waste?”

She shook her head, handed me the burrito, and threw away the rest of the trash.
I started eating the burrito already. So what if Bella already bit it? I really don’t care. We’ve shared food before. Most of the time she’s the one who can’t finish it and I end up finishing it for her. It doesn’t matter to me. She’s gonna be my future wife anyway, so why should it matter? Plus, she didn’t seem to mind, so I took that as a good sign. Anyway best friends share everything, right?

We walked out of In-N-Out and walked on the sidewalk around the place. I continued eating the burrito. I finished it 1 minute later and Bella just gave me one of her looks. I had a feeling she was going to say ‘You are unbelievable’ to me.

“Cameron, you are unbelievable.” Hah! Called it didn’t i? I laughed.

She continued. “How can you seriously eat that much food?”

I shrugged. “It’s a boy thing.”

“You’ve got some sauce near your lips.”

“Where? Here?” I started feeling my skin to locate the sauce.

She shook her head no. “Here, let me get it.” She stopped in front of me, took out a napkin from her pocket and wiped the sauce away. I stared into her eyes intensely with my own eyes. She looked back into mine. God, I wanted to kiss her so badly right now. I just wanted to grab her, pull her so close into me so that her palm could rest on my chest, and kiss her until my lips starting hurting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess what?I'm out of school!! :D I got out Tuesday! Then something happened to my stupid internet on Wednesday so i couldn't post! But it gave me time to write 5 chapters! That's a pretty awesome accomplishment for a procrastinator like me :P

Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading the chapter! Don't know if this seems long to you or not but this is usually how much i write for a chapter. I put alot of thoughts and details in my writing if you havent noticed :P

Oh and I'm horrible at thinking of Chapter names :/ I didn't know we had to write one until now! So I'm going to try my best and think of them! If they suck, try not to laugh :]

Comment and let me know what you think of the story so far! Do you think Cameron is going to kiss her ? :o