Status: This story is back!

The Secret Life of An American Teenager


Brittany’s POV.

It was the first day of school and I was excited to go back. This past summer has been a blast and I’m looking forward to another awesome year. Amy hasn’t talked to me since I went to the bar with All Time Low, her and Stephanie. I hope I didn’t do anything to upset her.

I was walking towards my locker when I heard whispering from the students in the hall. I didn’t think they were trying to be quiet about it either. “I bet she’s only sleeping with him for his money” “she always had a thing for musicians” “She’s such a gutter slut” “ Do you mean a diseased infested groupie?” “She likes those bands in the druggie days, maybe she’s a druggie too” they popular girls laughed along with the other cliques.

By the time I got to my locker, I wanted to turn around and go back home. “Just breathe, calm down. Maybe they’re talking about a different girl” I told myself as I grabbed my books from my locker, slamming it shut and going to my first class.

I walked into my class, walked to my seat and sat down, I was staring down at my books thinking to myself when some of the other students filed in. “Oh look it’s the diseased infested trumpet player. Did you have fun playing with Alex’s trumpet this summer?” a popular girl named Carmen asked. “I play the flute in marching band and I don’t know what you’re talking about? Who’s Alex?” I asked. “You just keep pretending, Lisa is going to go apeshit when she finds out” said Carmen as her three clones followed her and sat down around her.

“Okay class” said Ms. Johnson as she walked into the classroom. “We’re going to be begin our first writing project today. We’re going to write about your summer and what you’ve done or learned. It can be about family trips, camping or anything you can think of that included your summer” said Ms. Johnson.

Alex’s POV.

“Hey I hear you’re a baby daddy” said Jack as I shoved my backpack into my locker. “Who says that?” I laughed. “The whole school. Word is that you slept with Brittany Hunter at our after party this past summer” “I did sleep with her” I said as I slammed the locker shut. “Dude, she’s fucking hot” said Jack as we headed to our second class. “yeah, she’s pretty cute” I said. “She maybe hotter than your girl” said Jack as I looked at him. “Whatever man” I said as Jack gave me a weird look. “She’s got those gorgeous eyes that you could look forever into man” said Jack. “I think you’re in love with her” I said as he shook his head.

“Hey Alex” said Lisa as I walked into class. “Hey Lee” I said as I smiled. “Cha” said Jack as he walked by giving a dirty look to Lisa. “Why does he hate me?” Lisa whispered as I shrugged.

Class went on like this for the rest of the hour. All there was is just the students blowing the class of since the teacher never showed up and the principal sat in class while we talked.

When class was over, I walked out of class with Lisa following me. “What’s the rumors going around about you sleeping with a groupie?” Lisa asked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” I said as I looked at her with a confused look. “Okay, I’ll ask around to see who started it” said Lisa as she kissed me on the cheek. “Okay baby, you have fun with that” I said as I gave her a fake smile. “Oh trust me I will” she said as she walked off.

I had a bad feeling about this. Usually when she found out about rumors about me or her, she was a bitch to whoever started it even if it’s something so little, she makes a big deal out of it then it is.

“You’re going to regret that later” said Jack as he passed me. “Why?” I asked as he kept walking. He must be planning something I thought as I headed towards my locker. I looked down as I walked trying to think why all this stuff was spreading around like wild fire when it wasn’t even true. It was this past summer, you’d think people would have forgotten about what happened but I guess not.

I kept walking as I pondered these things when I felt something hit me. I looked up to see Brittany sitting on the ground with her books strewn around her. “I’m sorry” I said as I helped her up. “Yeah I’m sure” she spat as she picked up her books before running off.

Brittany’s Pov.

That afternoon I came home around lunchtime cause I was sick of the harassment. Nobody gave me a break it was insult after insult and I couldn’t take any more for today. I walked in through the kitchen door, shoving my backpack on one of the empty kitchen chairs before making my way towards the stairs. “Charles? Is that you?” my mum asked as I turned and made my way to the living room.

“No, it’s me mum” I said walking in to see a blond headed girl on the sofa. I was wondering who that was until she turned to look at me. I darted over to her giving her a hug remembering the times I’ve had with her. “I guess you do remember me” she laughed. “Of course I do Misha, how could I not?” I said as I looked at her. “I don’t know, how old are you now?” I asked. “Seventeen, you?” she asked. “Sixteen”I said as she nodded.

“Why are you home so early from school?” my mum asked. “I got harassed so I walked home on my lunch period” I said as she nodded. “Alright, I’ll go call you in” said Melanie as she walked off toward the kitchen. “Come on, I’ll help you unpack your stuff” I said as Misha smile as we made our way to the stairs.