Status: Unfinished

IDEK, You're Just a BAMF

Jerry- A young youtube partner who is Destery's competitor, but at the same time is his fan. He has no idea what Destery's opinion on him is until Destery makes it clear that is, jerry is straight, but that will change later on. There is alot of cursing from Jerry so hes a little OOC at times.

Destery- A young adult who is a youtube partner and Jerry's competitor but is a fan of him, he is also quite attracted to jerry in secret, but he doesn't keep it a secret from him for long. He is pretty dirty minded in this story so hes kinda OOC but not really ;D hes Bisexual in this story.

Jerry/Destery SLASH

Dun hate, I just felt the need for a story like this, and i was bored sooo, yeah O.O
  1. Challenge Accepted
    Jerry receives a message from Destery, with a challenge in which Jerry accepts. With Jerry and Destery roomates for the convention weekend, what will they go through?
  2. Destery's infactuation
    Destery's POV.
  3. The arrival
    Jerry arrives in California and ends up with a roomate at the stadium
  4. What A Sensitive Sally
    Jerry and Destery continue their rational arguments, and the convention is just starting.
  5. Frustration and Sensation
    It's a well known fact that Desterys a tease, but how does Jerry react once hes the one to be teased?