That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win

Never Been So Used

"Fallen?" Is it possible to forget who you are? How you ended up in this place? Where you were before you got there? And what you're doing with a huge belly? "Fallen?" Who is this Fallen?

"Your babies are fine, Fallen," the lady in white told me. I nodded, even though I had no clue what she was talking about. Babies? Like, more than one baby? "You seem to look a little....flushed, though," she said. I felt that way, too.

"Is she alright?" I heard. I turned to the door, and there he was. I knew him, but couldn't place a name to his face. He was gorgeous, and he smiled a wonderfully white smile at me when he saw my eyes open.

"She seems to be, right Fallen?" the lady in white asked. I shrugged, because I had no clue who Fallen was. I was really confused right there.

"I'm so glad you're alright baby," the man said, coming over to me and wrapping his hands around one of mine. I smiled, loving the feeling of him touching me, even though I still didn't know how I recognized him.

"What happened?" I asked simply. There was no implying whether I'd remember him when he told me, and he didn't even get a chance to tell me, because two little carts were wheeled into the room. One with a blue blanket over the side, the other with a pink blanket.

"Mrs. Farro, Mr. Farro, you're children are fine now, and ready to meet their parents," another lady in white said. I smiled, even though I still had trouble remembering who I was at the very least.

My eyes opened and I realized I wasn't in the hospital. I was at home, three months of baby twins in me, my husband next to me, and my baby fast asleep in his room. Or so I thought. "Mommy," I heard.

Madden was standing right next to me, his blanky in his hand, and his teddy bear under his other arm. "Mommy okay?" he asked. I smiled and tried to sit up, finally getting it right the third try.

"Mommy's okay now, buddy," I said. He smiled and hugged my leg, then handing his teddy bear to me. I smiled and rubbed my little three month bump, picking up Madden enough to set him on my waist and carry him back to his room.

"Mommy go wit daddy?" he asked in his baby talk. I knew what he meant. Josh had given me time to think about leaving for tour with him, and I coud tell Madden wanted to go. He wanted to be with Daddy, Andrea, and Uncles Zac and Jeremy. I couldn't blame him however dangerous tour sounded rigt now.

"I don't know buddy. Mommy's got more babies on the way, and she isn't sure if she's ready to go with Daddy this time," I told him. He put his head on my shoulder as I opened his door and walked across the room to place him back in his crib.

"Me go wit Daddy?" he asked. I sighed.

"Maybe," I told him. He smiled lightly, then yawned and let me put him back in bed. I started to softly sing Miracle to him for the second time that night, and he fell asleep by the last line flowed out of my mouth. I smiled down at him and thought about how much he wanted to travel with his Daddy.

I was still iffy about it. I was having twins, and my stomach was bound to get bigger. But if I didn't go, there was a fifty percent chance that Josh and Madden, along with Nat, Hayley, Jeremy, and Zac would all miss the delivery.

I guess I still had a lot to weigh out. I talked to Lia about this, and her solution was my choice. If I was going, she would too. If I stayed, she'd stay too, and we'd raise our babies together.

But what did I want?
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You read right in the description.
This is the second to last chapter of this epic tale.
Next one and it's finished.
Don't be sad!
I'm in the midts of writing three new stories!
One is about Jack Barakt.
Two is my Shaun White sequel.
Three is a Michael Guy Chislett story!
And don't think you know what's going to happen next chapter, because only I do!