Beneath the Northern Lights

The Color of First Place

The concert was fantastic. Ali got to meet Maja. She was as classy as they come. She also recommended her spending more time with Lauri, 
“Great guy...I’d trust my new born baby, if I had one, with him.” Maja said smiling at Ali. “The Helsinki festival is a great way to spend the day. You will have lots of fun.” Everyone seemed to like this guy. Ali was excited. She watched Maja prance off to do some more socializing after the concert.
Ali and Nicole headed back early, catching a cab. Ali went to get in the car when she paused and looked back and saw Lauri sitting in the hotel window with his bandmates. He was so connected to his bandmates. It was a brotherhood that Ali respected more than anything. He seemed liked the nicest guy. The night came quick and yet morning took forever.

Ali woke up and smiled looking at the time she had about 4 hours before she was to meet Lauri. She left Nicole still sleeping in her bed. Ali got up and showered up and prepared herself for the day. She felt silly for wanting to see the other so badly. Once ready she headed down and grabbed an apple to munch on while she waited for the clock to strike 11:45 am so she could walk out and meet the other.

Ali texted Bam, “Hey bro, I am hanging out with Lauri this afternoon. I will text you when I get back to the hotel room. Nicole is chilling here by herself, you and Dunn should take her out.” Ali texted Zacky good morning, but just like always, Zacky would not be too busy even though he was clearly awake. She shook it off. He was a busy man. He would respond soon enough. Finally it was time. Ali slipped into her shoes and grabbed her purse. She smiled and wrote Nicole a quick note that read, ‘ Out with Lauri. Bam and Dunn should be over at some point.’ Ali smiled and left the note on the nightstand before exiting the room.

She had a silly smile on her face as she passed other visitors and guests in the hallways of her hotel. She passed some girls who were speaking quickly in Finnish. She looked at them as they giggled almost uncontrollably. She didn’t think much of it until 5 more girls flew around Ali and ahead of her. Ali watched as giggling and excited spirits leaked out of the women. She held her purse and jogged up and saw women filtering out of the hotel doors waving and yelling. She went closer and was very confused as a man grabbed her arm. Ali stopped and looked up at the stranger angry that they stopped her from getting any closer, without any words the man lead her to the side exit. She looked over at him, it was no one she knew. She looked back and tried to see if she could see Lauri waiting for her. How could she get his attention? The man did his best to hold onto Ali tightly. Once he managed to get her out of the hotel. There was a can waiting. She tried to scream Lauri’s name, but nothing was getting the other to stop. The door of the van opened and a man in almost all black pulled Ali in and away from her current escort. Ali paused as a pair of green eyes stared back into hers. The new character pulled down the scarf from around his mouth and head and feathers bounced above his head. Ali let her muscles relax and tension escape. She smiled, 

“Most gentlemen don’t kidnap women for their first date.....” Ali said and then scooted into a seat. She looked back at the tall man that had pulled her away and smiled at him and apologized for her unwillingness. He nodded and shut the door leaving Ali alone with her new company. Ali turned to see the van full of familiar faces that Ali had remember seeing Lauri with at some point the past few days. “The band I presume?” 

Lauri smiled and laughed as he watched her calm down,

“Most gentlemen aren’t lucky to have the fan base that we do, or have the privilege to have such a high profile date.” Lauri nodded and looked back, “Yes, these are the mates, Aki, my number one goon and drummer, Eero: bassist and Pauli: guitarist.” Lauri smiled and watched as the men were very welcoming. Ali waved and greeted them and then looked back at Lauri. 

“So you were the reason for the uproar?” Ali looked over at Lauri and smiled, “You weren’t even there though?” Lauri nodded,

“Decoy....Our manager is down there pretending like they are preparing for our arrival, so that way we could wait peacefully for you somewhere else. The hotel security helped pin you and direct you to our new location. He couldn’t tell you....well... obviously because then if one person overheard then we’d have a much harder time getting you here with us. I’m sure you are used to such events?” Lauri asked as he watched the van take off in the direction of downtown.

Ali nodded and shrugged, 

“I have experienced it enough. Mostly in Huntington. We lived in West Chester forever, people know my family and we don’t get the uproar.” Ali smiled and then wanted to get off the topic, “So tell me, Mr. Ylonen, what is today’s schedule?” She moved closer to him and looked up at him with wide eyes. She could barley stand the fact that she was here with them. She was very excited to be here.

“Well, we will start by getting these drinks, they are like a tea, from a special flower. Tastes like raspberry; I am certain you will love it.” Lauri raised a brow and then looked down at Ali, “The boats will race at about 2. I thought we could maybe just explore the festival for a bit till then.” Ali nodded liking the way he planned, some structure but it was open to so much more. He obviously wasn’t looking for any type of ending to today, only to have fun. Ali nodded, 

“Your plans sound wonderful.” Ali replied and then watched the surroundings. Once there they all unloaded. The band members went one way and Lauri and Ali went in another direction. She walked and saw a guard with them. “Is he totally necessary?”

“Not totally, but it isn’t a bad idea. I just would hate for anything to happen and I have Bam Margera’s wrath upon me.” Lauri winked. They walked side by side casually. Many were spotting Lauri, but due to the guard many decided not to approach. They admired from afar. Zacky often got this attention so it was nothing new to Ali. She just kept looking around. It was like a dream. A mid day carnival. People were busy laughing, getting their faces painted. Ali laughed and finally a stand came into sight. It looked run down, vibrants red and purples were now faded. The line went on forever. Lauri spoke in Finnish to the guard. Lauri smiled and then turned to Ali, “Sometimes it’s nice to use your status.” Ali looked at Lauri with a confused smirk and then turned her head in time to watch the guard disappear into the back of the stand. She shook her head and before she could say anything a couple of teenage girls came up and in the absence of the guard asked Lauri for his autograph. They were also in the company of a much younger girl. Lauri kneeled down and spoke softly in Finnish. The bashful girl nodded and held one of her sister’s hand tightly as the man with crazy hair spoke to her. She quickly lunged out for a hug and held Lauri’s neck tightly and giggled before stepping back and holding to her sister’s leg. Lauri spoke a bit louder and seemed to be happy. The way he interacted with the little girl made Ali smile. Not many young children interacted with Zacky, his age group of fans seemed to be, properly, of a more mature audience. Ali turned as the guard handed her her tea. She waited to try it when Lauri did. She smiled as the three girls ran away laughing. Lauri stood up and brushed his knee off and turned to look at Ali, “I’m sorry...” He took his tea and thanked the guard as he sipped his own. Ali shook her head and smiled, 

“No, no, it’s really sweet how you connected with that little girl. That must be every Finnish girl’s dream.” Ali said and then sipped the purple tinted tea. She drew back her lips and laughed, “This is excellent, Lauri! Thank you!” She sipped it more and then Lauri put a hand on her back and then guided her back on the main drag. “I can tell why it is a Finnish tradition. That little place looks like it’s been there forever.”

Lauri nodded and walked with Ali slowly in the grassy path in between multiple booths.

“The eskimos...and the maids, they were big on natural drinks and things.” Lauri laughed, “They practically used everything they could to find variety. The southern eskimos would harvest flowers and things. This was in the warmer plains where more exotic flowers bloomed. Legend is just said that the right mixture was found and been passed down ever since. Only the eskimos and relatives know the mixture. They started selling it and ever since I was a boy I remember buying the Sinki tea” Lauri laughed and looked at his date for the evening. She looked like a doe who had discovered a new meadow to play in. She was excited ready to explore, but like any smart girl, she had hesitations. Ali nodded and looked back. She was going to respond, but waited for a moment.

“What did you and that little girl talk about?” Ali asked softly, slipping the straw back between her lips softly.

“The child?” Lauri asked and then smiled and shrugged, “She said she like my feathers. She said she was tired and wanted to go home before she saw me. I told her that by the looks of the very butterfly painted on her face she had a wonderful day so far, I told her that maybe if she asked her sister’s nicely she could get some Sinki tea and then she would be ready to have new adventures at the festival.” Lauri shrugged, “She said she was glad to meet me and then I told her to keep her eyes open and find something new to learn about.” Lauri looked down into his drink, “I’ve always wanted my kids of my own, but with my recent break up I’ve decided to put off that goal for a bit.” Lauri laughed. Ali smiled and listened and didn’t have too much to say.
She then jumped as a cannon broke the peaceful moment. Lauri’s eyes lit up as a man went flying over the crowds and booths and hit a sheet clear on the other side of the carnival booths. Ali covered her mouth but before she could ask Lauri took her hand and lead her off to a huge tent were the explosion came from, “Oi! I forgot.... come here...” Lauri took her hand and ran with her over to a large tent. Ali followed with excitement. “I used to sneak in all the will be nice to do it again.....shhhhh” Lauri called back as he ran around to the backside of the tent and lifted up the edge. He peeked in and looked around and then crawled under. He smiled and helped Ali under the heavy tent siding. She stood up and was looking at the underside of bleachers and people’s feet. She bit her lip nervously. Children also accompanied them under the bleachers. Ali was sure this is what Lauri had been referring to about sneaking in. Lauri smiled and reminded her to be quiet as he put a finger to his lips and held her hand as they walked to the side and he began to look for a real seat. Between the people’s feet Ali could see animals, beautiful women, large ropes, hoops, array of circus material. Lauri found a spot for them on the very top of the bleachers. He smiled and sat down and looked down at the ring in wonder himself. 

“What is this?” Ali smiled, “A circus?” Lauri laughed slightly and shook his head,

“You of all people should know... you have a friend who is quite obsessed.” Lauri called out and then turned his head to look at her before placing his glances back onto the rings, “These are some of the most athletic people in all of Finland. It is a circus performance for athletes. Classy Circus if you wish.” Lauri paused speaking and saw a woman wrapping her legs and body in different formations, her only support were two large ribbons hanging from the ceiling. “Koskinen...he does that for fun, I’m sure you’ve seen him or heard about it.” Ali sat quietly and watched the woman. She was so elegant and had no fear while twirling about the silk looking pieces of fabric. Ali held her breath and jumped everytime she slipped a little. The show was beautiful. So much talent, so much energy graced the floor and ceiling of the tent. Lauri had seen it all a million times, but watching Ali’s reaction for the first time was all he really cared about. He smiled and found himself holding his breath a little too with some performances. The two lost track of time as they sat in awe of the sights. When it ended Ali and Lauri stood with the rest of the crowds and applauded. They trickled out and Lauri looked down at his watch, “The boats! Come on!” Once again, hand in hand, the two ran over to where crowds were gathering. Lauri spotted his band. They were all fighting and throwing hands up. “Oh God....” lauri said under his breath.

“I don’t know why you even waist your time, never win. You pick by color not by anything else.”

“It is a mighty blue thank you very much, the color of Poseidon”

“It only has two sails!! Why don’t you invest your money in number 8.”

“For fuck’s sake, It’s green, Aki!”
“And it has more catch the wind better....”

“To slow it down!!!! More sails is more weight! Didn’t you learn anything in physics?”

“I learned that Ashley never wore a bra....”

“Eero....that just explained everything.”

Lauri walked up and leaned on the cement border around the fountains edge. Ali stood close at his side looking into the beautiful sight. It was a crystal blue fountain with several boats lined up carefully and all attached to an overhanging wire to keep them in place for the moment. Kids and adults alike surrounded the fountain. slowly the spray from the fountain turned off and people began to cheer. Ali looked around at all the happy faces. Something so simple was such a huge deal to these people, including her dates, all 4 of them. 

“Lauri, thank god, can you please Eero to invest his money wisely. He’s placing 8 Euro’s on that blue boat.” Aki called out in protest. Lauri stayed calm with his sunglasses resting over his eyes. He bit his lip and looked at Eero,

“Your argument?”

“It’s a nice color...simple, not weighed down. Unlike the viking ship Pauli is voting on.” Eero replied. He looked over and saw Pauli laughing to himself as he watched the owner prepare it. Lauri shook his head and hung it slowly.

“Boys, none of you ever win....I don’t know why you place money on them at all anymore. Not like you need it anyway. How silly.” Lauri said and looked back at his bandmates. 

“What ship you picking, Lauri?” Aki looked over at his best friend. Lauri paused and looked over at Ali who had a wide smile on her face enjoying the excitement. 

“Whatever ship Ali picks.” Lauri smiled looking at his guest. Ali’s head shot up and she shook it,

“No, no... I will not be picking the ship! You are a big boy...make your own choices. My brother is channeling through me right now and I want to pick the viking ship too! Reminds me of that stupid hate he wears.” Ali laughed. Pauli ran over and the large man took her and hugged her tight, 

“She’s a smart girl, Ylonen” Pauli called out and then took a spot next to Ali now to support the ship together. Lauri’s mouth dropped open and he laughed, 

“Not as smart as I thought!!! Aki, I’m joining forces with you and calling green.” Lauri smirked and looked at Ali winking playfully. Ali shook her head,

“You are going down, Lauri....If I win, I want a free Rasmus concert ticket with backstage. ” She smiled and then sat down on the edge. Lauri rolled his eyes. 

“That is the best you can do? You would get that anyway my dear.” Lauri smiled back at her and then blushed lightly. The announcer came on and greeted everyone in Finnish and English. They explained the rules of the contest. In a matter of moments the cables were released and the tiny sailboats were pushed forward by the Finnish summer wind. Instantly Eero’s book took the lead, the remaining four sat in disbelief. Ali yelled at the boat and cheered it on with the rest of the crowd. The green boat’s sail got stuck on the side do to it’s wide pirate ship type sails. Ali clapped and punched Lauri’s arm. The green boat finally moved on but not enough to catch up with the others. Some of the sails got tangles up and sighs of sadness echoed across the fountains surface. Finally the wide long viking battle ship replica pushed on. It wasn’t the fastest, but it was the least indestructible. Ali jumped up and down as it was neck in neck with the Eero’s little blue ship he had placed a bet on. Ali gripped Lauri’s arm as it got nearer. Lauri laughed and playfully wished injury to the viking ship. Soon, even the viking ship proved to just not have the agileness of some of the other boats. They held their breaths and in a matter of moments it was all over.

“I believe the color of first place, bitches!!!!!” Eero called out before putting a hand out for his bandmates to cough up their Euros in. The four bandmates rolled their eyes and placed the money in Eero’s hand sadly.

Lauri shook his head, 
“I’m not really sure how you managed it this year, but congratulations....You are now 24 Euros richer.” Lauri reminded Eero of the ridiculous amount and then smiled. The people started to spread out and carry on with the rest of the festival. The bandmates stood and chatted for a moment. “Ok, so we will see you all about 7 or 8?” the four agreed. Lauri peeled away from the rest and took Ali’s hand and lead her out to the rides portion of the fair. 

“Thank you so much, for brining me here today, it’s been a blast.” Ali said as they walked. Lauri shook his head, 

“It’s not even over yet.....” Ali looked up and smiled at Lauri. They were able to have dinner at a nice restaurant and compared traveling preferences, sibling frustrations and found things in common such as their love for exploring foreign countries. Ali never felt more in sync with a friend of Bam’s before. She smiled and laughed through dinner. It was a great experience. The sun was setting as Ali waited for Lauri to pay. She thanked him and then got up and smoothed out her dress as they walked towards the exit of the small restaurant. Back at the street surface, Lauri pointed up.

“Come on.... it’s my last treat.” There was a ferris wheel that Lauri had been eyeing the whole day. Ali nodded and then walked in that direction. They boarded it and then Ali smiled as it took off. Lauri moved to her sighed and laughed softly,

“Are you allowed to sit here?!” Ali squeaked as the balance was disturbed with Lauri’s move, 

“I don’t really know...” Lauri laughed and looked at the ground as their little booth parted from the floor. Lauri turned his attention back to Ali. “I wanted to show you a side of Finland that you probably have never seen...” Lauri smiled and rested an arm behind Ali on the railing. Ali looked at Lauri and peeked over the edge. She waited. Soon they were a little over a quarter to the top. Ali paused and looked down at city lights. The city of Helsinki was lit up like no other. Ali could see everything from this point. The streets filled with cars, skyscrapers hovering over the streets. Ali smiled and held Lauri’s arm tight as she leaned over the side a bit to get a better view,

“Lauri...this is fantastic! I can’t thank you enough for all of this...” She turned and looked at him, “For everything you’ve shown me today. Your country is beautiful, people included. The happiness is incomparable.” Ali smiled and took Lauri’s hand, “You are an amazing person...I feel very lucky to have gotten to know you. I want to hang out some more... if you can.” Ali added hating that she just asked for more of a slice of his free time. Lauri blushed and his heart chirped in his chest with happiness.

“I was going to ask the same. I have a lot more free time now that I’m single and tour is over, I will even come hang out with Bam and all of them as well so I’m not always whisking you away from them.” Lauri smiled and then looked over the edge, “It’s a beautiful city, and there is so much to show you before your brother drags you back home. I will do my best to get it all in” Lauri laughed and then took her hand softly. 

Ali looked down at their hands and she held her breath for a moment before looking up at him. The lights of the ferris wheel lighting up his face in the darkness. She smiled and then swallowed nervously,

“I....I’m sorry about your break up, I know the touring life is a lot to handle. I know that for a face, but I think if I was her, I would have found a way to make it work.” Ali was going to say more, but she stopped, “I wish more musicians were like you and your bandmates. Sometimes A-List rockers forget to stop and enjoy the ride to top of a ferris wheel...or a toy boat race around a fountain....or getting some amazing tea and greeting fans who can barley spell their own name yet.” Ali looked down at their hands, “You are incredible, Mr. Ylonen.” Lauri looked at her and he blushed a little and his hands got a bit sweaty. He really wasn’t sure how to respond. He paused and then nodded,

“Thank you...I’m glad I have a new friend like you to see that side and remind me that I have it still. I won’t lie, things got a bit dark moments before I saw you at that bar the other night. Not anymore.” Lauri smiled widely and then squeezed her hand. Lauri leaned in carefully and kissed Ali’s cheek softly. Ali smiled and looked into his eyes. it shouldn’t have happened, but one little kiss like that wouldn’t hurt a thing. Ali smiled and then curled close to Lauri as they made their decent from the top. She watched the lights get closer as the headed towards the ground. Lauri was nervous. She could feel his chest rise and fall as head rested against it softly. It made her smile. Soon they were off. Ali pulled her sweater around her as they walked back in the direction of the van.

“He kissed her cheek?! Are you sure....Ali would never let anyone do that but Zacky.”

“Do you want to take the damn binoculars? Sheesh. They are off the ride now.”

“Shut up and give me details. Are they holding hands now?”

“Ummmm.... no....she looks cold....maybe he will wrap his arm around her...come on bud....”

“Ali would die if he did that....poor thing. What else do you see?!”

“Well you might as well call her the walking dead, cause he’s got his arm around her. I can’t tell where they are going. They are getting away though.”

“WHAT?! Give me those.... Oh my god....what do we say? Dunn, you have to call Bam, pronto! He will want to know this.”

“Hey, why don’t you call him, you weren’t put in a barrel and tossed over a waterfall today. I’m still recovering. You make the call.”

“Fine........yah...Bam, it’s Nicole, no I’m on Ryan’s phone, idiot......we found Ali and Lauri.....”
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I'm so sorry it's taken so long to get this chapter up!!! I am continuing. I also know the storyline is a little draggy right now. It will pick up. I can smell drama in the air! Enjoy! Please let me know if if you have any suggestions!


Please and thank you!