Beneath the Northern Lights

Peura and Lintu

The next day Ali woke up in her guest room at Sauli’s house. She got up and saw Sauli cooking in the kitchen. She smiled softly and walked towards him, “So my masseuse cooks as well? Aren’t you a talented boy.” Sauli jumped and was caught a little off guard. He laughed and shrugged,

“More talent means more security, I suppose” He smiled and hinted at a picture of him and Adam hanging up in Sauli’s Finnish house. Ali looked at it and smiled before taking a seat on a stool attached the the island that Sauli was preparing food on. She smiled and watched him chop away at some fruit for their breakfast.

“What do you think of Lauri? My brother surely is ruining him right now....wait...I mean last night. He’s probably already destroyed by now.” Ali rolled her eyes. Sauli paused and looked up at her.

“He’s a great guy. He’s talented. However, he doesn’t have much self confidence. His sister encouraged him to sing, but it took a lot to make him finally start performing. He also can’t keep a girlfriend. I don’t think he stands his ground enough, let’s them....whats the term you Americans use? Walk about them?”

“Walk over him?” Ali laughed and looked up at Sauli’s eyes. She nodded, “You were close enough.”

“Yes! He let’s women walk over him. He doesn’t take charge very often. It’s why people like him. He’s soft and has a big heart.” Sauli paused and looked at the ceiling, “His music, it helps him say what he wants. Not like Adam. Adam tells his feelings in words, music and actions.” Sauli looked at Ali, “Lauri’s truest feelings come from his music. He’s to shy to say it aloud” Ali bit her lip and looked down. Sauli smiled widely and leaned forward and in his thick accent he whispered, “You don’t....know...any of his music do you?” Ali looked up and blushed feeling like she had been caught red handed.

“I don’t...I know the song he did a long time ago for Bam’s CD, but that really is it.” Ali admitted.

“Well you need to brush up before you go to the concert!”

“Concert?” Ali asked confused. Sauli put his knife down, wiped his hands on a towel and cocked his head to the side. 

“He didn’t tell you?” Sauli shook his head and laughed, “Of course he didn’t... I’m silly.” Sauli rubbed his forehead and then looked at Ali. “He is performing up country at a small venue the day after tomorrow. Adam even rescheduled things so we could go. We thought you would be there and we wanted to all hang out.” Ali sat there and slouched in amazement that Lauri hadn’t said a word about the concert to her. Ali felt like they were getting close, but , simultaneously, she realized she didn’t know him at all. 

“I really should ask him if I can go. Maybe there is a reason he didn’t tell me. Maybe he doesn’t want me there.” Sauli was quick to shake his head in disagreement.

“No. Adam and I are taking you. You will understand more about him. They just got back from touring and will be writing songs soon. Who knows when he will be able to perform again. It could be years! Let’s go.” Ali sat their not feeling to sure of herself, but there wasn’t time to argue as they gained company.

“Mmm smells delicious in here.... Good morning, how are you feeling, Miss Margera?” A sleep Adam came over and hugged her before moving to hold Sauli in his arms as the smaller man continued cutting up the fruit for breakfast. 

“Amazing, I felt like I was at a real spa last night. Thanks, Adam, for setting it all up. I think your tea knocked Nicole out, though. I haven’t seen her since you gave her that stuff.” Ali smiled and looked at the two of them. They were the perfect compliment to each other. She wished she had that with Zacky, but maybe when they moved in together that would develop.

“Strong tea.... I won’t drink it.” Sauli admitted and laughed before looking up at Adam over his shoulder and then smirked at Ali, “Baby, I just made plans with Ali for the concert. She’s so excited.” Ali looked at Sauli and wanted to strangle him. She smiled up at Adam who was now very excited for the extra company. Adam came next to Sauli’s side and clapped his hands.

“Perfect! I knew you were going to be going! See, baby, now you can go speak Finnish to all of your lovelies and we can do the American thing.” Adam looked at Sauli and bumped his hip with his own, “I told you... I was right.” Ali smiled and shook her head lightly not really sure what to say, but getting Adam’s ego under control was a start.

“We get it, Adam. You were right.” Ali smiled and took a deep breath. She was glad it was these boys she was going with. They would be great company.


He sat in a chair staring at the unlit fireplace. The morning sun pounding on the side of his face. He was lost in his own mind. Scales, junctions, oppositions: decisions and crossroads haunted him all night long. He debated his decision already. What did he have to lose? In all reality not that much, but what he was really losing were a collection of possibilities and what ifs. He sat alone in total silence. he hadn’t slept at all. Bam had been playing tricks on the guys all evening while the Finnish rockers and Ryan spent the night trying to avoid the professional skater, however, the alcohol in their systems made them easy targets. Ville sat in delight and enjoyed the entertainment that Ville had put on for him. Ever since Lauri accpeted Bam’s proposal, Lauri’s mind couldn’t relax. Now here he was sitting and thinking about the consequences.

“I was hoping to have a cuddle with you last night.” Lauri heard the voice and turned his head to look over his shoulder to see the owner of the house looking at him. Lauri sighed and faced back towards the fireplace. “Ah, I see...the cold shoulder. I understand...”

“It’s nothing towards you...or anyone, Ville.” Lauri responded and took a deep breath. Ville walked towards him and took a seat in the chair to the right of him. He looked at Lauri and crossed his legs. 

“Then what are you thinking?” Ville asked and hung his head a little and looked over the other lead singer. Lauri sat and shook his head. He tried to put it into words a million different times himself already in his mind.

“I know why Bam wants me to do this. I want to avoid a friend’s heartbreak if I can.” Lauri sighed and looked at Ville. “I just don’t know if this is the way to do it.” Ville paused and thought about it.

“It’s only wrong if you make her believe a lie.” Ville looked at Lauri. His lips spread to a smile as he was now understanding where Lauri’s head finally lied. “It only is a tragedy once the truth is invalidated. Bam, never told you how to do it, Lauri. He just wants a specific outcome which is for Ali to leave her current commitment. You decide which road you take, Lauri. You decide if it’s the high road or the low road. You could give her advice if she’ll take it. That would be an easy route. You could also try and steal her heart and her attention and focus it on someone else...or yourself, of course.” Ville smiled and then stood up and decided to leave Lauri on his own with his new advice. He slipped back upstairs and began the process of waking up the drunks he had scattered about his house and reviving them.


All the Americans soon ended up back at their hotel rooms and were busy catching up on sleep or, in Ali’s case, getting ready for a night out. She put on her last bit of makeup before hearing her phone go off. She ran to get it hoping it would be Lauri. She smiled when it was.

“I’m here. Being brave and pulled under the awning. Come quickly!” Ali knew that every person that walked by would make Lauri a nervous wreck. He really had a fear of being attacked by a mob, but Ali understood it and it was a well placed fear. She grabbed her purse and looked back at Nicole who was curled up in her own bed. She smiled and went straight to her brother’s room. She knocked on it and waited until the man she wanted to see came to the door. He was messy looking. His hair was a wreck and his eyes were starting to bag from having just woken up from a nap.

“I’m heading out, just wanted you to know.” Ali smiled and then took a step back. Bam smiled and stepped out of his room and smiled and lead Ali to the hotel lobby. Ali was confused and looked up at Bam. “Bam, what are you doing? I’ve walked through this lobby at least a dozen times already this trip.” Ali looked at her brother as they boarded an elevator.

“I just wanted to make sure you got to the door ok. I haven’t seen you in awhile.” Bam said softly acting like it was no big deal. Ali was beyond confused still but didn’t ask anymore about it. Once they were outside, Ali couldn’t help but smile seeing Lauri’s green eyes looking back at her through the windshield. Bam opened the door to the car and helped his sister get in. Once she was in and he saw the smile on her face he leaned down and looked through the car to Lauri. The sight of Bam made him a nervous wreck. Bam was putting so much pressure on Lauri, but the singer kept telling himself it was all for the best and if it was his sister, he would more than likely do the same exact thing. Bam smiled and saluted to Lauri and didn’t break eye contact,

“Have careful...and stay focused on the mission at all times.” Ali looked at Bam and laughed. 

“Mission? You mean stay focused on shopping?” 

“Yes, that is exactly what he means. We have scam artists in Finland too, my dear, now if your brother wouldn’t mind shutting the car door, we could focus even better
 on this evening’s missions.” Lauri said reaching across Ali and pulling the door shut as best he could. Bam jumped back and smiled as he watched Lauri take off with his sister. He walked back in the hotel and prayed that Lauri would make a break through tonight.

Ali and Lauri were walking around the mall. Lauri had been here a million times. He walked quietly with his hands in his pockets. His eyes wandered around the mall while his ears focused on Ali. 
“So, have you heard from Zacky lately?” Lauri looked at Ali and then the floor infront of them. Ali shook her head. 

“No, I miss him dearly though. I called him the other night and he was having a party. It sucks to not be home for those.” Ali said as she stopped to look at a purse at the entrance of a store. Lauri smiled and told her that it was a good style but not the best color for her. He then thought about how he should form his responses from now on now that he was on this ‘mission’.

“I can imagine that would be hard. I find it hard to believe he hasn’t called or anything. I would always be checking on my girl, if I were him” He looked at her face and smiled lightly. Ali looked up and blushed a little and shook her head.

“No, he knows who I’m with and he trusts me. I’m always the one who is checking up on him!!” Ali laughed setting the purse down. 

“Is it because you don’t trust him?” Lauri paused waiting to see what she would say. She looked back at him and then her eyes shifted to admire the other items in the store. 

“You sound like my fucking brother, I told Sauli he would ruin you.” Ali huffed and then turned leaving the store with Lauri behind her. “I trust Zacky. I love him more than anything. He’s helping me start a brand new life for myself without the label of ‘Bam Margera’s little sister.’ I’ve been waiting for someone to help me out of that mess for years.” Ali whispered as they walked. Lauri listened and then bit his lip in panic. This was so much harder than he thought. He wasn’t good at giving advice, especially advice that wasn’t welcomed in the first place.

“No, no, no, I just...assumed if he doesn’t check on you because he trusts you, but you check up on him...I just thought maybe you didn’t trust him. It has nothing to do with your brother.” Lauri said as they walked. Ali listened and her heart sank. She had never had someone lay it out like that before. She looked up at Lauri and moved closer to him. She didn’t trust Zacky at all. That fact was clear as day. The last phone call didn’t help matters either. She held Lauri’s hand and pulled him to the side of the mall against the window of a store. She searched his eye and then sighed,

“Can we go somewhere else? I kind of lost my mood for shopping.” Ali whispered. Lauri looked at her and was shocked. Had his words worked? He nodded quickly and looked around thinking of a place they could go to. He then knew the perfect place. Lauri and Ali got back in the car once outside the mall. Ali sat quietly holding on to Lauri tightly during the ride as emotions started to rise to the surface. Finally the sun was beginning to set. Lauri took Ali to a park. It was a decent size and had plenty of areas to sit in the grass, to walk or to hold an activity. Lauri found a bench that gave them a beautiful view of part of the Helsinki skyline. He sat down and then looked at Ali. 

“Do you want to talk about it? I’m fresh out of a relationship and I can empathize like no other right now.” Lauri joked. Ali turned and played with the rings on her own fingers. She nodded to show Lauri that she would accept his offer.

“I just don’t know, Lauri. I love him. He bought house for us. Every time I’m with him I feel like I really matter. He introduced me to the guys on one of our first dates.” Ali looked down, “When we are alone I feel even more special. He’s genuine and doesn’t change based on his company and I admire that. It reminds me of my brother.”

“What about when you aren’t around him. What do you notice then.” Ali looked at Lauri then the grass as she tried to pin point those feelings inside of her chest. 

“Well, I guess.....I’ve always thought that he could do better. I guess, when I’m not around I just always am scared he’s going to prove me right one of these times. I never used to let those thoughts upset me until recently when he didn’t propose. You see, all of his bandmates hinted to it. The other girlfriends also were suggesting it. I obviously was very excited. I was ready to say yes, but hen it never happened. I started to think that he didn’t propose because maybe he finally agreed that he could do better. As of recently he bought a house for us!” Ali paused and laughed. “I don’t know what to think of him anymore, Lauri.”

“Besides what you think of him...what do you want, Ali?” Lauri looked at the dark haired girl and studied her expressions. Lauri was agreeing more and more with Bam. Someone needed to step in and break this up. Zacky was only stringing her long. He felt horrible for her. She had no idea what this man was really doing. Lauri didn’t know either, but he could take a guess judging on the type of guy that Lauri knew him to be.

“What do I want? I just want someone to love me. Someone I can be a friend to and depend on. I want my other half.”

“Is Zacky the answer to every one of those things? Every single last thing???” Lauri leaned forward waiting for her response. 

“I..well...some of it yes, but I don’t think I.....” Lauri cut her short and took her hand.

“Ali, I know you just met me, but trust me when I say...if he’s not everything you want then let it go. You deserve someone who is everything that you’ve dreamed of. You need to find someone who is a friend to you like Nicole, you need to find someone who loves you as much as your brother does, you need to find someone who will never let you down like Ville.” Lauri smiled and squeezed her hand. She looked at him and waited for a moment.

“And...what about my other half...who is that?” Lauri laughed and shrugged, 

“I’m thinking Linde...maybe Gas.” Lauri laughed and his heart swelled when he finally saw her throw that dashing smile. She giggled and then looked down at their hands. She thought about it for a moment and then the smile started to fade. Zacky’s name like rain clouds hovered in her mind over the joy that Lauri had just slipped into her spirit. He didn’t at all feel like her other half. She felt so confused and hurt. Lauri watched her face change and he sighed and lifted her chin. “Peura....” She looked up at him confused as he switched to his native tongue. “I’m going to call you Peura. It means deer in my tongue. You are a deer in my eyes. So fragile and so full of wonder.” He smiled, “So beautiful.” She looked up at Lauri and blushed lightly holding his hand tighter. “Just a little Peura trying to figure out if man is safe or not.” Lauri took a deep breath and paused as he looked over her face. He smiled, “Come, you have parks in America, we don’t need to waste our time here. No more talk about Zacky. Not tonight anyway.” Lauri smiled and stood up taking both of her hands with both of his and then pulled her up next to him, “Drinks on me?” Ali looked up at the other. He was like manna from heaven to her. He was an amazing new friend. It was like he knew exactly what to say. She smiled and let go over his hands and instad linked an arm with Lauri’s and nodded. 

“Nothing would make me happier.”

“Come on...Jaan Ponima part 2...except this time I won’t be a creeper at the bar. We go as friends now!” Lauri exclaimed. He felt like a sort of champion. He was a step closer to helping Bam separate Ali and Zacky for good.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is a really choppy chapter, but it will smooth out next chapter.

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