Falling In Love Alone

In, and I mean the car. Not my vagina.

"I'm not wearing that."

"Yes, you are." Abby continued to hold out the shortest dress I've ever seen in my life.

"It won't cover my ass!"

"That's the point." I glared at her. She was wearing a very low cut shirt. Her bra was poking out. I had stopped trying to get her to cover up a long time ago. She never listened.

"I'm not going to go out in public with half my ass hanging out. I won't do it."

"Alex would love it. I know that for a fact. He'd probably put a beer down to look at you with this on." He'd put a beer down? Holy fuck. That's something. I looked at the dress, then back at Abby.

"It'll make me look fat."

She rolled her eyes and threw the dress at me, "Do you want to get laid or not?" I glared at her.

"You know the answer to that." She sighed and sat on the bed next to me.

"Yes, I do. And I know that it'll happen if you wear this. Trust me. When have I ever been wrong?"

"There was that time in fifth grade when you let me cheat off you on the history test and I got a fucking F."

She glared at me, "That was rhetorical question."

"I don't believe in those."

"Just put the fucking dress on!"

"Qurl, calm yo titz." I stood up and picked up the dress, looking at it. I sighed and walked into my closet, closing the door behind me. I put it on, and it was fucking tight. I looked at myself in the mirror. Well, where my mirror had been. There was some really hot chick standing there in a lavender dress that make her curves actually look nice. I turned to the side and so did the girl. I'm never doubting Abby ever again.

- - -

"Fucking stripper heels," I grabbed Abby's shoulder, keeping myself upright. I was barely coordinated in Vans. And she expected me to keep these on all night.

"Get over it. It'll be worth it. Trust me." I sighed and held in my screams of agony as we pushed through he crowd. I'd been to plenty of parties, but this one just seemed way more intense. I was probably the youngest one here. It was weird. But I didn't mind.

"Where are we going?" Abby just rolled her eyes and kept pushing through the crowd. It seemed to split in two where ever she went. It wasn't that odd. It's how it always was with Abby. But tonight the crowd didn't just close in on me after they let her pass. They let me pass too. A few guys even tried to slap my ass. I grinned, thinking that I could get used to this.

We got to the edge of the crowd and stopped. I looked at Abby for instructions. I was good with parties, yeah. But Abby was the expert when it came to these things. She knew just where to be and who to be with. She grinned and put her hand on my back, pushing me in front of her. "I'll be upstairs. Go get some." And with that, she left me. She waved at me as she walked up the stairs and disappeared into one of the bedrooms. Damn whore. She always got invited to one of those.

"Thanks, best friend," I mumbled under my breath and made my way over to the sitting area. I sat in an arm chair, having been to enough parties to know that if you sat on the couch, you'd end up being the pillow for a horny couple.

A few guys came over and offered me drinks or asked to dance. I politely declined. There was only one guy in this party that I would accept either of those from. And I knew exactly where he would be. Yeah, I didn't want to go in there.

About 30 minutes passed, with about 50 guys offering more red cups filled with death. I finally got up the nerve to stand up and go find Alex. As soon as I reached the door of the sitting room, he stumbled out of the kitchen and barely caught himself before he hit the floor.

"Stella, my baby!" He made his way over, stepping between couples making out. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly against him. "What're you doin' here?" The stench of his alcoholic breath filled my nose and it took almost all my energy not to throw up.

"You invited me."

"I did?" he paused, "Well, then let's go party!" He took my hand and led me to where the music was loudest. I ignored the smell of beer the best I could and had a good time. I danced with Alex for the rest of the night. Well, you could call it dancing. But it was more like grinding our hips together.

He had a few more drinks. The more reckless he got, the more confident I felt hanging out with him. I'm sure that if it weren't for the smell, I would've kissed him. Maybe done more.

By the end of the night, I was practically carrying him through the house. He doubled over and puked in a flower pot. That's when I figured it was time to go home. "Come on, big guy." I pulled him up and dragged him through the house. We made it out the front door and got to the car. I stopped, almost collapsing under Alex's weight. I closed my eyes and pushed the memory out of my mind. This wouldn't be like last time. "Alex, I need your keys."

"They're in my pocket," he looked at his jeans, "somewhere down there." I lifted my eyebrows at him. "I'll stand still; you pull 'em out." I hesitated for a second, then stuck a finger in his pocket and wrapped it around the key chain. Alex leaned on me a little more forcefully, "We should wait until we're actually in the car." I rolled my eyes and unlocked the truck, opening the back door for him.

"In, and I mean the car. Not my vagina." He laughed and climbed inside. I closed the door behind him and walked around to the driver's door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The engine roared to life and I tried to control my shaking.

I pulled forward onto the road. Take it slow. My brain told my feet to let off the gas. It wasn't that I was a bad driver. I was scared. Beyond reason, maybe.

"Can you turn the radio on?" My lips formed a small line as I tried focusing on the road. "Stella," I shook my head, trying to tune him out. "Stella, I want the fucking radio on."

"Well, I'm trying to drive and not kill both of us! Shut the fuck up!" I blinked back the tears as a picture of the crunched car came into my mind. The scar on my leg burned softly. The one reminder of the thing I could've prevented, but wasn't sober enough.

"I just want some music, God..."

At that point, I just kind of lost it. "Look, I'm trying to get you fucking home so you don't get fucking alcohol poisoning and die. I don't know about you, but I would be pretty fucking grateful to someone wanting to do that for me. But did that happen last time I drove a fucking car? NO! So sit the fuck down, put on your fucking seat belt and shut the FUCK UP!"

He did as told, keeping a hand over his mouth. I released my death grip on the steering wheel when we hit a stop sign and wiped my tears quickly.

After a few minutes of silence, I finally got to his house and parked. I heard his belt unbuckle and the door open. I turned around quickly and caught his arm, "Hey. I'm sorry for yelling. It's just, you remember what happened last time." He nodded. The drive seemed to have sobered him up a bit. He was at least coherent now.

"Do you just wanna stay here tonight? I don't want you to drive home alone." I smiled softly and nodded, unbuckling and stepping out.

"Thank you." I closed the locked the doors before wrapping my arms around Alex's waist. He may be less drunk, but I didn't trust him walking just yet.

We got inside and I set the keys on the counter. The walk up the stairs was difficult. Alex's feet didn't like having to leave the ground. So I practically dragged him up the stairs. We reached his room and I led him over to his bed, letting him lie down. I figured he'd appreciate getting into a change of clothes before passing out. I made a path to the dresser and found some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I sat next to him on the bed. He apparently hadn't reached the passing out stage. He was fiddling with something he found on the floor and giggling. I rolled my eyes and took it from him, receiving a pout.

I smiled softly and set the clothes next to him. "Arms up, big boy." He did as told and I lifted his black v-neck over his head. Even in a time like this, I couldn't help staring at his chest. Sure, I'd seen him shirtless before. And I admit, it wasn't something super special. But when you're alone in a room with Alex Gaskarth and you just took his shirt off, you kind of need to stare a little bit.

After a bit of (what I hoped was) unnoticed staring, I pulled the clean shirt over his head. I stared at the basketball shorts, then at him. "I think you can do those yourself." He gave me a pout and I rolled my eyes, walking over to the other side of the room. "Let me know when you're done." I covered my eyes and turned around.

It had been a couple minutes and I was about to turn around when something warm grazed my hip. I spun around and was surprised to see Alex trying to wrap his arm around me, with no pants on. Hi, girl boner. Nice to see you too. Before I let my brain get taken over my hormones, I slipped under his arm and across the room. "What are you doing?!"

He turned to me, certain things wobbling at the quick movement. "Well, I was trying to give you a hug, but you moved."

"No, I mean, why were you trying to hug me without pants on?"

He looked down, not at all surprised to see Little William down there. His eyes went back to mine, "I was kind of hoping I wouldn't need to put them back on."

I stared at him, not following at all. "Why wouldn't you need your pants, Alex?"

"Well, I was gonna hug you. And then maybe kiss you. And then, you know..." He made it sound like it was the simplest thing in the world.

I shook my head, trying to get the wonderful image of things happening between us out of my head. "Alex, you need to go to sleep. You're drunk. Your hormones are taking over." My eyes were closed tight, not wanting to see what just stuck up in the air a little.

That was a bad choice.

In those few seconds, he seemed to take control of the situation. He ran over to me, slid a hand behind my head and pulled me up to his lips. I freaked out a little bit, trying to push him off me. But being the wimp I am, I just kinda shoved him and the kiss continued. I stopped fighting when his other hand wound around my waist and pulled me against him. One of my hands slid around his neck, the other down his chest. He pushed me back a bit and I ended up pinned against the wall, gasping for breath as he trailed kisses down my jaw line and onto my neck. He found my soft spot and started sucking. A soft moan escaped my lips before I could stop it. I felt Alex's lips form a smile against my skin. He bit me softly and continued to work his way down my neck.

I decided it was my turn to take control and pushed him back onto the bed, crawling over him. Our lips reconnected and his hands went up my dress, lifting it over my head.

It's not hard to figure out what happened next.
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I love this chapter. c: Hope you guys do too! Comments are beautiful things, my wonderful readers. Did you know that? I bet you did.