Missing Jason

Hospital and a Goodbye

I could hear one of those machines that show your heart rate. I tried to sit up. I couldn't move. I tried to move my finger, it wouldn't budge. I started panicing.

"We have brain activity!" cried a Doctor. Or at least I'm guessing he's a Doctor, I can't open my eyes. I heard people running over to where I was.

"Laurie, I need you to open your eyes."
I really would if I could.
"Laurie, you've been in a car crash," a new voice came.
A car crash? What happened? Where's Jason?
"Please, we need you to open your eyes."
I suddenly felt really tired from all this listening.
"She's going back down," said the supposed Doctor.
People walked away. I tried to cry 'No! Stop! I'm here, I can hear you!'
I couldn't and it was one of the most fightening things ever.

"Laurie?" It was Jason.
"Um, I don't know if you can hear me. But I'll talk anyway," I can hear you! Please, God, let me open my eyes, Or at least move my foot!
"Look at what I've done to you," I heard him cry a little, then he sucked it up. My breathing sounded mechanical, I hated it.
"I've got to go away. The person in the car in front...well, she died, Laurie. She was driving her little boy to Kindergarten and I hit them. The boy's alright but he hasn't got a Mother because of me."
What was going on? Car crashes? Death? Comas?
It was like a tragic TV show.
"I know if you could, you'd be saying to me not to go, to stay with you. But I just can't."
He kissed my hand.
"Good bye Laurie."

No! I wanted to wake up so badly. Why couldn't I wake up? I heard him walking away. Please, Jason, stop. Please. Oh, God. The door shut.

My finger twitched. People rushed around me, but I didn't care, all I cared about was what was happening to Jason. Where is he?