A Daydream Away

Thanks for the Memories

After deciding to stay in Maryland for a while, I had to go back and get my stuff from home. Al was going to be coming back with me, which to be honest I was kind of upset about. I mean, I loved her and was absolutely thrilled she was going to be with me during this but what if what happened at home happens here. What if everyone forgets about me, and gravitates to her. I shook that thought off as I exited the plane and was greeted by Jonathon.
He picked me up and twirled me around and gave me a kiss on my forehead, the usual routine for when he saw me. People stared at us, and I heard one person whisper about what a cute couple we were. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. “Hey, little sister.” He said and his grin spread across his face. I smiled and pulled him to the luggage cart, where we were greeted by Caleb holding my luggage already.

“Hey Looney Luna, welcome back!” he said pulling me into a hug. I smiled, realizing how much I was going to miss my boys. The thought almost brought tears to my eyes but I pushed them back, and ran to the car. The ride home was full of crazy conversations of their adventures since I’d been gone. No one mentioned the fact that pretty soon, I was going to be gone again taking my red headed companion with me.

We got to my parents’ house; my mother was sitting in the kitchen waiting on us. She showered all three of us with hugs and kisses, thinking of Caleb as one of her own. My cat Eureeka wrapped herself around my legs and I picked her up holding her close. I ran to my room and looked at it. Was it only a year ago I lived in this purple room, covered in posters and photographs from high school? I sighed and fell to the bed.

The whole week consisted of this routine. Hanging out with everyone and getting overall emotional. I had my bags packed and my Mom had already begged me not to leave, upset that her baby was growing up. I hadn’t seen Kyle at all, though I can’t say I’m surprised. He usually avoided me when I was around, though I don’t know why. I couldn’t wait for him forever and it was obvious he didn’t want me so I don’t know what he wanted for me. I shrugged and changed into one of the more ridiculous outfits I owned, which I hadn’t packed. It was pink overalls but the bottom was a skirt, a white tank top, lime green knee high socks and my high top paint splattered chucks. My hair was pulled up into two high buns on the top of my head and I laughed at myself in the mirror, I looked like I was in high school again. I had always strived to be the weird and different girl, wearing bright colors and fixing my hair crazy, this outfit a result of that stage in my life. There was a picture on the mirror of me and Al when we were about 15 me wearing a bright pink tutu and a dark purple tank top with my hair teased up huge with about a 100 bright colored clips in my bangs, and Alouise in jeans and a t-shirt. We were polar opposites but you could tell how happy we were both our brace faced self’s smiling from ear to ear. I pulled the picture and stuffed it into an envelope and wrote our names in careful handwriting.

There was a knock at my door and I jumped back dropping what was in my hands to the floor. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. “Come in!” I yelled in a shake-y voice, and in walked Kyle. He looked me up and down and smiled and I used my arms to cover myself, feeling uncomfortable. “Um, hi.” I said awkwardly looking at the floor.

“Hey,” he replied still looking at me smirking. It was obvious he was intoxicated and I was home alone at the time. I trusted him, of course but when he got drunk he got a little aggressive. “I’m glad I can still make you blush like a little school girl.” He said in a cocky voice.

“I think you should go, Jonathans not here right now so there’s no reason for you to stay.” I looked up at him as I said it but the impact of my words were cut down by the shakiness of my voice.

“You didn’t used to mind,” he glared “you used to beg me to stay with you.” He grabbed my hips and I tried to push him away. “Why are you leaving me, Lu? First you started dating Zack, completely disregarding the fucking relationship we were about to start and now you’re going to live with him?! Don’t you get that I love you?! If I can’t date you then the least you could do for me is stay. Just stay here with me.”

I was shocked, what did he mean he loved me? He certainly didn’t seem like he loved me when he starting fooling around with all the other girls on tours and flaunting his girlfriends in my face, and now he’s asking me to stay? “No.” I said my voice finally forceful. “I loved you for years, and you didn’t want a thing to do with me and now that I’m actually happy you want me? No. That’s not fair.” The tears rushed to my eyes. “That’s not how it works Kyle William Burns and you know that. I finally found someone who’s willing to stay faithful to me, not flaunt every whore they bring home in my face. He makes me happy. Don’t you dare try to ruin that for me. It’s not fair.” I was sobbing by now and I could tell he was pissed.

“Fine, I’ll just leave then, if you want me to go. But just know that when he breaks your heart I’m not going to be the one who picks up the pieces. You’re such a bitch.” He said throwing me back. I fell to the floor as he left and curled up in a ball.

I lied, I couldn’t wait to get out of this place.
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Upon hangin' with Emily this weekend this chapter was inspired. Haha, thanks for those of you who are still reading we both love you. <3
Peace, Love, and Rocketships,