A Daydream Away

It Has Been Awhile.

"Riiii. Why do you have to practice so early?" I covered my ears with my hands as Rian furiously banged on a drum set in the next room.

He didn't hear my whining, so I decided to get up and complain to him face to face, since he awoke me from a nice sleep.

"Rian, shut the fuck up. Please. It's..." I looked across the room to a clock hanging on the wall. "Three. Oh my God, I slept till three. I haven't been able to do that in months!" I was almost proud of myself for sleeping in to such an unholy hour.

Lately, I hadn't been sleeping much at all.

"It's about time you got up. Cass made breakfast, but you were, ya know, asleep." Rian flashed his pearly-whites at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

When you see a smile like Rian's, you get a tingly feeling in the pit of your stomach. The one that says "Wow. That is reassuring. I think everything's going to be okay." but of course, Rian didn't know he had that effect on people.

"Wanna head down to the studio with me today? Hey Monday is tracking some new stuff for their album and I promised Cass I'd be there sometime or another." he asked as he set his drumsticks across the snare in a criss-cross pattern and stood up.

"Sure! Sounds like fun, actually." I joked, as I walked back to my room to pick out an outfit.

I dug through my messily packed suitcase. I'd been staying with Ri and Cassadee for a few days now, until I found an apartment and a temporary job of my own to settle down to. I hadn't imagined leaving everything I owned behind in Dallas. But starting over here in Baltimore seemed to be just what I needed. Everything was new, and fresh.

And the best part, no one knew me. Know one judged me on previous knowledge. That's what I loved about Baltimore.

I found my favorite pair of jeans at the bottom. A large hole in the left knee from climbing the fence to Caleb's house. Memories were made when I wore these. I threw them on the bed and grabbed an old FTSK shirt. Seems like I had a ton of them.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at my hair. I dyed it the night I arrived in Baltimore. I was now a Bottle Blonde, but of course, my natural red tint shone through.

I brushed down the rat's nest on my head, and applied some eyeliner. I slipped on my clothes, then my black TOMS, and headed out the bedroom door.

I turned the corner, and headed down the hallway to the kitchen. I saw a lanky boy looking in the fridge, finding nothing, then to the freezer, pulling out a box of Eggo waffles and squealing. Around turned Jack Barakat.

"Long time no see, Jacky Poo." I teased as I jumped into his arms and breathed his familiar scent.

"It has been a while." he agreed as he kissed my cheek.
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I totally wrote this while goofing off in my second period.
This is just a filler, and will most likely be edited in the near future.
Love me.