A Daydream Away

Rules to the Game

“WE ARE SEX BOB-OMBS! ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR” blared from the speakers of my phone. The familiar track from Scott Pilgrim that woke me up each morning was especially loud today. As if it was reminding me “Luna, you have to get up. It’s June 7th, and Al needs you. Plus you need to congratulate Zack. You can’t mess this up. Wake up!” I reluctantly got up with a sigh, and turned the alarm off. My clock read 9:30 am. I rolled out of bed, and started to get ready. I took a shower, and after I was done I put on some jean shorts and pulled over my Peter Pan shirt I’d had since I was about 8. It was seriously oversized when I got it, but it was just so amazing that I just had to get it even if it was an adult’s size. The tattered white fabric was soft, and comforting. I dried my hair and let the mint scented conditioner I always use wash over me. I looked in the mirror and realized how tired I looked. My skin, usually at this time with a sun kissed look, was pale making the purple bags under my eyes pop out more than usual. I sighed and did my best to conceal with the makeup that I had. Besides that, I just slid on my glasses and old battered up Chuck Taylors I’d had forever. I smiled at the little heart drawn on the toe of it; Zack had drawn it last year on tour.

I walked into the kitchen in my apartment shared with one other girl and saw that the toast and tea I drink every morning was already on the counter. A note lay beside it that read:

Dear Luna,
You seemed pretty stressed. Hope this cheers you up, maybe? If not just know that I love you dearly. That is all
Stars and Rockets,

I smiled at my roommates attempt to make me happier. It’s true, I had been stressed lately. Being tour manager for Jonathan’s band and trying to also complete online courses is not the easiest of things to do. Plus I’ve had to see a psychologist once a week. I was busier than I’d ever been! Luckily when searching for an apartment, I found Lelia. We clicked instantly, and are super close friends. We decided it’d be better for both of us if we moved in together and split the rent. Yet, I can’t bring to tell her the events of last summer. Sure, she knows about Zack, since we do still talk. But, I’ve never explained to her that it was more complicated than just another Boy meets Girl story. We were really close, but then tour ended and we didn’t really see each other much. We both had all these new things being thrown at us so fast. The fact that All Time Low had been moved to a bigger label and Dirty Work coming out our lives were just so hectic.

After finishing my toast, I grabbed my phone typing a quick. ‘Happy Release Day! I’m proud of you guys ;)’ and sent it to the boys of All Time Low. After that, it was off to Alouise’s apartment. I got in my old beat up blue Mustang, her name was Glados and she was my baby, and headed that way.

When I arrived, I ran up the stairs and threw the door open. I knew it was unlocked, so I just walked right in. My eyes widened at Al lying on the couch, bottle of Vodka in her hands. She looked up and acknowledged me and I could tell she wasn’t that drunk, well not yet anyways.
“What, what, WHAT are you doing?!” stumbled out of my mouth, and I waited for a response. Instead, she just held up an album. On the cover were 4 boys, standing in a row. My heart ached at the sight of Zack, placed between to Alex and Jack, Rian beside Alex. I missed him so much. I walked over and took the album out of her hands, and gave her a huge hug.

“I’m not letting you drink all day, Al. But, I am going to keep you so busy that you don’t even remember what you were sad for in the first place. Then later, we’re going to party. It’s been far too long since that’s happened.” She opened her mouth to protest, but I knew that if I let her she would never do what I ask. It was now officially a game that I knew all the rules to, don’t let her speak until she has taken a shower and is completely ready, or the game is over and you lose. “Now come on!” I pulled her off the couch and pushed her into the bathroom and closed the door. I stood close by the door way until I heard the familiar sound of water coming from the shower. Now all I had left to do was wait.