A Daydream Away

It's Too Late Now.

I sat down on the toilet, and opened the box that contained my future.

I examined the box cover.

"Pregnancy Test! 99.9999% Accurate! Screen will read 'Positive!' if pregnant, and 'Negative!' if not."

I shrugged, pulled out the stick, and peed on it.

I left it on the counter, and returned to the living room to await the result.

What happens if I'm pregnant? It was just one time, I mean I can't be pregnant... Right? Right?

One question still lingered in my head. But my heart wanted to know the answer.

Will Alex be there?

I placed my hand on my forehead and closed my eyes. 20 days late. I should've known sooner. I should've realized earlier.

I should've done something to stop it.

But it was too late for that now.

I looked to the clock, and realized that the terrible waiting period of fifteen minutes was now up. I could check the pee-stick now.

I practically darted to the bathroom. Sitting on the counter, waited the test. I closed my eyes.

"God," I said "I know we don't talk much, and I know that I'm not a good person. I'm a sinner, and I know that. But for once, I'm looking for a little help here. I'm 18. I can't handle a kid. Like I said, I know we don't talk much. You probably don't even know me. But all I'm looking for is a... Little miracle. And by little miracle, I DON'T mean a baby. I don't want to bring an infant into this world when I'm just a kid myself."

I opened my eyes and picked up the stick.


I dropped to my knees in the bathroom. I curled into the fetal position, and cried.

I cried for the baby that I was carrying.

I cried for myself, and the fact I knew I wasn't capable of being a good mother.

I cried for Alex, and my heart ached knowing that he most likely wouldn't be there.

I cried, and cried, and cried.

Finally, I drifted to sleep in the middle of the bathroom floor.


I awoke to the ringing of my phone. I stood up carefully from the bathroom floor, and walked to my bedroom. My phone was connected to the charger on the bed-side table. I picked it up, unlocked it, and answered the call.


"Hey Al! I'm in your hood, can I stop by?" It was Luna. Practically my sister.

"Yeah. That'd be great right about now." I smiled.

"Well, good. Because I'm at your door." I heard her laughing at herself, as I ran to my front door.

I opened the door, only to be tackled by a huge hug. I smiled, embracing my cousin for the first time in what seemed like forever. I heard her sobbing as she stroked my hair.

"I've. Missed. You. So. Much." She choked out.

"I've got some news," I said, breaking myself from the hug, and grabbing her hand. "You might want to sit down for this."

She led me by her hand to the couch. We sat down, as she curiously eyeballed my expression.

"What is it?" she asked. I laughed noticing her anxiousness.

"Remember how I told you Alex and I hooked up on tour... right?"

She nodded.

Before I knew it, I had my hand over my stomach.

"Lu, I'm pregnant."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! This was a flashback chapter, if you didn't notice.
Thank you for reading. It really means the world to me.
I love you all.