Status: Slowly active

Seattle Weather

The day I decided to end my life was a Tuesday. The day she tried to save it was too

Seattle's weather is enough to bring anyone down. Taylor Daniels knows this all too well. With all the rain keeping Taylor down, he has decided his time on this Earth is done. He is going to kill himself. Although he hasn't quite planned it out yet, he knows he's going to go through with it. That is, of course, until one girl stumbles into his life, a girl from the sunny shores of California. Hearing her words of warm summer beaches, he realizes how much he longs to see the sun once more before his time is up.

So he sets off. With a loaded pistol packed in the back of his car, ready for the moment he's ready to check out and the girl who just might be falling for him close on his trail, he's off to see the country, to get away from the Seattle weather for just a little. Where he's going not even he knows. He just has to get away.

Will he let her save him? Or will he maybe even save himself?
Or is he too far gone already?