Nerd Wars


Populars: Highest class in high school, usually the prettiest and most social. These people are called "The X-men" because they are well-known and have the most power. Most can be quite rude and gossip a lot, proving the stereotype that most popular people are bitches. Populars and Cheerleaders tend to act similar though the only thing different is that populars tend to be more rude and are respected for it.

Jocks: Jocks are a little bit lower than the X-men. They are the most athletic and tend to have ripped bodies. Their called "Hulks" because of their muscles.

Idiots: By popular belief, idiots tend to be the lowest school pyramid. But in Winston high school, idiots are the third most popular because of their reputation of being beautiful and not smart. They're called,"Charles Xavier wannabes" because of their lust for knowledge that is never fulfilled.

Emos/Gothics: Since they are most feared in Winston, they are most respected and a group of 'scene' people that do not like loudness except for their music. They tend to hang around the library due to their pet peeve of loudness. They are called,"Jokers" because of their tendency to cake makeup all over their faces.

Cheerleaders: These girls/boys are the fifth level of the pyramid because they tend to be bitchy and no one respects them because of it. They're called,"Titans" because they always stay together.

Nerds: They are the ones bullied most because of their big brains. Since they are never respected in real life, they'd forced to live in another 'reality' such as a video game. They call themselves,"Charles Xaviers" because of their big brains.

The Nerds are rebelling. No one is safe, nowhere is safe from nerds.

Captain America can't save you now.