Escapeing Fate

In love

As I woke up I herad someone throwing up so I got out og my bunk and walked into the bathroom and saw Max head in the toilet bo,I walked ovel and sat down and rubed his back.'Max are you okay'I said wooried he turned to me and put a fake s,ile on his face and said' yes dont worry 'then he put his head in my lap and I put my hands in his hair'.Max you should see a doctor I am worried,Max please'I said ,'Sammy I am ok please dont worry,'Max i can not help it i dont like seeing you like this,'I said crying 'Dont cry sammy please dont cry I will see a doctor'.He said hugging me but only if you come along'You know I will Maxie'Okay Max said back to me 'Monte' I said loud 'when is are next stop'I said 'um...In like twenty minutes we will get a room.'';Okay hey can you get my cell phone' 'okay sure', 'Max you know you are my best friend ever','I sais','and your my best friend to thata why I want you to be' 'Here is your cell phone Monte interupted Max' 'MONTE' max said what I just brought the phone'monte said in a hurry 'heres the number 555-6984-990 'Hello a voice said on the other side of the phone..Um I like to set up apointment for maxwell scott green'you have to come fill out some paper work nah..all go to the hostpetel whent the phone 'come on max lests go i hope of the bus with max and got a cab and told him to go to the hospetle'okay'he said the drive cep looking back at me and max 'do you have a problem'max ask him then the car stop and we were in front of the hospele i go out quick 'come on max lets go,max why did you have to go and say that to him'I dony know',Max what did you wont to ask me'I wont you to be my girlfrind will you'Of corse max i'll be your girlfrind I love you now lets go see what the hell wrong with you'Okay '
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sorry it short have to update my other story