The Curse of Gladriel

Gladriel Waited

Gladriel waited; waited, having waited time and time before.She was terribly lonely, and had begun to doubt if her savior would ever arrive.

One day, she heard a knocking upon the door of her bed chamber; she went to see who it was, of course, expecting the person of her restless dreams.On the other side of the door was a fare maiden, she had a full and prominent figure, lustrous black hair, piercing blue eyes and blood red lips.

“You’ve finally found me! I knew you would come!” she exclaimed excitedly.
The prominent brunette was confused however, she had never seen the blonde Gladriel in person or in vision.
“Sorry, I dare say I have never seen you before fare maiden, and I cannot give you what you seek.” She sighed, almost guilty.
“But how can this be? We have spent the wildest of nights together! How can you forget?” The struck Gladriel exclaimed in desperate lamenting.
“Oh, I’m sorry that your blinded heart is so committed, but I am not the woman you seek. But I know of a man who seeks you.” She chirruped.
“A man? But I do not seek a man! Wouldn’t you have guessed from all our passionate nights?” Gladriel began to weep.

Little did Gladriel suspect, a hideous potato like warlock had cast a spell so that her true love would not remember her.Just as Gladriel began to surrender to the futile circumastances the warlock presented himself, smashing through the scarlet and white stainglass window.
“How you dare you break my window you evil potato effigy! Leave my kingdom now or taste my 40 minute wrath of milk, hob stoves and well prepared quorn sausages!”
The potato warlock confessed his love for Gladriel “Me only wanted you own you mine, being a mere potato of fangor five.”
“Fangor Five?” Gladriel exclaimed hurriedly, “But a bounty of ten thousand ningies is on your head from that dreadful place!”

Gladriel wielded her mighty scimitar and sliced the potato in two from tip to navel. “Now all my servants shall never stave again on the diet of French fries!” She proclaimed.
The fare maiden approached; “The spell has been broken! For I am your bed lady Minerva!”
“Come! Let us writhe under the sheets in the frivolous act of love eternal!” Gladriel announced.

And so from that night forth, Minerva and Gladriel did grin and writhe in their lesbian acts, the window was repaired only half as ten thousand ningies paid for just half of the job and the population of middle earth did feast on the many chips.
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This was a quick, rough, thing, and I will try to be better about grammar and punctuation in the future. It was created by going around in a circle with one person typing. It is part fan fiction but not fully. The original was separated by spaces between lines at random points to show the three separate authors, but I didn't want to get in trouble for bad format. Usually each author did a sentence.