Status: Going On Break With This- I Promise I'll Come Back Soon

Oh, Sweet Rhythm



The second day of school is almost as chaotic as the first. People still don't know their schedules, people can't open their lockers, and everyone seems to be late to every class. Last year, Leon and I planned out a route to school, the one that avoided every jock house in this side of town- a route that would save us from being beaten up. Again. We take that route every morning. It's a lot faster than even just walking the seven blocks from my house to the school. Once we're in the parking lot, we calm down and let the feeling of almost safeness wash over us.

Even on school ground, we're cautious of bullies as we make our way to the door. I look all around me and catch Eric Hills sneering at me. Eric is tall, short black hair that's always in a mess. He has sharp, piercing green eyes and a tan, clear face. He's very muscular and a foot ball player. Though he's not the captain, he's the biggest dick on the team. I quickly avert my eyes, but I know it's to late. I'm going to get beat up today. It's silly to assume that one glance can assure my doom today, but I know that Eric used to date Josette. That makes an ass kicking certain, right?

I try to shrug off the sneer as I make my way into English. Today, Mr. Rill doesn't say anything as he walks in. It's almost nice when the smell of alcohol and new car hits my nose. I don't know why it's nice, maybe because it shows me that one date won't change the rest of the world. That and I've always liked the new car smell. I'll have to remember to ask him why he smells like that, if I can work up the courage. Mr. Rill, his hair messier than I've ever seen it, sits down and puts his head in his hands and he cries. No body even looks up at him but me.

Josette comes in then, sits besides me, and taps me on the shoulder. I turn to her. She straightened her hair, so it looks longer than usual. Her headband has a large, blue bow in it, one that matches her teal shirt. It's a tight fitting shirt with a cartoon cat eating a cupcake on it. She wears faded skinny jeans and a pair of what I think girls call strappy sandals. She raises an eyebrow as she asks, "What's up with Mr. Rill?"

"No idea," I shake my head. I feel terrible that no one seems to care. I wish I could do something. "Should I talk to him?"

Josette thinks this over for a moment. She nods. "Sure."

I get up from my seat, walking slowly over to the crying man. I place a gentle hand on his shoulder and he raises his head to look at me. His eyes are watery and blood shot, tears are streaming down his cheek and his lips is quivering. Mr. Rill had always somewhat been a role model to me. He likes to drink and he always smiled around us, when he wasn't to into a book. He was attractive, had his own place. I never heard of him having a girlfriend- maybe he was lonely? "You okay?"

"I-" He just stops talking and cries harder, as if my presences is to much for him. I'm not sure what to do. I've never had to comfort a crying person before. I gently rub his shoulder, hoping that anybody who's watching doesn't think that's weird. He looks up at me again, brown eyes large and pleading.

"Look, I know I'm just a student, Mr. Rill, but if you need to talk about anything, I'm here for you." I bite my lip. The edges of his lips twitch as if he's about to smile. He uses the back of his hand to wipe away his tears and he stands up. He nods at me and I go back to my own desk as well, Josette smiling proudly. Our English teacher clears his throat.

"Class, pull out your books and start reading." He adjusts his tan suit jacket as us kids pull out our books and open them, though most just stare at the page, not even reading it. The teacher strides confidently over to me, places his hand on my shoulder this time and gives it a rough squeeze. As he walks away, he whispers in my ear. "You're a great man, Christopher. Just like your father."

Something about that comment freezes me. A chill runs down my spine, a chill I almost can't ignore. Mr. Rill is almost five years older than my old man! There's no way they could know each other from school. A previous job, perhaps? No, Mr. Rill has been working here since he graduated. It's not a huge deal, just creepy. Then again, I could always ask my dad later. I pick my book and almost drop it when I remember something- men's body spray. Could Mom really be cheating on Dad with Mr. Rill? I shake away the thought and pick up my book, trying to concentrate on that. I only read maybe twenty pages during the next forty five minutes and when the bell rings, I'm happy to leave. Josette catches my wrist.

"Sit by me at lunch?" She raises half of her lip in a lopsided smile and I nod, racing down the hallway to me locker. My next few classes are okay, but I can't think straight to save myself, but as I'm walking to fifth hour -P.E.- I remember that Eric Hills is in my P.E. class. The glare from this morning comes to my mind and I'm scared. I walk into the large gym, hoping he's not in the locker room yet, hoping he's late to class today. When I enter the locker room, a clear view of tiny, chain link yellow lockers is a relief- no one. I do the combo on my locker and open it, quickly removing my shoes. A few people filter into the room- still no Eric. I remove my shirt and jeans and slide my gym shorts on when Eric finally enters.

" 'Sup fag," he smirks as he slaps me upside the head and pushes me to the side. I fall onto the concrete bench built into the wall. I grunt, get up, and try to ignore him. Now that he's here, the boys are rowdy and loud, screaming and making noises I'd never even imagined. I worriedly slide on my shirt and exit the room. Once in the gym itself, I relax because our gym teacher, Mr. Blune is keeping watch of the kids. Once my only friend in this class, Marcus, is done changing I walk over to him.

"You okay?" He asks. Apparently, I'd been rubbing my shoulder in pain and hadn't noticed. I didn't feel all that hurt, just a slight tinge of pain.

"Yeah, just trying to avoid Eric." He nods and scans the room for the guy. I'd never done anything to the guy, but the past few years, he's hit me in countless places, publicly humiliated me, and one time even locked me inside a small dark closet in the Chorus room. It was so small I had to hunch over and kneel and he kept me there for three hours. Once I was out, everyone laughed; but no one did a God dam thing to help me. But now, I did something to him. I was taking his ex out and it meant trouble for me.

"I would too." We don't really talk until Mr. Blune gives us instructions for the day. Thank God, we get to run the track rather than play something were Eric could find a number of ways to hurt me; flag football, capture the flag, dodge ball, etc. Once we start jogging, Marcus starts talking again. "Dad says we're getting a new student on Monday?"

"Why Monday?" I ask. Marcus's dad is vice principal and knows pretty much everything that is or will be happening. He's a cool dad, like mine, and gives his son pretty much anything he asks for. Marcus doesn't get everything he wants, but saying he is anything less than spoiled is just wrong.

"She's still moving here from Nebraska or wherever. I forgot where Dad says she's from." I nod. It's nice when we get new students. It adds some sort of mystery to this town for a little while; until the new kid finds their clique. Once that happens, we're pretty much all normal again. I hope this girl is different than the rest. I wish that maybe she'll fall into our clique. It would never ever happen, but it's nice to dream.

"That's cool," I say, shrugging off the topic. Had I known then that this girl would change my life, I would have been more interested; I could avoid the heart ache that would soon befall me.

- - - - - -

When I finally get home, Dad sits alone on the couch watching Pawn Stars. Dad must have had a delayed flight or something. Or it could be like the time in the seventh grade when Dad was home after school. He took me out to lunch and he explained that my Grandma would soon die. I set my book bag down by the coat hook and quietly step into the living room, sitting down beside my dad on the couch. He looks at me and smiles.

"Wanna go out for lunch?" Uh-oh, I think and my stomach lurches. Him and Mom are getting a divorce, I know it! He chuckles, obviously sensing my distress. "Don't worry! There's no bad news. I just had a flight cancellation and I'm home early today."

"Let's go for ice cream instead. I already had lunch." He nods and in a matter of minutes we're in the car and headed down the road. Once we get to the ice cream shop, we order the same thing, which makes me think of how alike we are again. I pick out a table and put a spoonful of mint chip ice cream in my mouth.

"You know, I worked here for awhile," Dad says, light in his eyes. Oh boy, do I know that he used to work here! He tells me every time we go here- about once a month. I don't stop him, but keep eating and listen. It's one of my favorite stories. "I'd only been working here for about a month before your mother came in. I knew her from school, but never really talked to her."

I smile, I know every word that's about to come out of his mouth, but I don't care. It's so sweet and I need to hear it right now, with everything that I think is happening. Dad smiles at his memories and continues his story. "Your mother wasn't the most popular girl, despite her beautiful appearance. She sat down at this booth, the one we're in now and pulled out a notebook, started doodling little cartoon animals. I was about to go compliment her on them, maybe even sit down and talk to her when the most popular girl at school came up and ordered a chocolate shake."

He snarls, eyes narrowing as if the scene were playing out again. "I gave it to her of course, but then she walked over to your mother and dumped the whole shake on her head. I was so pissed that I took the shake I was making and a handful of nuts. I walked over to that bitch and just dumped the shake over her head and threw the nuts in your face. My boss saw, told me I was fired, but I didn't care. I grabbed your mom's hand and we left the shop."

"What happened to the other girl?" I ask, already knowing the answer. It's my favorite part.

"Turns out she was allergic to nuts- had to be rushed to the E.R." We both laugh. It may be quirky and cliche, but that is my favorite story. Better than the Lord of the Rings, even. My dad smiles at me, taking the conversation in another direction. "I hope this Josette girl is every bit as lovely as your mother."

I bite my lip, not sure if I should tell him that I'm sure his wife is being unfaithful. Instead, I go with how I truly feel about Josette. "She's very beautiful. Sweet, nice, funny. I really like her and I'm afraid to screw this up."

"Then she's a great girl. Any girl that makes your stomach turn, that means she'll be loyal and kind. If not, she'll eat your heart out." I take this into consideration. In the small amount of time I've spent time with Josette she's made me feel nervous, made me feel butterflies, made me feel uneasy- but she's never made my stomach turn.

I should have listened to my father.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that this chapter is so short, but please comment. Next chapter, Rhythm will finally make her first appearance in my story! :) Subscribe and comment :)