
Satisfaction #3

After a night of stealing, Alise and Alexander sat down to talk. Alise told him how he was born. She said he was born from a magical fire that touched the treetops. Blue and green sparks surrounded him and he became alive. She was, in fact, lying to him. To her own blood.

"And then, you were standing next to me and I taught you all that you know." She smiled as she said it, knowing that he would never know what really happened.

"Really? That sounds like magic, sister. Are you sure that's what happened?" He smirked when he asked to make it look like he knew.

"Yes, it is. I assure you, I'm not lying." She smiled back as they had their silent argument, but she won. "Brother, I'm beginning to get hungry. What do we have to eat?"

"Nothing." He laughed. "You taught me to live off the land."

Ever since Alexander was made into a real person instead of a dead baby, Alise has fed him blood. She killed innocent hunters and drained them with a syringe, taking several to back to him at the camp and feeding him through a baby bottle she stole. So, that's what they lived off of. As for food, they just ate the local berries or got one of Alise's new close friends, Alice, to steal for them.

. . .

Alexander's mouth was stained red when he got done with the hunter he had for dinner. He smiled and it made him look like a real killer, which he was. Alise was very happy with the outcome of her brother. He was perfect to her.

He talked in between sips of blood. "Sister, what is this life sustaining liquid? Is it really for us to drink?"

Alise stopped herself from drinking and looked at him, dead serious. "Yes, now eat. We don't have much time before another search party come to look for this one."
She pointed down to the dead hunter. His mouth wide open and his eyes rolled back in pain and agony. He was no longer alive. His skin was a blueish grey now, showing no sign of life. He was cold, like an icicle.

Alexander whispered. "Alise, is that how I was really born?"

She set her cup down and sighed. "How many times do we have to go over this, Alexander?" She looked mad.

He shrugged. "It just sounds unreal. I don't think that's how it is. I think your lying."

Alise's eyes dilated in anger. "What?! You think I'm lying!? How dare you!"

"I'm sorry! It's just that.. I didn't believe it at first!" He dropped his cup, the blood staining his new shoes.

"Brother, I would never lie to you. You know that." She tried to convince him.

"Your lying."

"What?!" Alise's head filled with rage as she slashed the words at him like a mental fight.

"You shouldn't have taught me how to tell if someone is lying, sister." He smiled.

Alise threw her cup of blood to the ground and jumped on top of him. She clawed at his face in rage. He dodged her hits easily, with his arms. The cuts on him poured blood and he smiled in satisfaction.

"You shouldn't have taught me to stand pain."

She roared in pain as he threw her off of him. She was much more fragile than he was. Her body was bruised and beaten after he threw a couple blows at her. She was breathing irregularly and her walk was now a limp.

"You can't beat me up! I'm a girl! I'm your sister!" She yelled, spitting out blood.

"Your also a liar. Your lucky I don't kill you." He said sharply.

Alise's rage was back as she threw herself on him once more. They rolled around in the dirt and grass, trading blows. They all of the sudden stopped and looked up. Voices could be heard close by and flashlight beams were heading their way. It was the search party. They were caught.