Sequel: Damaged Goods
Status: finished go find the sequel!

Why Can't We All Feel Like Gifts From God?

Entry #36- Thinking Time


Today I’m thinking.

Thinking of ways to end my life.

I thought of trying to drown myself.

I found out that is impossible with such little things in my room.

I thought of breaking something sharp to cut myself with.

But I don’t have anything sharp.

I thought of hanging myself.

That could still be accomplished.

I thought of having a slow and painful one by

Cutting myself with my pens and pencils.

But I’m not to fond of slow and painful.

It just want to be gone.

But I remember, no pain no game.

I know I’m going to do it.

It’s just a matter of finding out how.

Also how to do it without mother hearing, seeing or maybe even being here.

She hardly goes to work now of days.

She’s too busy watching me and giving me shit.

This whole thinking thing is harder then it looks when your in my shoes.

I’m going to continue my thinking in peace.
♠ ♠ ♠

It will be posted today (:

I may start the sequel this week, maybe not. but the summary for the sequel will be up after the new chapter is posted (: