Status: Completo!

A Synful Tale

A Synful Tale

Everyone has a wish. I like to ask the first star of the night for my wish, I don’t know why but Syn tells me that’s just what you’re supposed to do. Syn tells me lots of things I never knew before. I pluck at the grass as I wait, my mind buzzing with the possibilities of everything I could ask for, but there is only one thing I truly want.

I turn towards Syn and ask, ‘You’ll tell me as soon as you spot the first star won’t you?”

I can’t see his smile but I hear it in his voice as he covers my hand with his own, ‘Of course Ava, I always do, don’t I?’

I nod to his words and wait patiently beside him. Syn has been there for me ever since I joined Parker’s Gang. It’s been nine years since I met Syn and nine years since my parents abandoned me in a shopping centre. I was only six. Some kids are just born different, it’s not their fault and it’s not the parents fault, but it does happen. My parents couldn’t handle my defect, I was a broken toy and they just abandoned me.

‘Ava, quickly, it’s just appeared.’

I turned my thoughts to the star I knew was in the sky, and although I couldn’t see it, it didn’t matter. I prayed as hard as I could. All I wanted were parents, people who would look after me and love me for who I was.

‘Wish I may, wish I might, on the first star I see tonight,’ I whispered

I felt like crying. Others may pray for their vision, but not me. I had come to terms with being blind a long time ago. All I really wanted were parents.

Syn’s hand tightened over mine, ‘Hey Ava, what do you wish for?’

‘If I told you Syn, it wouldn’t come true, isn’t that right?’

He sighed, ‘I guess, I just wondered, do you ever ask the star for your eyes to work?’

I chewed my lip, ‘I used to.’

I could feel Syn looking at me, waiting for me to say more. I just shrugged and picked some grass off my pants. I tried to change the subject.

‘What do you wish for Syn?’

‘To be rich, duhh!’

I laughed and punched his shoulder, ‘seriously, tell me!’
Turning me to face him he laughs and wags his finger, ‘Nuh! You can’t tell what you wish for! It won’t come true!’

I shook my head at him, ‘you’re such a child Syn!’

‘Nope! I’m a manly-man.’

I giggled and shook my head, I always wondered where I’d be without Syn. He’s my rock, the only dependable thing in my life.

‘I don’t think so, you’re like five!’

We’ve been together so long I know exactly what he’s doing (well, most of the time) even though I can’t see him. I laugh at him because I know he is pouting at me.

‘I've got man hair though! No five-year old has man hair!’

I chuckle and as he brings my hand to his face my breath hitches in my throat. My fingers felt the soft ridges of his cheek, the little hairs that had sprung up and ran across his jaw. Both of us stop joking as I slide closer to him, running my hands over his face. I loved the feel of his face; it just felt so... right. My fingers trace his eyebrows and I pause, but just as I’m about to ask him something a yell bellows his name and another boy joins us on the grassy hillside.


‘What is it?’

I can tell Syn is angry and pull my hands away abruptly and pretend to be looking over the hill, no one in Parkers Gang knows that I am blind. I probably wouldn’t be alive if they did. Weakness was a disease, and mine was as diseased as they come.

‘Parker is looking for you, something big is going down, don’t ask me what cus I don’t know, I'm just the messenger.’

With that, the boy left and Syn sighed, ‘Do we have to go now Syn?’

He gripped my hand and helped me off the ground, ‘Yeah hun, I want you to go find Johnny and stay with him for a little while, I have to see what Parker wants.’

I nodded and followed Syn back to the warehouse that had served has my home for the last nine years. There were 20 or so of us in Parkers Gang and although Syn made sure I was never around for the action, I knew what the others did to make money and earn Parkers protection.

Syn had taught me lots of things over the years so the others wouldn’t find out I was blind, not even Parker knew, just Syn and Johnny.

Some things were harder for me; I remembered the other kids once asked me what my favourite colour was, I didn’t know colours and Syn had the hardest time explaining it too me. I only knew them as things, not something you could touch. Syn told me his eyes were blue and so when they asked, I told them I loved the colour blue.

I found my way to the small room Syn and I shared, a single bed and some piles of clothes; just enough to survive and found Johnny waiting for me. Johnny was a short guy about Syn’s age 17 or 18. He had a fiery mouth on him but he was quick and strong in a fight.

Johnny had brought burgers and chips with him for dinner, I didn’t know where they were from but man they tasted good.

‘So did Johnny do good?’

I laughed looking across the bed at him as he waited expectantly for my answer, ‘Yup, these are amazing! Will you read to me tonight John?’

As he read Cinderella too me, for like the 30th time I wondered whether having an evil step mother like Cinderella was better than having no mother at all. Before the end of the book I felt myself falling asleep, I told Johnny he could leave for the night. Syn would be back soon.

Wishing me goodnight Johnny left and I fell asleep waiting for Syn.

Just before dawn I was woken up by a pair of hands and a bag being putting over my head. I struggled and screamed for Syn and was answered by a punch to the gut.

‘Shut the fuck up, or I will shut you up.’

I bit my lip, scared but feeling an insane moment of laughter come over me as I thought of the bag over my head. Oh the irony.

There was no use in asking questions so I listened, I was being carried through the warehouse but then we were outside. I had no idea what was going on and I wished Syn were here.

Just as roughly as I was taken, the bag was ripped off my head. It’s not like I could see anyway, but the air had suddenly become clearer. We were outside.

A deep voice addressed me, ‘Its Ava right?’

I nodded my head, staring straight ahead to where the voice had come from. I couldn’t let them know my weakness.

‘Do you know who I am little girl?’

I shook my head and whispered, ‘No.’

I cringed as his voice boomed, ‘I’m Parker! Yes your esteemed leader, and you, my little minx have been living under my protection for far too long.’

I heard him smirk, and also picked up on at least two other sniggers from around me, ‘But... why now?’

Parker had approached me, his breath was in my face and he must have been staring into my eyes.

‘Your beloved Syn bargained with me, to spare you from me, but his usefulness has run out, and now it is your turn to pay for your protection.’

I silently took in everything he’d told me. Syn had been doing jobs for Parker, extra jobs. Too keep me safe. I never knew...

‘Wait! What have you done with Syn!?’

‘Don’t worry yourself with that worthless piece of shit. I have a job for you, do it or die, it’s simple.’

I chewed my bottom lip nervously, ‘What’s the job?’

Parker clapped his hands together, ‘You, who nobody has ever seen before needs to deliver a package to one of our middlemen, or rather woman. She is under surveillance by the cops and they know everyone, but you.’

‘What’s in the package?’

I felt the immediate sting as he slapped my cheek, ‘you do not ask questions, if you even think about looking inside I will know and I will cut your eyes out, is that clear?’

Another seizure of crazed laughter threatened to overwhelm me at the irony of his threat. I regained my composure quickly and nodded.

I was left to my own devices, the trade off set for that afternoon. I wasn’t allowed to return to the warehouse and so I sat on the ground.

I was trapped, they didn’t know I was blind and how could I deliver a package on my own if I couldn’t see the woman who I was supposed to be delivering it too? I started to freak out and wondered where Syn was. I needed him.

Someone finally came and got me, hauling me roughly off the ground. I was taken across the street from the bar where the woman would be and told to go.

I strained my ears for cars and tentatively crossed the street. I entered the bar, thankfully nobody said anything to me, and minors weren’t a problem during the day. I felt my way along the wall, finding some booths. I sat in one at the very back of the bar and hoped this woman would know who was coming.

I felt a presence to the side of my booth.

‘He- hello?’

‘Who you waitin for darlin, this ain’t a nice place of town ya’know.’

I hoped it was the bartender; I cleared my throat, ‘Oh I’m just waiting for a friend I used to live with, she left something at the flat and well this is like the midway point for both of us.’

I hoped my excuse was plausible and tried to smile sweetly at the guy, he merely grunted and moved away. Not even a minute passed before someone was bear hugging me and squealing.

‘Emily! Oh my god! How are you darling? Kiss, kiss muahhh! Oh I've missed you so much, life has been so boring without you! Have you brought my clothes? Thanks sooo much!’

I observed her boisterous behaviour; this had to be the woman. No doubt about it. I smiled and handed her the package, getting up to hug her back.

‘Oh lets go get a coffee darling, this place is horrid, I don’t know why you suggested it!’

Arm in arm we strutted out of the bar, I had no idea how many sets of eyes followed us. We crossed the street walked for about five minutes before coming to a stop.

I was suddenly sent sprawling to the ground by the woman, I attempted to get up but a heeled foot held me by the back, squirming on the ground.

‘What the fuck parker? What the fuck is this?’

‘Woman, what’s your problem, you got your shit didn’t you? Now give me the money!’

‘What’s my problem?’ The woman sounded hysteric, ‘My problem is you sending me some blind fucking twat to give me my drugs, we could have been busted, game over parker. The. Fucking. End.’

A moment of silence followed before Parker spoke up, ‘what do you mean blind?’

The woman lifted me off the ground by my hair and I squealed, ‘See her eyes, they’re misted, she’s probably been blind her whole life, obviously not as blind as you!’

More silence followed and before I knew what was happening I felt a severe pain to my stomach, then to my face, then to my back. People were kicking me. I cried out as ever kick connected and made a new bruise. I curled into the fetal position and screamed for Syn.

After a while they left me alone, my body limp with pain. I whimpered as someone picked me up.

‘Lay her over here,’ the woman said.

‘Syn...’ I breathed, knowing it was him.

‘Shhh baby girl, I'm here now, I'm sorry Ava.’

I lay in silence as Syn looked me over, making sure nothing was broken. The woman made some tutting noises before speaking.

‘Ava, I feel so sorry for you, they never even knew you were blind, how did you live! You poor girl...’

I made no attempt the reply though Syn, snorted, ‘She had me.’

Ignoring Syn, the woman spoke again, ‘My name is Bethany, look Ava, I want to take you away from all this. I know it seems odd, seeming we just did a trade off and everything but you will die if you stay.

I mulled over her words, she wanted me to go away with her? I didn’t understand, ‘you want me to be your daughter?’

My heart jumped in my chest at the thought of my wish finally coming true, I had forgotten Syn was even there, and I never noticed the jumping tone of Bethany either.

‘Of course Ava! Like a daughter, I've always wanted a daughter but could never have one, you would come and live with me and we would be such good friends as well!’

My mind whirled ahead of me; all I could think of was finally having a mother. I’d been on the streets far too long.

Syn held my hand, tightening his grip, ‘please don’t go with her Ava, I promise we can leave the gang, run away together, I’ll never leave you alone again.

‘But, Syn...’ tears marked my face, ‘this is my chance to have a mother. That was my wish you know...’


‘My wish, remember? You asked me what I wished for and well I wished for parents, and this is my chance.’

Syn cursed, ‘Ava! She’s just going to use you; she’s in the same business as Parker! Can’t you see?

‘I'm sorry Syn, I love you, I do, but I want a family, I want to be safe and loved by someone who would love me for me.’

Syn raised his voice, ‘AVA! I loved you for you! How can you not see this?

I turned away and heard him sigh, ‘I’m sorry Syn.’

It turned out Syn had been right. Bethany saw the advantage of having me was one of her pawns to do her dirty work for her. Sometimes I thought about running away and finding Syn. Most of the time I concluded it was better to have an evil mother, then no mother at all.
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I Find out what grade i got for this assessment on the 24th : )