Status: One Shot

What Do You See?

One of One

I felt his hair lightly brush across my cheek as we were kissing on my couch. His large, warm hands were running along my sides where my shirt had ridden up a bit. I ran my hands along his hard, built chest, feeling his warm skin as my hands wandered a bit up his shirt.

“Hey Ray?” I asked, pulling away from his face a bit, pulling lightly on his dark, curly hair. He opened his eyes and gave me a sweet smile, making my heart melt just a bit.

“Yeah, Wendy?” I felt his finger lightly trace my bottom lip as I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. We were both silent for a bit, just watching each other as Last Night on Earth by Green Day played in the background. I finally found the words I wanted to say and broke the silence.

“I love you.” His grin grew to a full blown smile as he pressed his thick, soft lips to mine. When we pulled away from the sweet, gentle kiss, he stroked my blonde hair and gave me a crooked smile.

“I love you, too.” I felt my cheeks heat up with love and I tangled my fingers in his hair as I brought his face back to mine. As the kiss deepens, I feel his tongue lightly run across my bottom lip. I gratefully grant him access to my mouth and our tongues collided with a fiery passion. His hands ended up back at my hips and he was stroking my skin lightly, making me shiver with need.

“Whoa, hey, what’s going on here?” I jumped as my brother, Frank, walked into the room. Ray jumped up from the couch with a surprised expression. I gave Frank quite the death glare, to which he just sweetly smiled. In return, I flashed him the bird.

“I swear, Frank, you never know when to knock.” I let out an exasperated breath and he raised an eyebrow.

“Um, Wendy, first off, I’m older and I can do what I want. Secondly, you’re in the living room. This is public area, sweetie.” I rolled my eyes and got up to look at my annoying brother at eye level. Well, sort of. I’m just a bit shorter than him, making me incredibly shorter than Ray.

“Fuck off, Frank.” I grabbed Ray’s hand and dragged him out the door and to his car.

“Where are we going?” Ray asked, giving me a confused look as I pushed him towards the driver’s side. I shrugged and got in with him following suit.

“I don’t know. Surprise me.” I truthfully just wanted to get away from Frank. Ray shrugged and started the car. AC/DC filled my ears as we drove around the city, not really having a destination. We finally pulled up to an old cemetery. I looked over at Ray with a raised eyebrow and he just smiled.

“A graveyard? Why?” I asked, though I was secretly ready to get out of the car and wander.

“I don’t know; I just wanted to come here. I find it peaceful.” I smiled a bit and we both got out. He took my hand and we were off across the deserted graveyard. It must’ve looked weird; two teenagers walking hand in hand in a graveyard. It’s really too bad that we didn’t care.

We finally got to a large willow tree and sat down under the protective shade. He sat back against the trunk and I leaned back against his chest. He began to sing softly and I closed my eyes, relishing his smooth, soft voice. He suddenly stopped and I opened my eyes to look at him in confusion. He was looking down at me with a slight smile and a far away gaze.

“Why’d you stop, Torosaur?” I asked, using the nickname his friends gave him.

“Where do you see yourself in five years, Wendy?” He asked, full seriousness in his voice. I looked out on the setting sun and the white tombstones, thinking about my answer. When I finally found it, I looked up at him and smiled.

“With you.” That was all I needed to say for him to lean down and touch his lips to mine. I smiled and pulled away.

“What about you? What do you see?” He smiled softly, his eyes lighting up just a bit.

“I see you and me, with no rules, no regrets, and no Frank.” I giggled a bit and leaned back against his chest again to watch the sun set, making everything orange and red. I felt Ray kiss the top of my head and I snuggled close to him, never wanting this moment to end.
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This is for you, Lys. Enjoy it!!!!
