Status: New Story(: In Progress

An Unlikely Couple

The Forest

 I sniffed air tentatively, there was a family of deer about 50 yards west of me, but they weren't what I was searching for. I was looking for my sworn enemy, Zev. He was the son of Raul, the alpha of the opposing pack just 50 miles south of my pack. Zev had sent a messenger to me asking me to meet him in the forest that divided our packs at sunset. His message had explicitly said there was no trickery in our meeting, but I didn't want to take any chances, I was the alpha now since my parents had been killed in battle with the humans and my pack couldn't take anymore loss. So thus I had brought several strong fighters with me in case a fight broke out.

 "I see you showed Tala, but not without back up. Chosen any of these neanderthals as your mate yet? Or are you holding out for something better, like moi?" He called out to me, trying to be flirty.

 "Zev, you know the only reason I'm here is for a peace treaty so we can work together to protect our kind from the threat of extinction the humans impose on us. Not for you to insinuate that any self-respecting woman, let alone me, would be your mate!" I growled, I was fed up with his cockiness. 
 "Aw, now what happened to the Tala I used to know? The little girl who was fearless, always ready for a fight or a friend. I do think about her quite often." He sighed, brushing back the few stray strands of hair that had fallen in my face, I held a stony glare to show him I didn't appreciate his physical contact. However, my body betrayed me as shivers of pleasure ran down my spine. "I do believe I've found her once more," he chuckled.

 "Oh shut up you filthy mutt, I'd never be with you, there's no reward great enough." I snarled, angry that my body had betrayed me, showing Zev that I did in fact care for him more than he or anyone else needed to know.

 "What if our mating brought our two packs together to fight the humans and protect our kind?" He questioned, knowing that the fate of our kind was more important than any grudge between packs.

 "I'll speak with my pack's elders and get back to you." I said before storming off towards my end of the forest.

 "See you later Tala, and I know it won't be too long. My offer is one you can't refuse." He chuckled, sending a wink my way. And I knew he was right, if is mating would really be able to help save our kind then it was what I needed to do, but I just wish I could trust him like I did when we were kids. But that was before, when we were both young and naïve.
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I've been tossing this story around in my mind for awhile now. Hopefully it's good!