
(Eleven) The Water's Protective Shield

After a while, I hear some rustling in the trees above me. I don’t quite understand what’s going on, but as soon as I turn on my back and stare straight up, I see Katniss moving around in the tree. I squint, seeing something large in front of her. She’s moving her arm back in forth in first I’m not sure, but I realize it’s a cutting motion.

I see it fall, and I get up, moving away from it. I have no idea what it is, but it lands at Glimmer’s feet, and I spring up instantly.

Glimmer shrieks, and I see the bugs swarming out of the nest that Katniss dropped on us. I’ve never seen these bugs before, but judging by their gold bodies with thin, black stripes, I guess that they’re trackerjackers: the dangerous Capitol muttations that cause plum-sized bites and debilitating hallucinations.

I feel a sting on my chest, then another one on my side. “To the lake!” I scream, but the others are screaming too loud to hear me. Everyone in my sight is now heading to the water, but I get stung once more on my neck before I can submerge myself.

Clove is right in front of me, her head almost completely underwater, and I hear two splashes behind me. Who made it? I wonder. I don’t want to move – if I get out, trackerjackers could still get me.

After five minutes of catching my breath and staying beneath the water’s surface, I dare to slowly stand up, leaving the water’s protective shield, and take a head count. Glimmer and Lilliana are gone, and I assume they were stung too badly to survive. My theory was confirmed by the sound of one cannon, and then a second.

But what if one of those was Katniss?

I spring out of the water, grab one of the spears that have been discarded on shore, and run into the woods, making a bee-line for Katniss’ tree. A howling wind has started to blow the trees, making them sway dangerously as I race through the underbrush. The trees make grim black shadows and the forest seems to darken.

I burst into the clearing below the tree, arm raised and spear ready to throw at whoever may get in my way, but to my shock I see Katniss, struggling with Glimmers bloated body. It's a gruesome sight, Glimmers body melting into the blackness of the ground, and Katniss on top. She has her bow and arrows, but it doesn't matter. Cato will be here any moment, just waiting for the opportunity to kill her.

"What are you still doing here?" I hiss at her. She stares at me, her eyes wide and uncomprehending, but I know I have to get her out of here, and soon. "Are you mad?" I ask, and I prod her with the back of my spear, "Get up, get up!!" She stands.

The violent wind is louder now, and trees are falling over into the black swirls of the forest, but I know Cato will be much more dangerous than that; I start to shove her away. "Run! RUN!" I cry. I can hear Cato crashing through the underbrush. I turn to face him, knowing this very well may be the last thing I do.