
(Thirteen) Screaming Through the Wind

Even in my befuddled mind, I manage to realize that the images I’m seeing must not be real. Surely, the hallucinations have begun. Katniss ran away, and now I must get away too.

I start to run as best as I can with my bloody, wounded leg. The whirlwind is black and deafening. The underbrush has turned to tentacles that grab me as I struggle blindly through the forest. As I continue, I hear screaming through the wind. People are trapped in the tangles of the trees, swaying dangerously. I continue to scramble, crawl and run as fast as I can until I make it to the river.

I splash in it; the water is dark and foreboding. I struggle up against the current, but it gets thicker and thicker. Finally, I can't move anymore, and I lift my hand and almost scream at the sight of the water turning into blood. I stop and turn to a sitting position, looking down the river of redness. There are figures, writhing below me. They start calling for me to help them. I thrash and yell when I recognize them – I see my father and my oldest brother, pleading for help.

I see my other brother, and my friends, and even my grandparents looking old and sorrowful, though they both died years ago. They're screaming in agony, and I want to save them, but as I move toward them, the river of blood thickens. I look down and realize that the blood from my leg traps them inside.

I hear another scream. I look across the river, and this time, I see Katniss. Only she's drowning in her own pool of blood, and I'm stuck and unable to help.