
(Seven) You Need Me

We're just starting into the woods when Cato storms up to my side. "What's her weapon?" he demands.

"She doesn't have it yet," I say again, "and really, she's not going to get her hands on it anyway – at least not anytime soon."

Cato faces me, hand on his sword. "Remind me why you're here again?"

"You need me,” I infer. “You need me to lead you to her."

"So, where is she?" Clove persists. She's standing behind me, doing the thing with her knife blade, running it over her lips. I'm surprised that her little habit hasn't started to creep me out yet.

"She won't be deep in the woods," I say, though I know for a fact she'd be as far away from the Career's camp as possible. "She'll be somewhere close, trying to watch us and get her weapon."

Morning is making its arrival, and Clove starts shrieking commands to me, threatening me with a long knife. I hold up my own spear, but we arrive at a stalemate, somehow deciding that my alliance with the Careers isn't over yet.

All three of us trudge back to camp. Cato is angry – he obviously doesn't like coming to camp empty handed – and Marvel and Glimmer are just organizing weapons, figuring out who gets what. The District 3 boy is huddled in a ball, trying not to provoke anyone.

"Get some sleep, Clove!" I shout as we get back to camp. I'm tired of dealing with her, or any of the Careers, for that matter, though I feel as if I'm starting to act like one. Everyone's tired, so I volunteer to keep guard. They crawl into a tent to sleep, though I'm certain that it will get hot enough today that they'll be sleeping outside after an hour or so.

After fifteen minutes or so, I go over to the boy from District 3. He's squatting, watching the supplies. "Your plan failed, huh?" I ask him.

He glances at me, his eyes clearly frightened. "Yes," he says, "but at least I have food. For now, anyway." He looks down, seemingly unsure why I'm talking to him, as I probably seem like just any old Career at this point. But I do want to talk to him. I want to talk to someone who isn't bound and determined to kill me at some point. "Why are you here?" he asks me.

"Katniss," I whisper. I don't want the other careers to hear, but I want to tell someone. He looks at me. He knows who I'm talking about, even if he didn't know her name before. "My plan hasn't failed yet," I tell him out loud. He nods, and I get up and circle the camp.