Rue's Diary

Day Six (Night)

I finally found shelter from the Careers and the path that will lead them to destruction. I created three campfires in different places in the arena, making sure that I used enough green wood to create smoke, and by doing so, successfully distracted the Careers from their area on the lake. However, I never set the third one, because the Careers had figured out that it was all a diversion, and I was a bit worried to do so.

Katniss should be trying to destroy their supplies right now, but I noticed that the Careers decided to drag the boy from District 3 along with them, and their supplies are now unguarded. Weird, I think.

I just heard an explosion. Maybe the supply areas are booby-trapped. I hope the plan, or whatever demonic scheme she thought of, worked out smoothly.

I don’t know if Katniss is alright, because the bombs could be seen and heard and booming frequencies from miles away. I really hope so. No cannons have gone off yet, so I guess that’s a good sign.

Yet another explosion just went off, and, wait, there’s another...but still no cannon. What the heck is going on right now?!

Cato and another tribute just took off running at full speed, as angry as ever. Katniss, I think to myself. Get out of there! My voice practically shrieks in my head.

Now that I’m thinking about it, I should really clear out soon. Other tributes are still looking around for me, and I’m really not sure if staying is the best option.

Just then, the cannon goes off. Oh, Katniss. I really hope that wasn’t you!

The sun dips below the horizon, and night falls. I send my message to the Mockingjays, telling Katniss that I can’t make it back to the campsite, but I’m okay...even though I’m not sure if she’s alive to hear it.

I wait patiently for the deaths to appear in the sky at night, telling us who is still in these twisted, demonic Games. The only people who died are the boys from District 3 and 10.

So, who’s left?

The boy from District 1 and both tributes from 2 are alive. All of the tributes from 3 and 4 are now dead. I wonder what happened to the boy from 3. He couldn’t have blown up, did he die?

Then, there’s Foxface, the girl from 5. All tributes from Districts 6-10 are now dead.

Well, the crippled boy from 10 finally died. It took him almost a week? Wow. I kind of envy him, I thought.

Then, besides Katniss and I, there’s Peeta, and...

Thresh! I almost forgot, I tell myself. Thresh, the boy from my district, he’s still alive. That gives me a glint of happiness to know that someone’s out there who isn’t as bad as the Careers are...besides Katniss.

Katniss, right! She’s alive, thank goodness.

Besides Katniss and I, there are six tributes left.

Night is falling, so I should climb up into a tree and wait for what’s left of the angry Careers to chase down the people responsible for it. I mean, they just lost all of their supplies, I believe. If that’s the case, they’ll be angry. The question is: who will they kill next? Will they be after one of us, the tributes from the other districts, or will they just turn on each other?