Rue's Diary

Day Three

It’s day three, and after a long, decision making process, I decided to take a leap of faith and reach out for an ally. My choice was Katniss, the girl who scored an eleven from the Game Makers, and who did not have any allies of her own at the time, because her options were just as limited as mine.

She was high up in a tree today, tormenting the Careers, clearly trying to send a point across to the millions of viewers at home, and making a joke out of them to get a good laugh. They gave up, hopeless as ever, and went on their merry way. That’s when I noticed the Tracker Jacker nest above her head. She caught the glare from my eyes in my hiding place – a nearby bush. We held each other’s gaze for a minute or two, until I decided to reach my arm out and point to the lethal nest she obviously didn’t notice.

Tracker Jackers are like wasps, but as suggested by their name, they track down their target until they sting, and those stings are lethal. Get more than five, and you’re a goner. If you manage to survive, you have to cleanse the wounds and apply medication to prevent infection, but the only way to get medicine out here is by Sponsors, who will have to pay a heck of a lot to drop it into the arena for us.

Katniss formulated a plan to drop the nest on Glimmer, a girl from District 1, and a girl from District 4 that neither Katniss nor I know the name of. Both of them died almost instantly from the repeated stings, venom from almost one-hundred stingers in their now distorted, swollen bodies and flowing through their veins. That was when Katniss first saw my ability to jump from tree to tree, and she later told me that I should have received at least a ten from the Game Makers.

Then, we went our opposite directions, her running away from the Tracker Jackers, and me, doing the same, but towards a nearby pond rather than the Cornucopia. Katniss also managed to find a bow and one dozen arrows, which I soon realized she was quite handy with. Apparently, she wanted it all along, but in the end, she got it by prying it out of Glimmer’s chilling, dead hands. She almost got caught by the Careers, but the boy from District 12 – her district – shooed her off to save her life, and in return, he received a horrible stab to the leg, which should have been fatal.

We’re not allies, but I could see in her eyes that she wanted to be, because she’s just as lonely out here as I am.