Status: Depends on feedback

Yeah.. so I live with My Chemical Romance, Cool huh?


As soon as the guys left I ran upstairs to check to see how many spare keys I had and was disappointed to find I was two short.

I grabbed my purse from it's hiding place and ventured into the outside world.

Even though I had a car, I never bothered driving any where unless it was some where out of the city.

As I looked up at the sky I shivered as I saw black clouds looming over the sky in the direction I wanted to head in. There was no way I was going to get rained on today.

I sighed as I turned around to grab my coat and Car keys. I hate this kind of weather, it always makes me think I should be in warm PJ's sat on a windowsill with a steaming cup of tea.

But instead I have to go outside in the miserable weather.

- - -

Traffic was heavy today and finding a car space near the entrance to the Mall was proving difficult. I had two choices, the first was to wait in my car for some one to appear, but god knows how long that would take. The second was to park further away and run to the doors.

Well it is me and I have no patience. So I chose the latter option.

I pulled up the car in the space available, cut the engine and took a deep breath. As soon as my bedroom door was open, I ran as fast as I could to the doors of the mall.

As I stopped I could feel the rain dripping of me, old people sat inside coffee shops were staring at me as if I were an alien.

I shrugged it off and entered the mall, the key cutting place was the other side and so that would come last.

The Mall had changed a lot since I last came here. There were new shops and old ones had gone.

I hadn't gone shopping for new things for a while, and with the increasing income I would soon be receiving I thought why not treat myself.

I entered Top Shop and went straight to the Jewelry section, as my eyes darted over everything there they fell onto a necklace with a beautifully decorated pocket watch, with popper and everything. The chain was long and silver with small black bows on it.

It was beautiful! I immediately picked it up and walked over to the cashier.

I smiled at my new little purchase and carried on through the Mall buying odd things here and there.

I finally made it to the Key cutters and got the keys made.

- - -

As I pulled up into the drive I noticed a big lorry with people stood and sat around it.

"Bit late aren't you?" What I'm presuming to be the lorry driver asked.

I looked at him oddly then down to the guys sat on the floor.

"We brought you coffee, but its a bit cold." Frank said looking down at the brown paper cup in his hand.

"Sorry I didn't expect you guys to get here so soon," I said feeling kinda bad at making them all wait in the rain.

"It's alright, we like getting wet." Ray said as he shook of his fro.

I laughed at his action and went to open the door, as soon as it was un-locked i grabbed all my shopping bags and followed the guys carrying their own stuff inside.

"Women and there shopping," Mikey said as he saw me plant three massive bags on the kitchen side.

The kitchen was massive, with an Aga and a breakfast table in the middle. It had grey floor tiles with brown wooden kitchen sides.

"Mikey, you do more shopping then everyone in the world added together!" Gerard exclaimed putting a box down marked "Kitchen"

"So whats happening here? Are we using our own stuff and own food or do we just share it all out?" Frank asked sitting down on one of the stools next to the breakfast bar.

"I thought sharing would be easier? Then makes it feel like we actually communicate with each other?" I said starting to un-pack the new kitchen wear purchased earlier.

The guys nodded with agreement and spent the rest of the day unpacking boxes from the lorry outside.

This house was about to get an awful lot busier
♠ ♠ ♠
Would like to thank my first commenter :D Made me smile, she defiantly didn't forget to be awesome ;) and hey new subscriber :)

Still trying to get all the boring stuff out the way, so thats why I am updating a lot of chapters with in 24 hours. Don't get used to this mind.