Pray For All the Wrong Decisions

Chapter 1

As I rush back up the stairs I trip, imma cults what can I say. I get back up and run for the bathroom eager to get dressed. Grr I lost my other shoe! “MOM” I yell “where’s my other shoe?” “Under the sofa.” she yells back “Hurry up or you’ll be late for school. I will drive you to the bus stop.” When I’m finally done getting dressed I go in my moms’ room and say I’m ready. She rushes out of bed and slips on her slippers and walks down the stairs and I follow behind.

“Where are your books?” my mom asks.
“I left them at school because I didn’t have any homework and it was the weekend.” I reply
“Oh Okay” she says
“Well we are here I love you good luck at school” she says
“Thanks I love you too, see you after school” I reply

I get out of the car and walk up to the bus stop and someone bumps into me. I turn around to see a tall really hot guy.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry” He says “Forgive me, my name is David”
Nice to meet you David I’m Erika

When the bus pulled up he let me get on before him. He took the seat right next to mine. We sat there is silence till he asked me what program I got into.
“I got into the EMT program” I said “What about you?”
“Same” he said with a smile.
“Cool what period do you have it?’ I ask
“Here’s my schedule, can I see yours?” he asks
“Sure” I say and hand it to him

Oh my god I thought to myself I have every single class with him. Then the bus pulled up to the school.
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Please please comment i live for them ;p