Status: short story

Truth or Dare


He turned to look at her with a wicked smile.
She gave him a questioning look.
“Let’s play ‘truth or dare’ just like old times.”
She couldn’t help but smile and nod.
They both sat on the floor staring at each other.
“Alright, truth or dare Amanda?”
She thought for a while.
“Truth,” she said after thinking.
“Do you truly like that asshole Gerard?”
She sighed knowing this was coming.
Gerard was her boyfriend but truth was, it was just a cover up.
“No, but he really does like me. I can’t break his heart.”
He nodded.
“Truth or dare Bastian?”
“Dare me” He smirked.
“I dare you to prank call your ex.”
He laughed and took out his phone.
The call ended when she threatened to call the cops on them.
The game went on with useless dares and personal truths.
“Dare,” Sebastian said
Now or never Amanda, she thought to herself.
“I dare you to kiss me.”
He was shocked. When he recovered he made his way to her slowly.
When their lips connected, both of their minds were made.
They were in love with their best friend.
They separated and both of their faces were beet red.
“Truth or dare?” he asked.
She bit her lip. “Dare”
“I dare you to break up with your boyfriend.”
She picked up her phone without hesitation to call Gerard.
He was heart broken but he always knew she loved Sebastian.
The moment she hung up the phone his lips were on hers.
They both knew this was where they were meant to be.