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Without A Doubt, Your All I Dream About

So We'll Party Like Its Our Last Day

Everything happens for a reason. Millions of people in the world believe this. But I, Harley Mae Charles, do not. If everything happens for a reason, why have so many bad things happened to me in my life? Nothing good has come out of any of them. Nothing at all.

When my mom died. I was 9 years old. At that time i still believed in Santa Clause, and Magic. I never knew about the disease. No one though i would like to know that my mom was dieing of breast cancer. No one thought i would understand. But i sure as hell did understand when they told me my mother, my only true best friend, was gone, and she was never coming back. I cried for days on end, locking my self in my room, not letting my father, the only family i had left, come in. I went through three stages. Disbelief, anger, and then...just numb. I couldn't feel anything. No emotions.

About a month after my mom passed, my dad sprang the news that we were moving. Moving away from Baltimore, my home town, to Savannah, Georgia. That sure did break me out of my "numbness". I was furious. I yelled, and shoved, and threw things. My dad sat calmly through the whole episode, letting me run myself into the ground. "Are you done?" he finally asked after half of our living room had been destroyed. You see, my dad was always the calm one. He and my mom were complete opposites. Lets just say i got the wild and crazy genes from her.

I lay sobbing on the floor. I shook my head repeatedly. I couldn't leave this town. I couldn't leave my home, my school, my friends. Oh, my boys. I have failed to mention my boys. Shame on me. These four boys where one of, if not the biggest reason i didn't want to go. They were my everything. The only friends i had in this world. Except for my mom, of course.

First there's Zack. I met him in the 1st grade, as i did with all the other boys. He was so quiet and sweet, that i had to go start talking to him. As the years went on, he grew into one of the strongest people i know, emotionally and physically. No matter how tough he looks on the outside, he is my big teddy bear on the inside.

Then there's Rian. We met when i fell of the monkey bars and scraped my knee. He pulled me into a hug and told me everything was going to be okay. And that's what he still does. He is the only one i can talk to about absolutely ANYTHING.

Can't forget Jack. Craziest, loudest, silliest boy you've ever met. I absolutely fell in love with his impression of captain hook, the first time i met him. He can always, always make me smile. I'm the only one who will put up with his craziness 24/7.

Alex. What can i say about Alex? He was my first kiss and my first love. In 1st grade, he walked right up to me during recess one day and said, "You make me smile". From that moment on, i was head over heels for the guy. And we were absolutely inseparable. Until it all fell apart. But more on that later.

The only things i got from living in Georgia for 8 years was a southern accent, and a deep tan that never seemed to fade. The second i turned 18, i packed my things and flew back to my real home. My dad was not happy, but he couldn't stop me. That was 3 days ago. I had just moved into my own small, apartment. It was very tiny, but big enough for little old me. I planned to go job hunting today, but i had one stop to make before that could happen.

I sat, on my knees, in front of my mothers grave.

"Hi Mommy, I'm back" i said softly.

I swear, i could feel the sun shine, just a little brighter. I smiled to myself. I filled her in on everything that had happened recently. Talking to my mom was always something that calmed me down.

"Alright, I gotta go hunt for a decent job. I love you mommy. Wish me luck" I kissed her head stone lightly and stood up.

The streets of Baltimore looked just as they had when i was 9. I walked around, with my hands shoved in my pockets, taking in the sights. I absolutely loved this town. It was just so beautiful.

I spotted a Starbucks on the next corner. Coffee sounded absolutely perfect right now. I jogged up the street and into the small coffee shop.

One of those loud, annoying bells dinged as i walked in. I took off my yellow ray bans and stood patiently in - line. The shop was rather empty for it being 10 in the morning. There was an elderly couple in the back corner, staring into each others eyes. A man, about mid- 30'a talking quickly to someone on his phone and slamming away on his computer. And in very front, four guys, around my age, were talking in excited voices, but i couldn't quite hear what they were saying, i was too distracted by staring at the ladies printed coat in front of me.

I had the feeling like someone was staring at me, but i shook it off.

"Can i get a mocha frappe please?" I asked the teenage guy at the counter.

"Sure thing" I paid and stood back, waiting for my drink. I aimlessly played with the ends of my long. dark hair.

"She looks so familiar" i heard someone whisper from the table of guys behind me. I bit my lip, but didn't turn around.

There was a few more comments whispered back and forth.

"Excuse me, pretty lady" One of them finally called out.

I turned around. I felt my pulse quicken and my palms start to sweat. 'Please don't recognize me' i kept repeating in my head.

Alex, Jack, Rian and Zack sat in the both, all their mouths hanging wide open.

"H-H-H.." Jack started to stammer.

"Harley, your drink is ready" The teenage worker called, cutting Jack off.

I turned quickly around, and grabbed my cold cup of heaven. I ran out of the shop as quickly as i could, my head down. But i did manage to catch those beautiful brown eyes, before running out of the shop and down the street.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit : "We'll All Be" - The Maine <3
Here we go, First story. Woot! Sorry, its a liitle boring, but i had to get the background information out in the open!
I hope you like it :)
Outfit :